private void copyImageToPrivateStorage(File file, Uri image, int sampleSize) throws FileCopyException { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; try { if (!file.exists() && !file.createNewFile()) { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_unable_to_create_temporary_file); } is = mXmppConnectionService.getContentResolver().openInputStream(image); if (is == null) { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_not_an_image_file); } Bitmap originalBitmap; BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); int inSampleSize = (int) Math.pow(2, sampleSize); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "reading bitmap with sample size " + inSampleSize); options.inSampleSize = inSampleSize; originalBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, options); is.close(); if (originalBitmap == null) { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_not_an_image_file); } Bitmap scaledBitmap = resize(originalBitmap, Config.IMAGE_SIZE); int rotation = getRotation(image); scaledBitmap = rotate(scaledBitmap, rotation); boolean targetSizeReached = false; int quality = Config.IMAGE_QUALITY; while (!targetSizeReached) { os = new FileOutputStream(file); boolean success = scaledBitmap.compress(Config.IMAGE_FORMAT, quality, os); if (!success) { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_compressing_image); } os.flush(); targetSizeReached = file.length() <= Config.IMAGE_MAX_SIZE || quality <= 50; quality -= 5; } scaledBitmap.recycle(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_file_not_found); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_io_exception); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_security_exception_during_image_copy); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { ++sampleSize; if (sampleSize <= 3) { copyImageToPrivateStorage(file, image, sampleSize); } else { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_out_of_memory); } } finally { close(os); close(is); } }
public Bitmap cropCenterSquare(Uri image, int size) { if (image == null) { return null; } InputStream is = null; try { BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inSampleSize = calcSampleSize(image, size); is = mXmppConnectionService.getContentResolver().openInputStream(image); if (is == null) { return null; } Bitmap input = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, options); if (input == null) { return null; } else { input = rotate(input, getRotation(image)); return cropCenterSquare(input, size); } } catch (SecurityException e) { return null; // happens for example on Android 6.0 if contacts permissions get revoked } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } finally { close(is); } }
public boolean save(Avatar avatar) { File file; if (isAvatarCached(avatar)) { file = new File(getAvatarPath(avatar.getFilename())); } else { String filename = getAvatarPath(avatar.getFilename()); file = new File(filename + ".tmp"); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); OutputStream os = null; try { file.createNewFile(); os = new FileOutputStream(file); MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); digest.reset(); DigestOutputStream mDigestOutputStream = new DigestOutputStream(os, digest); mDigestOutputStream.write(avatar.getImageAsBytes()); mDigestOutputStream.flush(); mDigestOutputStream.close(); String sha1sum = CryptoHelper.bytesToHex(digest.digest()); if (sha1sum.equals(avatar.sha1sum)) { file.renameTo(new File(filename)); } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "sha1sum mismatch for " + avatar.owner); file.delete(); return false; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return false; } finally { close(os); } } avatar.size = file.length(); return true; }
private int getRotation(Uri image) { InputStream is = null; try { is = mXmppConnectionService.getContentResolver().openInputStream(image); return ExifHelper.getOrientation(is); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return 0; } finally { close(is); } }
public void copyFileToPrivateStorage(File file, Uri uri) throws FileCopyException { Log.d( Config.LOGTAG, "copy file (" + uri.toString() + ") to private storage " + file.getAbsolutePath()); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); OutputStream os = null; InputStream is = null; try { file.createNewFile(); os = new FileOutputStream(file); is = mXmppConnectionService.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int length; while ((length = > 0) { try { os.write(buffer, 0, length); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FileWriterException(); } } try { os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FileWriterException(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_file_not_found); } catch (FileWriterException e) { throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_unable_to_create_temporary_file); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new FileCopyException(R.string.error_io_exception); } finally { close(os); close(is); } }
public Bitmap cropCenter(Uri image, int newHeight, int newWidth) { if (image == null) { return null; } InputStream is = null; try { BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inSampleSize = calcSampleSize(image, Math.max(newHeight, newWidth)); is = mXmppConnectionService.getContentResolver().openInputStream(image); if (is == null) { return null; } Bitmap source = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, options); if (source == null) { return null; } int sourceWidth = source.getWidth(); int sourceHeight = source.getHeight(); float xScale = (float) newWidth / sourceWidth; float yScale = (float) newHeight / sourceHeight; float scale = Math.max(xScale, yScale); float scaledWidth = scale * sourceWidth; float scaledHeight = scale * sourceHeight; float left = (newWidth - scaledWidth) / 2; float top = (newHeight - scaledHeight) / 2; RectF targetRect = new RectF(left, top, left + scaledWidth, top + scaledHeight); Bitmap dest = Bitmap.createBitmap(newWidth, newHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(dest); canvas.drawBitmap(source, null, targetRect, null); if (source != null && !source.isRecycled()) { source.recycle(); } return dest; } catch (SecurityException e) { return null; // android 6.0 with revoked permissions for example } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } finally { close(is); } }
public Avatar getStoredPepAvatar(String hash) { if (hash == null) { return null; } Avatar avatar = new Avatar(); File file = new File(getAvatarPath(hash)); FileInputStream is = null; try { BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inJustDecodeBounds = true; BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), options); is = new FileInputStream(file); ByteArrayOutputStream mByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Base64OutputStream mBase64OutputStream = new Base64OutputStream(mByteArrayOutputStream, Base64.DEFAULT); MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); DigestOutputStream os = new DigestOutputStream(mBase64OutputStream, digest); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int length; while ((length = > 0) { os.write(buffer, 0, length); } os.flush(); os.close(); avatar.sha1sum = CryptoHelper.bytesToHex(digest.digest()); avatar.image = new String(mByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray()); avatar.height = options.outHeight; avatar.width = options.outWidth; return avatar; } catch (IOException e) { return null; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return null; } finally { close(is); } }