   * Creates a stream and corresponding live view image. Don't forget to call {@link
   * CanonUtils#release(edsdk.bindings.EdSdkLibrary.EdsBaseRef.ByReference...) release()} on the
   * returned array when you are done using it or you will cause a memory leak!
   * @param camera the camera to query
   * @return EdsEvfImageRef.ByReference and EdsStreamRef.ByReference as indexes 0 and 1 respectively
  public static EdsBaseRef.ByReference[] getLiveViewImageReference(final EdsCameraRef camera) {
    EdsError err = EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK;

    final EdsStreamRef.ByReference streamRef = new EdsStreamRef.ByReference();
    final EdsEvfImageRef.ByReference imageRef = new EdsEvfImageRef.ByReference();

    // Create memory stream.
    err =
            CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsCreateMemoryStream(new NativeLong(0), streamRef));
    if (err != EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
          "Failed to download live view image, memory stream could not be created (error "
              + err.value()
              + ": "
              + err.name()
              + " - "
              + err.description()
              + ")");
      CanonUtils.release(imageRef, streamRef);
      return null;

    err =
                new EdsStreamRef(streamRef.getPointer().getPointer(0)), imageRef));
    if (err != EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
          "Failed to download live view image, image ref could not be created (error "
              + err.value()
              + ": "
              + err.name()
              + " - "
              + err.description()
              + ")");
      CanonUtils.release(imageRef, streamRef);
      return null;

    // Now try to follow the guidelines from
    // http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/CanonSDK/message/1225
    // instead of what the edsdk example has to offer!

    // Download live view image data.
    err = CanonUtils.toEdsError(CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsDownloadEvfImage(camera, imageRef.getValue()));
    if (err != EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
       * System.err.println( "Failed to download live view image (error "
       * +
       * err.value() + ": " + err.name() + " - " +
       * err.description() + ")" );
      CanonUtils.release(imageRef, streamRef);
      return null;

    return new EdsBaseRef.ByReference[] {imageRef, streamRef};
  * Convert a bunch of eds objects
  * @param value
  * @return
 public static void release(final EdsBaseRef... objects) {
   for (final EdsBaseRef obj : objects) {
     if (obj != null) {
 public static EdsError setCapacity(final EdsCameraRef ref, final int capacity) {
   final EdsCapacity.ByValue edsCapacity = new EdsCapacity.ByValue();
   edsCapacity.bytesPerSector = new NativeLong(512);
   edsCapacity.numberOfFreeClusters =
       new NativeLong(capacity / edsCapacity.bytesPerSector.intValue());
   edsCapacity.reset = 1;
   return CanonUtils.toEdsError(CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsSetCapacity(ref, edsCapacity));
  * Query property data
  * @param ref Reference to the camera/image/liveview object
  * @param property Property id
  * @param param
  * @param size Data size in bytes
  * @return Current long value of the property
 public static EdsError getPropertyData(
     final EdsBaseRef ref,
     final EdsPropertyID property,
     final long param,
     final long size,
     final Pointer data) {
   return CanonUtils.toEdsError(
           new NativeLong(property.value()),
           new NativeLong(param),
           new NativeLong(size),
   * Finds the filename for a directory item
   * @param directoryItem The item you want to download
   * @return Either null, or the filename of the item
  public static EdsDirectoryItemInfo getDirectoryItemInfo(final EdsDirectoryItemRef directoryItem) {
    EdsError err = EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK;
    final EdsDirectoryItemInfo dirItemInfo = new EdsDirectoryItemInfo();

    try {
      err =
              CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsGetDirectoryItemInfo(directoryItem, dirItemInfo));
    } catch (final Exception e) {

    return err == EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK ? dirItemInfo : null;
  * Get the size of a property
  * @param ref Reference to the camera/image/liveview object
  * @param property the property id
  * @param param
  * @return Size in bytes
 public static long getPropertySize(
     final EdsBaseRef ref, final EdsPropertyID property, final long param) {
   final int bufferSize = 1;
   final IntBuffer type = IntBuffer.allocate(bufferSize);
   final NativeLongByReference number = new NativeLongByReference(new NativeLong(bufferSize));
   final EdsError err =
               ref, new NativeLong(property.value()), new NativeLong(param), type, number));
   if (err == EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
     // System.out.println( "> property size = " + number.getValue().longValue() );
     return number.getValue().longValue();
   return -1;
  * @param ref The camera to get the available property settings of
  * @param property One of the supported EdsPropertyID values
  * @return The EdsPropertyDesc containing the available settings for the given property
 public static EdsPropertyDesc getPropertyDesc(final EdsBaseRef ref, final EdsPropertyID property)
     throws IllegalArgumentException {
   final EdsPropertyDesc propertyDesc = new EdsPropertyDesc();
   final EdsError err =
               ref, new NativeLong(property.value()), propertyDesc));
   if (err == EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
     // System.out.println( "> available values = " + propertyDesc.numElements );
     return propertyDesc;
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(
       "An error occurred while getting detailed "
           + property.name()
           + " data (error "
           + err.value()
           + ": "
           + err.name()
           + " - "
           + err.description()
           + ")");
   * Returns the data type of a specified property
   * @param ref Reference to the camera
   * @param property Property id
   * @param param Name of the parameter
   * @return The data type, or null if the parameter isn't supported, or unknown if something else
   *     goes wrong.
  public static EdsDataType getPropertyType(
      final EdsBaseRef ref, final EdsPropertyID property, final long param) {
    final int bufferSize = 1;
    final IntBuffer type = IntBuffer.allocate(bufferSize);
    final NativeLongByReference number = new NativeLongByReference(new NativeLong(bufferSize));
    final EdsError err =
                ref, new NativeLong(property.value()), new NativeLong(param), type, number));
    if (err == EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
      final EdsDataType edsDataType = EdsDataType.enumOfValue(type.get(0));
      if (edsDataType != null) {
        // System.out.println( " > property type = " + edsDataType.value() + " : " +
        // edsDataType.name() + " : " + edsDataType.description() );
        return edsDataType;
    } else if (err == EdsError.EDS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
      return null;

    return EdsDataType.kEdsDataType_Unknown;
   * Downloads an image and saves it somewhere.
   * @param directoryItem The item you want to download
   * @param destination A path in the filesystem where you want to save the file. Can also be null
   *     or a directory. In case of null the temp directory will be used, in case of a directory the
   *     file name of the item will be used.
   * @param appendFileExtension Adds the extension of the photo onto File to ensure that supplied
   *     File name extension matches the image being downloaded from the camera. This is especially
   *     important if the camera is set to RAW+JPEG where the order of the images is not consistent.
   * @return Either null, or the location the file was ultimately saved to on success.
  public static File download(
      final EdsDirectoryItemRef directoryItem,
      File destination,
      final boolean appendFileExtension) {
    EdsError err = EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK;
    final EdsStreamRef.ByReference stream = new EdsStreamRef.ByReference();
    final EdsDirectoryItemInfo dirItemInfo = new EdsDirectoryItemInfo();

    boolean success = false;

    // final long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();

    try {
      err =
              CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsGetDirectoryItemInfo(directoryItem, dirItemInfo));
      if (err == EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
        if (destination == null) {
          destination = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
        if (destination.isDirectory()) {
          destination = new File(destination, Native.toString(dirItemInfo.szFileName));
        } else if (appendFileExtension) {
          final String sourceFileName = Native.toString(dirItemInfo.szFileName);
          final int i = sourceFileName.lastIndexOf(".");
          if (i > 0) {
            final String extension = sourceFileName.substring(i);
            if (!destination.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(extension)) {
              destination = new File(destination.getPath() + extension);

        if (destination.getParentFile() != null) {

         * System.out.println( "Downloading image " +
         * Native.toString( dirItemInfo.szFileName ) +
         * " to " + destination.getCanonicalPath() );

        // TODO: see if using an EdsCreateMemoryStream would be faster and whether the image could
        // be read directly without saving to file first - see:
        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1083446/canon-edsdk-memorystream-image
        err =

      if (err == EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
        err =
                CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsDownload(directoryItem, dirItemInfo.size, stream.getValue()));

      if (err == EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
         * System.out.println( "Image downloaded in " +
         * ( System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart ) +
         * " ms" );

        err = CanonUtils.toEdsError(CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsDownloadComplete(directoryItem));

        success = true;

      if (stream != null) {
    } catch (final Exception e) {

    return success ? destination : null;
   * Download a live view image from the camera and convert it directly into a bufferd image.
   * @param camera
   * @return
  public static BufferedImage getLiveViewImage(final EdsCameraRef camera) {
    EdsError err = EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK;

    final EdsBaseRef.ByReference[] references = CanonUtils.getLiveViewImageReference(camera);
    if (references != null) {
      final EdsStreamRef.ByReference streamRef = (EdsStreamRef.ByReference) references[1];
      final EdsEvfImageRef.ByReference imageRef = (EdsEvfImageRef.ByReference) references[0];

      //		// Get the incidental data of the image.
      //		NativeLongByReference zoom = new NativeLongByReference( new NativeLong( 0 ) );
      //		Pointer data = zoom.getPointer();
      //		err = getPropertyData( image.getValue(), EdSdkLibrary.kEdsPropID_Evf_ZoomPosition, 0,
      // NativeLong.SIZE, data );
      //		if( err != EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK ){
      //			System.err.println( "Failed to download live view image, zoom value wasn't read (error "+
      // err.value() + ": "+ err.name() + " - " + err.description() + ")" );
      //			return null;
      //		}
      //		// Get the focus and zoom border position
      //		EdsPoint point = new EdsPoint();
      //		data = point.getPointer();
      //		err = getPropertyData( image.getValue(), EdSdkLibrary.kEdsPropID_Evf_ZoomPosition, 0 ,
      // sizeof( point ), data );
      //		if( err != EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK ){
      //			System.err.println( "Failed to download live view image, focus point wasn't read (error
      // "+ err.value() + ": "+ err.name() + " - " + err.description() + ")" );
      //			return null;
      //		}

      final NativeLongByReference length = new NativeLongByReference();
      err = CanonUtils.toEdsError(CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsGetLength(streamRef.getValue(), length));
      if (err != EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
            "Failed to download live view image, failed to read stream length (error "
                + err.value()
                + ": "
                + err.name()
                + " - "
                + err.description()
                + ")");
        CanonUtils.release(imageRef, streamRef);
        return null;

      final PointerByReference ref = new PointerByReference();
      err = CanonUtils.toEdsError(CanonCamera.EDSDK.EdsGetPointer(streamRef.getValue(), ref));
      if (err != EdsError.EDS_ERR_OK) {
            "Failed to download live view image, failed to get reference to image in memory (error "
                + err.value()
                + ": "
                + err.name()
                + " - "
                + err.description()
                + ")");
        CanonUtils.release(imageRef, streamRef);
        return null;

      final byte[] data = ref.getValue().getByteArray(0, length.getValue().intValue());
      try {
        final BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
        return img;
      } catch (final IOException e) {
      } finally {
        CanonUtils.release(imageRef, streamRef);

    return null;