public static FreeLeaf getFreeRandomLink( ATNodeCollection nodeCollection, List<ATNode> nodeGeneList) { List<FreeLeaf> freeLeaves = new ArrayList<FreeLeaf>(); // for each function node for (ATNode node : nodeGeneList) { // count how many times it is connected from each kind of a terminal int[] terminalCounters = new int[nodeCollection.terminals.length]; for (ATNode child : node.children) { if (child.isTerminal()) { terminalCounters[child.getId()]++; } } for (int i = 0, childrenSize = node.children.size(); i < childrenSize; i++) { ATNode child = node.children.get(i); // We try all possibilities of changing "child" at index "i" if (!child.isTerminal()) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < terminalCounters.length; j++) { // to terminal at index "j". if (child.getId() != j) { // Skip if no change would happen. if (nodeCollection.isInputById(j)) { // inputs, ... if (terminalCounters[j] < node.repeatInput()) { freeLeaves.add(new FreeLeaf(i, j, node)); } } else { // constants if (terminalCounters[j] < node.repeatConstant()) { freeLeaves.add(new FreeLeaf(i, j, node)); } } } } } } if (freeLeaves.size() == 0) { return null; } return RND.randomChoice(freeLeaves); }
public static void main(String[] args) { long seed = RND.initializeTime(); // long seed = 12341957678627684L; System.out.println("INITIALIZED SEED: " + seed); RND.initialize(seed); if (args.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing parameters!"); } ParameterMatrixManager manager = ParameterMatrixStorage.load(new File(args[0])); ReportStorage reportStorage; if (args.length > 1) { reportStorage = new ReportStorage(args[1]); } else { reportStorage = new ReportStorage(); } reportStorage.startAll(seed, manager); reportStorage.openExperimentsOverallResults(); for (ParameterCombination combination : manager) { int experiments = combination.getInteger("EXPERIMENTS"); Stats stats = prepareStats(); reportStorage.storeParameters(combination.toStringAllSeparatedNewLines()); for (int i = 1; i <= experiments; i++) { reportStorage.startSingleRun(); System.out.println("PARAMETER SETTING: " + combination); EvolutionaryAlgorithmRunner runnerEA; String solver = combination.getString("SOLVER"); if (solver.equals("GP")) { initializeGP(combination); runnerEA = new GPRunner(combination); } else if (solver.equals("MOGP")) { initializeMOGP(combination); runnerEA = new MOGPRunner(combination); } else if (solver.equals("GPAT")) { initializeGP(combination); runnerEA = new GPATRunner(combination); } else if (solver.equals("NEAT")) { initializeNEAT(combination); runnerEA = new NEATRunner(combination); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown SOLVER: " + solver + "."); } Utils.setStaticParameters(combination, GP.class, "GP"); Utils.setStaticParameters(combination, GEP.class, "GEP"); Utils.setStaticParameters(combination, GPAAC.class, "GPAAC"); Utils.setStaticParameters(combination, GPEFS.class, "GPEFS"); Utils.setStaticParameters(combination, GPAT.class, "GPAT"); Utils.setStaticParameters(combination, GPATSimple.class, "GPATS");, reportStorage); reportStorage.storeSingleRunResults(); reportStorage.incrementExperimentId(); } reportStorage.storeExperimentResults(stats); reportStorage.appendExperimentsOverallResults(combination.toStringOnlyChannging(), stats); System.out.println(stats.scopeToString("EXPERIMENT")); reportStorage.prepareNewParameterCombination(); } reportStorage.closeExperimentsOverallResults(); SoundHelper.playSoundFile("/System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff"); String experimentDirectory = args.length > 1 ? "(" + args[1] + ")" : ""; XMPPHelper.sendViaXMPP("NE run (Runner) finished " + experimentDirectory + "."); }