public static void printAppList() { List<ZCApplication> zcapps = ZOHOCreator.getCurrentAppList().getApps(); for (int i = 0; i < zcapps.size(); i++) { System.out.println((i + 1) + ". " + zcapps.get(i).getAppName()); } String inp = getInput( "Type the serial no of the app..... Type -1 to quit..... Type 0 to go to Home Page Listing"); int selectedApp = 0; try { selectedApp = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (selectedApp == -1) { return; } else if (selectedApp == 0) { printNavList(); } else if (selectedApp > zcapps.size()) { printAppList(); } else { ZOHOCreator.setCurrentApplication(zcapps.get(selectedApp - 1)); printCompsList(); } }
public static void printCompsList() { ZOHOCreator.loadSelectedApplication(); List<ZCSection> zcSections = ZOHOCreator.getCurrentSectionList(); int compsCounter = 1; List<ZCComponent> comps = new ArrayList<ZCComponent>(); for (int i = 0; i < zcSections.size(); i++) { ZCSection zcSection = zcSections.get(i); System.out.println(zcSection.getSectionName()); List<ZCComponent> zcComps = zcSection.getComponents(); for (int j = 0; j < zcComps.size(); j++) { ZCComponent comp = zcComps.get(j); comps.add(comp); System.out.println( "\t" + (compsCounter++) + ". " + comp.getComponentName() + "(" + comp.getType() + ")"); } } String inp = getInput( "\n\nType the serial no of Form/View..... Type -1 to quit..... Type 0 to go back to App Listing"); int selectedComp = -1000; try { selectedComp = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (selectedComp == 0) { printAppList(); } else if (selectedComp == -1000 || selectedComp > compsCounter) { printCompsList(); } else if (selectedComp == -1) { return; } else { ZCComponent selComp = comps.get(selectedComp - 1); ZOHOCreator.setCurrentComponent(selComp); // System.out.println("Selected COmp : " + selComp); if (selComp.getType().equals(ZCComponent.FORM)) { printForm(); } else if (selComp.getType().equals(ZCComponent.REPORT)) { printView(); } else if (selComp.getType().equals(ZCComponent.CALENDAR)) { printCalendar(); } else if (selComp.getType().equals(ZCComponent.PAGE)) { printHtmlView(); } } }
public static void printNavList() { ZCNavList navList = ZOHOCreator.getCurrentNavigationListForApps(); String inp = getInput( "\n\nType the serial no..... \n1 for Personal Applications\n2 for Shared Apps with me\n3 for shared apps with groups\n4 for Workspace apps\n-1 to quit"); int inpValue = -1; try { inpValue = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (inpValue == -1) { return; } else if (inpValue == 1) { ZOHOCreator.setCurrentAppList(ZOHOCreator.getPersonalApplicationList()); printAppList(); } else if (inpValue == 2) { ZOHOCreator.setCurrentAppList(ZOHOCreator.getSharedApplicationList()); printAppList(); } else if (inpValue == 3) { List<ZCSharedGroup> sharedWithGroupList = navList.getSharedWithGroupList(); for (int i = 0; i < sharedWithGroupList.size(); i++) { ZCSharedGroup sharedWithGroup = sharedWithGroupList.get(i); System.out.println((i + 1) + ") " + sharedWithGroup.getGroupName()); } inp = getInput( "Type the serial no of group..... Type -1 to quit...... Type 0 to go back... \n"); try { inpValue = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (inpValue == -1) { return; } else if (inpValue == 0) { printNavList(); } else { ZOHOCreator.setCurrentAppList( ZOHOCreator.getSharedApplicationList(sharedWithGroupList.get(inpValue - 1))); printAppList(); } } else if (inpValue == 4) { List<String> sharedWithWorkSpaceList = navList.getSharedWithWorkSpaceList(); for (int i = 0; i < sharedWithWorkSpaceList.size(); i++) { String workSpaceName = sharedWithWorkSpaceList.get(i); System.out.println((i + 1) + ") " + workSpaceName); } inp = getInput( "Type the serial no of the workspace..... Type -1 to quit...... Type 0 to go back... \n"); try { inpValue = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (inpValue == -1) { return; } else if (inpValue == 0) { printNavList(); } else { ZOHOCreator.setCurrentAppList( ZOHOCreator.getWorkspaceApplicationList(sharedWithWorkSpaceList.get(inpValue - 1))); printAppList(); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Properties props = new Properties(); try { InputStream zcInpStream = new FileInputStream("zc.txt"); props.load(zcInpStream); Set<?> keys = props.keySet(); Iterator<?> keysIterator = keys.iterator(); while (keysIterator.hasNext()) { String key = (String); String value = props.getProperty(key); if (key.equals("AccountsURL")) { ZOHOCreator.setAccountsURL(value); } else if (key.equals("CreatorURL")) { ZOHOCreator.setCreatorURL(value); } else if (key.equals("ServiceName")) { ZOHOCreator.setServiceName(value); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } ZOHOUser user = ZOHOCreator.getZohoUser(); if (user == null) { String username = getInput("Enter Username"); // No I18N String password = getInput("Enter password", true); // No I18N user = ZOHOCreator.login(username, password); } // System.out.println(user.getAuthToken()); // System.out.println("Fetching Application List...."); ZOHOCreator.setCurrentNavigationListForApps(ZOHOCreator.getNavigationListForApps()); ZOHOCreator.setCurrentAppList(ZOHOCreator.getPersonalApplicationList()); printAppList(); String inp = getInput( "Do you want to logut? Type 1 to quit without logout..... 2 to logout and quit"); // No // I18N int inpValue = -1; try { inpValue = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (inpValue == 2) { ZOHOCreator.logout(); System.out.println("************** Successfully logged out... **************"); } // System.out.println("Fetching Section List...."); // List<ZCSection> zcSections = ZOHOCreator.getSectionList(zcapps.get(2)); //// System.out.println("Fetching Form...."); // ZCForm zcForm = ZOHOCreator.getForm(zcSections.get(25).getComponents().get(0)); // System.out.println("Fetching View...."); // ZCView zcView = ZOHOCreator.getView(zcSections.get(22).getComponents().get(1)); // System.out.println("Fetching View...."); // ZCView zcView = ZOHOCreator.getView("all-fields", "All_fields_View", "charles"); // System.out.println(zcView); // System.out.println("\n\n******************************\n\n"); // System.out.println(zcSections); // System.out.println("\n\n******************************\n\n"); //// System.out.println(zcForm); // System.out.println("\n\n******************************\n\n"); }
private static void printRecords(ZCView zcView) { List<ZCFilter> filters = zcView.getFilters(); // System.out.println(filters); if (zcView.isGrouped()) { List<ZCGroup> groups = zcView.getGroups(); for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { ZCGroup group = groups.get(i); System.out.println("************** " + group.getGroupHeaderValues() + " **************"); List<ZCRecord> records = group.getGroupRecords(); printRecords(records); } } else { List<ZCRecord> records = zcView.getRecords(); printRecords(records); } if (zcView.getType().equals(ZCComponent.CALENDAR)) { String inp = getInput( "\n\nType 1 to load Next Month.... 2 for Previous month.... -1 to quit.... 0 to go back to " + ZOHOCreator.getCurrentApplication().getAppName()); int inpValue = -1; try { inpValue = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (inpValue == 1) { cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } else if (inpValue == 2) { cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); } else if (inpValue == 0) { printCompsList(); return; } else if (inpValue == -1) { return; } zcView.loadCalendarRecords(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); printRecords(zcView); } else { // System.out.println("isLastReached: " + zcView.isLastReached()); if (!zcView.isLastReached()) { String inp = getInput( "\n\nType 1 to load more.... 2 for actions.... -1 to quit.... 0 to go back to " + ZOHOCreator.getCurrentApplication().getAppName()); int inpValue = -1; try { inpValue = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (inpValue == 1) { zcView.loadMore(); printRecords(zcView); } else if (inpValue == 2) { printActions(zcView); // } else if(inpValue == 3) { // printRecord(zcView); } else if (inpValue == 0) { printCompsList(); return; } else if (inpValue == -1) { return; } } } }
static void printCalendar() { ZOHOCreator.loadSelectedView(); ZCView zcView = ZOHOCreator.getCurrentView(); // HashMap<Date, List<ZCRecord>> eventsMap = zcView.getEventRecordsMap(); printRecords(zcView); }
public static void printView() { ZOHOCreator.loadSelectedView(); ZCView zcView = ZOHOCreator.getCurrentView(); printRecords(zcView); }
public static void printForm() { ZOHOCreator.loadSelectedForm(); ZCForm zcForm = ZOHOCreator.getCurrentForm(); List<ZCField> fields = zcForm.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { ZCField zcField = fields.get(i); String toAsk = "\n\n" + (i + 1) + ") " + zcField.getDisplayName(); if (FieldType.isChoiceField(zcField.getType())) { toAsk = toAsk + zcField.getChoices(); } else if (zcField.getType().equals(FieldType.DATE) || zcField.getType().equals(FieldType.DATE_TIME)) { toAsk = toAsk + "[dd-MMM-YYYY] For ex, 29-Aug-2013"; } else if (FieldType.isNumberField(zcField.getType())) { toAsk = toAsk + "[" + zcField.getType() + "]"; } if (FieldType.isMultiChoiceField(zcField.getType())) { toAsk = toAsk + "\n" + zcField.getRecordValue().getValues(); } else if (FieldType.isPhotoField(zcField.getType())) { } else { toAsk = toAsk + "\n" + zcField.getRecordValue().getValue(); } String val = getInput(toAsk); if (FieldType.isPhotoField(zcField.getType())) { zcField.getRecordValue().setFileValue(new File(val)); } else if (!val.trim().equals("")) { zcField.getRecordValue().setValue(val); } } List<ZCButton> buttons = zcForm.getButtons(); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.size(); i++) { ZCButton button = buttons.get(i); // System.out.println("Button: " + button); if (button.getButtonType().equals(ZCButtonType.SUBMIT)) { ZCResponse response =; Hashtable<ZCField, String> errorTable = response.getErrorMessagesTable(); if (errorTable.keySet().size() > 0) { System.out.println("\n************** Errors found **************"); System.out.println(errorTable); printForm(); } else { System.out.println("\n************** " + zcForm.getSuccessMessage() + " **************"); } } } String inp = getInput( "\nType 1 to Add another entry.... -1 to quit.... 0 to go back to " + ZOHOCreator.getCurrentApplication().getAppName()); int inpValue = -1; try { inpValue = Integer.parseInt(inp); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (inpValue == 1) { printForm(); } else if (inpValue == 0) { printCompsList(); return; } else if (inpValue == -1) { return; } }
private static void printHtmlView() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ZOHOCreator.loadSelectedHtmlView(); ZCHtmlView htmlView = ZOHOCreator.getCurrentHtmlView(); System.out.println(htmlView.getHtmlContent()); }