public void useItem(String itemName) { boolean itemInInventory = isInInventory(itemName); boolean itemInRoom = GameMap.getCurrentRoom().itemExistsInRoom(itemName); if (!itemInInventory && itemInRoom) { Item takenFromRoom = GameMap.getCurrentRoom().takeItemFromRoom(itemName); GameGUI.player.addToInventory(takenFromRoom); itemInInventory = true; } if (itemInInventory) { Item item = ItemLibrary.get(itemName); if (item instanceof Weapon) { equipItem(item); } else if (item instanceof ConsumableHealth) { GameGUI.addToConsole("Consuming " + item.getName() + "..."); GameMap.getCurrentRoom().combat.healPlayerWith(item); GameGUI.updateGUI(); } else if (item instanceof KeyItem) { GameLog.warning("THIS IS A KEY ITEM!"); } else { GameLog.severe("MAJOR ISSUES!"); } } else { GameGUI.addToConsole("I'm not sure how I would use that..."); } }
public static void start(String questXMLFile) { xml = new XMLparser(questXMLFile); GameGUI.player = new Player(); GameGUI.player.getInventory().clear(); GameGUI.resetConsole(); roomsTable = new Hashtable<String, Room>(); CartesianPoint.setCoordinates(0, 0); GameGUI.updateGUI(); GameGUI.addToConsole("Loaded scenario from " + questXMLFile); loadRoom(); }
public void addToInventory(Item item) { if (isInventoryFull()) { GameGUI.addToConsole( "Your inventory is full. You cannot put " + item + " into your inventory without becuming encumbered"); } else { inventory.add(item); GameGUI.addToConsole("You put " + item + " in inventory "); GameGUI.updateGUI(); } }
public static void movePlayerWest() { if (!xml.roomWestDescript().equals("an invisible wall")) { Door currentRoomDoor = currentRoom.getRoomDoor(); if (currentRoom.containsLockedDoor() && currentRoomDoor.getDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("west")) { GameGUI.addToConsole("You run head first into a " + currentRoomDoor.getName()); } else { CartesianPoint.x--; loadRoom(); } } else GameGUI.addToConsole("You run head first into an invisible wall. You remain the same room."); }
public void unEquipItem(Item item) { if (inventory.contains(item)) { if (item.equals(equipment.armor)) { equipment.armor = new Armor("", "", "", 0); GameGUI.addToConsole("You slip off your " + item); } else if (item.equals(equipment.weapon)) { equipment.weapon = new Weapon("", "", "", 0); GameGUI.addToConsole("You put your " + item + " away"); } else { GameGUI.addToConsole(item + " is not equipped"); } } else { GameGUI.addToConsole("You don't have that item"); } GameGUI.updateGUI(); }
public void equipItem(Item item) { if (inventory.contains(item)) { if (item instanceof Armor) { equipment.armor = (Armor) item; GameGUI.addToConsole("You slip on your " + item); } else if (item instanceof Weapon) { equipment.weapon = (Weapon) item; GameGUI.addToConsole("You bring your " + item + " to the ready"); } else { GameGUI.addToConsole(item + " is not equipable"); } } else { GameGUI.addToConsole("You don't have that item"); } GameGUI.updateGUI(); }
private static void loadRoom() { currentRoom = roomsTable.get(CartesianPoint.keyCreator()); if (!(currentRoom instanceof Room)) { currentRoom = xml.loadRoom(); roomsTable.put(CartesianPoint.keyCreator(), currentRoom); } GameGUI.addToConsole(currentRoom.getFullRoomDescription()); }
public void discardItem(Item item) { if (inventory.contains(item)) { if (item instanceof KeyItem) { GameGUI.addToConsole("You can not remove Key Items"); return; } GameMap.getCurrentRoom().getAllItems().add(item); inventory.remove(item); if (item instanceof Armor) { if (!isInInventory(equipment.armor)) { equipment.armor = new Armor("", "", "", 0); } } else if (item instanceof Weapon) { if (!isInInventory(equipment.weapon)) { equipment.weapon = new Weapon("", "", "", 0); } } GameGUI.addToConsole("You toss away " + item + " in disgust"); } else { GameGUI.addToConsole("You do not have " + item); } GameGUI.updateGUI(); }
public void inspectInventoryFor(Item item) { if (inventory.contains(item)) { GameGUI.addToConsole("You have " + item); } GameGUI.addToConsole("You dont have " + item); }