public BukkitContainer() { super(new ModMetadata()); /*if (MinecraftServer.getServer().getGuiEnabled()) FMLRelaunchLog.log.getLogger().addHandler(new BukkitLogHandler());*/ if (MinecraftServer.getServer().getGuiEnabled()) { ServerGUI.logger.severe( "BukkitForge plugins may misbehave when using the gui! Run the server with 'nogui'!"); } instance = this; /*BukkitContainer.bukkitLogger = FMLRelaunchLog.log.getLogger(); if (bukkitLogger == null) { bukkitLogger = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger(); }*/ ModMetadata meta = this.getMetadata(); meta.modId = "BukkitForge"; = "Bukkit For Vanilla"; meta.version = BukkitServer.version + ", implementing Bukkit version " + BukkitServer.apiVer; meta.authorList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"keepcalm"}); meta.description = "An implementation Bukkit API for vanilla Minecraft."; if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() != Side.SERVER) { super.setEnabledState(false); meta.description = meta.description + " - \u00A74Only for dedicated servers!\u00A7r"; // meta.modId = null; // meta = null; return; } // ystem.out.println("CONTAINER - END"); }
@Override public List<String> getAdditionalBrandingInformation() { if (optifineContainer != null) { return Arrays.asList(String.format("Optifine %s", optifineContainer.getVersion())); } else { return ImmutableList.<String>of(); } }
/** * Called to start the whole game off * * @param minecraft The minecraft instance being launched * @param resourcePackList The resource pack list we will populate with mods * @param resourceManager The resource manager */ public void beginMinecraftLoading( Minecraft minecraft, List resourcePackList, ReloadableResourceManager resourceManager) { client = minecraft; this.resourcePackList = resourcePackList; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.resourcePackMap = Maps.newHashMap(); if (minecraft.func_71355_q()) { FMLLog.severe("DEMO MODE DETECTED, FML will not work. Finishing now."); haltGame("FML will not run in demo mode", new RuntimeException()); return; } // TextureFXManager.instance().setClient(client); FMLCommonHandler.instance().beginLoading(this); new ModLoaderClientHelper(client); try { Class<?> optifineConfig = Class.forName("Config", false, Loader.instance().getModClassLoader()); String optifineVersion = (String) optifineConfig.getField("VERSION").get(null); Map<String, Object> dummyOptifineMeta = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder() .put("name", "Optifine") .put("version", optifineVersion) .build(); ModMetadata optifineMetadata = MetadataCollection.from(getClass().getResourceAsStream(""), "optifine") .getMetadataForId("optifine", dummyOptifineMeta); optifineContainer = new DummyModContainer(optifineMetadata); "Forge Mod Loader has detected optifine %s, enabling compatibility features", optifineContainer.getVersion()); } catch (Exception e) { optifineContainer = null; } try { Loader.instance().loadMods(); } catch (WrongMinecraftVersionException wrong) { wrongMC = wrong; } catch (DuplicateModsFoundException dupes) { dupesFound = dupes; } catch (MissingModsException missing) { modsMissing = missing; } catch (ModSortingException sorting) { modSorting = sorting; } catch (CustomModLoadingErrorDisplayException custom) { FMLLog.log( Level.SEVERE, custom, "A custom exception was thrown by a mod, the game will now halt"); customError = custom; } catch (LoaderException le) { haltGame( "There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail", le); return; } }