public void visit(PointSet p) {
   // Following code should only be activated if we have listeners installed to update
   // the bounding box when it goes out of date.
   if (checkForBoundingBox(p)) return;
   Object domain = p.getGeometryAttributes(GeometryUtility.HEIGHT_FIELD_SHAPE);
   if (domain != null && domain instanceof Rectangle2D) {
     Rectangle2D box = (Rectangle2D) domain;
     double[][] data = p.getVertexAttributes(Attribute.COORDINATES).toDoubleArrayArray(null);
     double[][] zbnds = new double[2][1];
     Rn.calculateBounds(zbnds, data);
     double[][] xyzbnds = new double[2][3];
     xyzbnds[0][0] = box.getMinX();
     xyzbnds[1][0] = box.getMaxX();
     xyzbnds[0][1] = box.getMinY();
     xyzbnds[1][1] = box.getMaxY();
     xyzbnds[0][2] = zbnds[0][0];
     xyzbnds[1][2] = zbnds[1][0];
     if (Double.isNaN(xyzbnds[0][0])) throw new IllegalStateException("Nan");
     Rectangle3D box3 = new Rectangle3D(xyzbnds);
   DataList vv = p.getVertexAttributes(Attribute.COORDINATES);
   if (vv == null) {
     // signal error