private void addLinks(LinkTriple[] links) { CyAttributes nodeAttr = Cytoscape.getNodeAttributes(); // CyAttributes edgeAttr = Cytoscape.getEdgeAttributes(); Map<CyNode, Boolean> updateList = new HashMap<CyNode, Boolean>(); CyNetwork net = Cytoscape.getCurrentNetwork(); for (LinkTriple link : links) { CyNode src = Cytoscape.getCyNode(link.subj.toString()); CyNode dst = Cytoscape.getCyNode(link.obj.toString()); if (src == null) { src = net.addNode(Cytoscape.getCyNode(link.subj.toString(), true)); if (link.subj.getType() != null) nodeAttr.setAttribute(src.getIdentifier(), "NodeType", link.subj.getType()); } if (dst == null) { dst = net.addNode(Cytoscape.getCyNode(link.obj.toString(), true)); if (link.obj.getType() != null) nodeAttr.setAttribute(dst.getIdentifier(), "NodeType", link.obj.getType()); } CyEdge edge = Cytoscape.getCyEdge( link.subj.toString(), "link", link.obj.toString(), link.pred.toString()); // if ( link.pred != null ) // edgeAttr.setAttribute(edge.getIdentifier(), "EdgeType", link.pred.toString() ); net.addEdge(edge); updateList.put(src, true); updateList.put(dst, true); } Cytoscape.getCurrentNetworkView() .applyLayout(new GridNodeLayout(), updateList.keySet().toArray(new CyNode[0]), null); Cytoscape.getCurrentNetworkView().redrawGraph(true, true); }
/** * Write out the state for the given attributes * * @param selectedRows * @return number of files successfully saved, the better way to do this would just be to throw * the error and display a specific message for each failure, but oh well. * @throws IOException */ public void writeAttributes() throws IOException { final String className; final byte dataType = cyAttributes.getMultiHashMapDefinition().getAttributeValueType(attributeName); if ((dataType == CyAttributes.TYPE_COMPLEX) || (dataType == CyAttributes.TYPE_SIMPLE_MAP) || (dataType == CyAttributes.TYPE_UNDEFINED)) throw new IOException("Unsupported Datatype."); if (dataType == MultiHashMapDefinition.TYPE_BOOLEAN) className = "java.lang.Boolean"; else if (dataType == MultiHashMapDefinition.TYPE_INTEGER) className = "java.lang.Integer"; else if (dataType == MultiHashMapDefinition.TYPE_FLOATING_POINT) className = "java.lang.Double"; else className = "java.lang.String"; try { fileWriter.write(attributeName + " (class=" + className + ")" + newline); final MultiHashMap attributeMap = cyAttributes.getMultiHashMap(); if (attributeMap != null) { final Iterator<String> keys = cyAttributes.getMultiHashMap().getObjectKeys(attributeName); String key; Object value; Iterator objIt; String vs; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); while (keys.hasNext()) { key =; if (cyAttributes.getType(attributeName) == CyAttributes.TYPE_SIMPLE_LIST) value = cyAttributes.getListAttribute(key, attributeName); else value = cyAttributes.getAttribute(key, attributeName); key = encodeString(key); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof List) { result.append(key + " = "); if (((Collection) value).size() > 0) { Object o; objIt = ((Collection) value).iterator(); result.append("("); o =; vs = o.toString(); vs = slashEncodeString(vs); vs = encodeString(vs); result.append(vs); while (objIt.hasNext()) { o =; vs = o.toString(); vs = slashEncodeString(vs); vs = encodeString(vs); result.append("::" + vs); } result.append(")" + newline); fileWriter.write(result.toString()); result = new StringBuilder(); } } else { vs = value.toString(); vs = slashEncodeString(vs); vs = encodeString(vs); fileWriter.write(key + " = " + vs + newline); } } } fileWriter.flush(); } } finally { if (fileWriter != null) { fileWriter.close(); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String action = ae.getActionCommand(); LinkTriple[] addNodes = null; if (action.equals("Fetch")) { addNodes = iSparql.ExploreURI(urlText.getText()); addLinks(addNodes); // Cytoscape.getCurrentNetwork().addNode( Cytoscape.getCyNode( urlText.getText(), true ) ); } if (action.equals("Fetch Selected")) { CyNetwork network = Cytoscape.getCurrentNetwork(); Set nodeset = network.getSelectedNodes(); java.util.List<LinkTriple> nodeList = new LinkedList<LinkTriple>(); for (Object o : nodeset) { CyNode node = (CyNode) o; for (LinkTriple newNode : iSparql.ExploreURI(node.getIdentifier())) { nodeList.add(newNode); } } if (filterCheckbox.getState()) addLinks(iSparql.NodeFilter(null, nodeList.toArray(new LinkTriple[0]))); else addLinks(nodeList.toArray(new LinkTriple[0])); } if (action.equals("Find Nodes")) { CyAttributes nodeAttr = Cytoscape.getNodeAttributes(); CyNetwork network = Cytoscape.getCurrentNetwork(); Set nodeset = network.getSelectedNodes(); java.util.List<Map<String, Object>> nodeList = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (Object o : nodeset) { CyNode node = (CyNode) o; Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String id = node.getIdentifier(); map.put("ID", id); for (String attr : nodeAttr.getAttributeNames()) { if (nodeAttr.hasAttribute(id, attr)) { System.out.println(id + " " + attr + " " + nodeAttr.getType(attr)); if (nodeAttr.getType(attr) == CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING) { Object iAttr = nodeAttr.getAttribute(id, attr); map.put(attr, iAttr); } } } nodeList.add(map); } LinkTriple[] links = iSparql.NodeSearch(null, nodeList, "ID"); addLinks(links); } if (action.equals("Edit Namespaces")) { Map<String, String> nameMap = prefs.getNameSpaces(); Map<String, String> newMap = NameSpaceEditor.EditDialog(nameMap); for (String key : nameMap.keySet()) { prefs.removeNameSpace(key); } for (String key : newMap.keySet()) { prefs.addNameSpace(key, newMap.get(key)); } } }
public gpClique[] creategpClique() { gpClique[] gps = new gpClique[2]; gps[0] = new gpClique(); gps[1] = new gpClique(); Iterator<Edge> edgeIt = nw.edgesIterator(); CyAttributes edgeAtt = Cytoscape.getEdgeAttributes(); ArrayList largeALNodes = new ArrayList(); ArrayList targetALNodes = new ArrayList(); ArrayList matchALNodes = new ArrayList(); while (edgeIt.hasNext()) { Edge edge =; if (edgeAtt.getStringAttribute(edge.getIdentifier(), "interaction").equals("p2")) { largeALNodes.add(new Integer(nw.getEdgeSourceIndex(edge.getRootGraphIndex()))); largeALNodes.add(new Integer(nw.getEdgeTargetIndex(edge.getRootGraphIndex()))); continue; // go directly next step } if (edgeAtt.getStringAttribute(edge.getIdentifier(), "interaction").equals("p1")) { targetALNodes.add(new Integer(nw.getEdgeSourceIndex(edge.getRootGraphIndex()))); targetALNodes.add(new Integer(nw.getEdgeTargetIndex(edge.getRootGraphIndex()))); continue; } if (edgeAtt.getStringAttribute(edge.getIdentifier(), "interaction").equals("pd")) { matchALNodes.add( new Integer( nw.getEdgeSourceIndex( edge .getRootGraphIndex()))); // the matched node(containing "-") of target // network matchALNodes.add( new Integer( nw.getEdgeTargetIndex( edge .getRootGraphIndex()))); // the matched node(containing "-") of large // network continue; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Cytoscape.getDesktop(), "File Format error!"); return null; } Iterator matchALNIt = matchALNodes.iterator(); CyNode node; Integer it; while (matchALNIt.hasNext()) { it = (Integer); node = Cytoscape.getCyNode( nw.getNode(it.intValue()).getIdentifier().substring(1), true); // get node according to its identifier matchNodes.add(node); if (!targetALNodes.contains( node.getRootGraphIndex())) // matched node,but not a node of network { nw.addNode(node); targetALNodes.add(node.getRootGraphIndex()); // add to network } it = (Integer); node = Cytoscape.getCyNode( nw.getNode(it.intValue()).getIdentifier().substring(1), true); // get node according to its identifier matchNodes.add(node); if (!largeALNodes.contains(node.getRootGraphIndex())) { nw.addNode(node); largeALNodes.add(node.getRootGraphIndex()); } } gps[0].setgpNodes(largeALNodes); gps[1].setgpNodes(targetALNodes); return gps; }
/** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME! */ public void testReadTable() throws Exception { InputStream is = null; POIFSFileSystem excelIn; try { is = getClass().getResource(NETWORK_FILE).openStream(); excelIn = new POIFSFileSystem(is); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(excelIn); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); List<String> delimiters = new ArrayList<String>(); delimiters.add(TextFileDelimiters.TAB.toString()); String[] galAttrName = { "Source", "Target", "Interaction", "edge bool attr", "edge string attr", "edge float attr" }; Byte[] galAttrTypes = { CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING, CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING, CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING, CyAttributes.TYPE_BOOLEAN, CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING, CyAttributes.TYPE_FLOATING }; NetworkTableMappingParameters mapping = new NetworkTableMappingParameters( delimiters, TextFileDelimiters.PIPE.toString(), galAttrName, galAttrTypes, null, null, 0, 1, 2, null); reader = new ExcelNetworkSheetReader(wb.getSheetName(0), sheet, mapping); CyNetwork net = Cytoscape.createNetwork(reader, false, null); /* * test cases */ assertEquals("Yeast Network Sheet 1", net.getTitle()); assertEquals(331, net.getNodeCount()); assertEquals(362, net.getEdgeCount()); CyAttributes attr = Cytoscape.getEdgeAttributes(); assertTrue(attr.getBooleanAttribute("YGL122C (pp) YOL123W", "edge bool attr")); assertFalse(attr.getBooleanAttribute("YKR026C (pp) YGL122C", "edge bool attr")); assertEquals(1.2344543, attr.getDoubleAttribute("YBL026W (pp) YOR167C", "edge float attr")); assertEquals("abcd12706", attr.getStringAttribute("YBL026W (pp) YOR167C", "edge string attr")); assertEquals("abcd12584", attr.getStringAttribute("YPL248C (pd) ?", "edge string attr")); Cytoscape.destroyNetwork(net); }
public void testReadTableWithEmptyRows() throws Exception { String network = "/empty_attr_row.xls"; InputStream is = null; POIFSFileSystem excelIn; try { is = getClass().getResource(network).openStream(); excelIn = new POIFSFileSystem(is); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(excelIn); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); List<String> delimiters = new ArrayList<String>(); delimiters.add(TextFileDelimiters.TAB.toString()); String[] galAttrName = {"Gene 1", "Gene 2", "Interaction Type", "Gene", "GO Group"}; Byte[] galAttrTypes = { CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING, CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING, CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING, CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING, CyAttributes.TYPE_STRING }; NetworkTableMappingParameters mapping = new NetworkTableMappingParameters( delimiters, TextFileDelimiters.PIPE.toString(), galAttrName, galAttrTypes, null, null, 0, 1, 2, null); CyNetwork net = null; try { reader = new ExcelNetworkSheetReader(wb.getSheetName(0), sheet, mapping, 1); net = Cytoscape.createNetwork(reader, false, null); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); fail("Caught exception"); } assertEquals(222, net.getNodeCount()); assertEquals(443, net.getEdgeCount()); CyAttributes attr = Cytoscape.getEdgeAttributes(); // test some random edges assertEquals("cc", attr.getStringAttribute("YDR459C (cc) YNL271C", "interaction")); assertEquals("Transport", attr.getStringAttribute("YDR459C (cc) YNL271C", "GO Group")); assertEquals("YPR011C", attr.getStringAttribute("YDR459C (cc) YNL271C", "Gene")); assertNull(attr.getStringAttribute("YEL040W (cc) YER016W", "GO Group")); assertNull(attr.getStringAttribute("YEL040W (cc) YER016W", "Gene")); Cytoscape.destroyNetwork(net); }