public void dealFile(String fileName, byte[] bs) { try { bs = convertCharset(bs); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } fileName = fileName.substring("File:".length()); this.task.setCurrentInfo("正在导入站点文件:" + fileName); String root = Config.getContextRealPath() + Config.getValue("Statical.TargetDir") + "/" +"Alias"); root = root + "/"; fileName = root + fileName; fileName = fileName.replaceAll("[\\\\/]+", "/"); String dirName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('/')); File dir = new File(dirName); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } FileUtil.writeByte(fileName, bs); }
public static Mapx getSiteInfo(String file) throws Exception { FileInputStream fin = null; try { fin = new FileInputStream(file);; byte[] bs = new byte[8];; bs = new byte[4]; if (!bufferRead(bs, fin)) { return null; } int len = NumberUtil.toInt(bs); byte[] bs = new byte[len]; if (!bufferRead(bs, fin)) return null; int len; byte[] bs = new byte[4]; if (!bufferRead(bs, fin)) { return null; } int len = NumberUtil.toInt(bs); byte[] bs = new byte[len]; if (!bufferRead(bs, fin)) return null; int len; byte[] bs = ZipUtil.unzip(bs); DataTable dt = (DataTable) FileUtil.unserialize(bs); return dt.getDataRow(0).toCaseIgnoreMapx(); } finally { if (fin != null) try { fin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public boolean importSite(String poolName) { User.UserData user = new User.UserData(); user.setUserName("admin"); user.setBranchInnerCode("86"); user.setLogin(true); user.setManager(true); User.setCurrent(user); this.isNewSite = (("0".equals("ID"))) || (StringUtil.isEmpty("ID")))); this.NoRelas = SiteTableRela.getNoRelaArray(); this.TableRelas = SiteTableRela.getRelas(); this.da = new DataAccess(); FileInputStream fin = null; try { fin = new FileInputStream(this.file); this.da.setAutoCommit(false); this.ExportCharset = (( == 1) ? "GBK" : "UTF-8"); byte[] bs = new byte[8];; this.siteID = NumberUtil.toLong(bs); boolean flag = true; int i = 0; while (true) { bs = new byte[4]; if (!bufferRead(bs, fin)) { break; } int len = NumberUtil.toInt(bs); bs = new byte[len]; if (!bufferRead(bs, fin)) { flag = false; break; } Object obj = FileUtil.unserialize(bs); bs = new byte[4]; if (!bufferRead(bs, fin)) { flag = false; break; } len = NumberUtil.toInt(bs); bs = new byte[len]; if (!bufferRead(bs, fin)) { flag = false; break; } bs = ZipUtil.unzip(bs); this.task.setPercent(i * 100 / 200); dealOneEntry(bs, obj); ++i; } if (flag) { this.da.commit(); } else { LogUtil.error("读取站点导出文件时发生错误!"); this.da.rollback(); } this.da.setAutoCommit(true); Site.updatePrivAndFile("Alias")); return flag; } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); try { this.da.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } finally { try { this.da.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { this.da.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { fin.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void dealZCSite(DataRow dr) { if (this.isNewSite) { if ((LicenseInfo.getName().equals("TrailUser")) && (new QueryBuilder("select count(*) from ZCSite").executeInt() >= 1)) { throw new RuntimeException("站点数超出限制,请联系泽元软件更换License!"); } this.newSiteID = NoUtil.getMaxID("SiteID"); ZCSiteSchema site = new ZCSiteSchema(); site.setValue(dr); site.setID(this.newSiteID); site.setName("Name")); site.setAlias("Alias")); site.setURL("URL")); site.setHitCount(0L); site.setChannelCount(0L); site.setSpecialCount(0L); site.setMagzineCount(0L); site.setArticleCount(0L); site.setImageLibCount(1L); site.setVideoLibCount(1L); site.setAudioLibCount(1L); site.setAttachmentLibCount(1L); site.setBranchInnerCode(User.getBranchInnerCode()); site.setAddTime(new Date()); site.setAddUser(User.getUserName()); site.setConfigXML(ConfigImageLib.imageLibConfigDefault); this.da.insert(site); Transaction trans = new Transaction(); Site.addDefaultPriv(this.newSiteID, trans); trans.setDataAccess(this.da); trans.commit(false); addIDMapping("ZCSite", String.valueOf(this.siteID), String.valueOf(this.newSiteID)); } else { ZCSiteSchema site = new ZCSiteSchema(); site.setID("ID")); this.newSiteID = site.getID(); site.fill(); this.task.setCurrentInfo("正在备份数据,可能需要较长时间,请耐心等待"); SiteExporter se = new SiteExporter(site.getID()); se.exportSite( Config.getContextRealPath() + "WEB-INF/data/backup/" + site.getAlias() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".dat"); addIDMapping("ZCSite", dr.getString("ID"), String.valueOf(site.getID())); this.da.deleteAndBackup(site); BlockingTransaction tran = new BlockingTransaction(this.da); Site.delSiteRela(site.getID(), tran); String sitePath = Config.getContextRealPath() + Config.getValue("Statical.TemplateDir") + "/" + site.getAlias(); FileUtil.delete(sitePath); site = new ZCSiteSchema(); site.setValue(dr); this.da.insert(site); } }
public void dealOneEntry(byte[] bs, Object obj) throws Exception { if ((bs == null) || (obj == null)) { return; } if (obj instanceof String) { String name = obj.toString(); if (name.startsWith("File:")) { dealFile(name, bs); } else if (name.startsWith("CustomTable:")) { name = name.substring("CustomTable:".length()); this.task.setCurrentInfo("正在导入自定义表:" + name); DataTable dt = (DataTable) FileUtil.unserialize(bs); try { if (!this.customTableMap.containsKey(name)) { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder( "select * from ZCCustomTableColumn where exists (select ID from ZCCustomTable where SiteID=? and Code=? and Type='Custom' and ZCCustomTableColumn.TableID=ID)", this.newSiteID, name); DataTable cdt = this.da.executeDataTable(qb); SchemaColumn[] scs = new SchemaColumn[cdt.getRowCount()]; for (int j = 0; j < scs.length; ++j) { DataRow cdr = cdt.getDataRow(j); int type = Integer.parseInt(cdr.getString("DataType")); SchemaColumn sc = new SchemaColumn( cdr.getString("Code"), type, j, cdr.getInt("Length"), 0, "Y".equals(cdr.getString("isMandatory")), "Y".equals(cdr.getString("isPrimaryKey"))); scs[j] = sc; } TableCreator tc = new TableCreator(this.da.getConnection().getDBConfig().DBType); tc.createTable(scs, name, true); tc.executeAndClear(this.da.getConnection()); this.customTableMap.put(name, ""); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("insert into " + name + "("); for (int j = 0; j < cdt.getRowCount(); ++j) { if (j != 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(cdt.get(j, "Code")); } sb.append(") values ("); for (int j = 0; j < cdt.getRowCount(); ++j) { if (j != 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append("?"); } sb.append(")"); this.insertQB = new QueryBuilder(sb.toString()); this.insertQB.setBatchMode(true); } dealCustomTable(dt, this.insertQB); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.warn("未成功导入表" + name); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { dealSiteIDTable(name, (DataTable) FileUtil.unserialize(bs)); } } else { dealRelaTable((SiteTableRela.TableRela) obj, (DataTable) FileUtil.unserialize(bs)); } }