synchronized void fromElement(Element element) throws ServiceException { super.fromElement(element); mRejectFrom = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element fromEl : element.listElements(VoiceConstants.E_PHONE)) { mRejectFrom.add(fromEl.getAttribute(VoiceConstants.A_PHONE_NUMBER)); } }
private List<Appointement> getSortedRdv() { try { client = ZMailbox.getByName(login, pass, ""); XMLElement req = new XMLElement(ZimbraNamespace.E_BATCH_REQUEST); Element gas = req.addElement(MailConstants.GET_APPT_SUMMARIES_REQUEST); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date today = cal.getTime(); // cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, -1); // to get previous year add -1 gas.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_START_TIME, today.getTime()); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // to get previous year add -1 Date nextYear = cal.getTime(); gas.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_END_TIME, nextYear.getTime()); gas.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, zimbraFolderId); Element resp = client.invoke(req); List<Appointement> lists = new ArrayList<Appointement>(); for (Element e : resp.listElements()) { for (Element appt : e.listElements(MailConstants.E_APPOINTMENT)) { Appointement a = new Appointement(); a.setLabel("" + appt.toXML().attribute("name").getData()); a.setLocation("" + appt.toXML().attribute("loc").getData()); String duration = "" + appt.toXML().attribute("d").getData(); a.setDuration(Long.parseLong(duration) / 1000); ZDateTime dated = new ZDateTime("" + appt.toXML().element("inst").attribute("ridZ").getData()); a.setDate(dated.getDate()); lists.add(a); } } Collections.sort( lists, new Comparator<Appointement>() { public int compare(Appointement appt1, Appointement appt2) { return appt1.getDate().compareTo(appt2.getDate()); } }); return lists; } catch (ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new ArrayList<Appointement>(); }
public ZConversationHit(Element e) throws ServiceException { mId = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); mFlags = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, null); mDate = e.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_DATE); mTags = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAGS, null); mFragment = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.E_FRAG, null); mSubject = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.E_SUBJECT, null); mSortField = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORT_FIELD, null); mMessageCount = (int) e.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_NUM); mMessageIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element m : e.listElements(MailConstants.E_MSG)) { mMessageIds.add(m.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID)); } mRecipients = new ArrayList<ZEmailAddress>(); for (Element emailEl : e.listElements(MailConstants.E_EMAIL)) { mRecipients.add(new ZEmailAddress(emailEl)); } }
private static void searchRemoteAccountCalendars( Element parent, SearchParams params, ZimbraSoapContext zsc, Account authAcct, Map<String, List<Integer>> accountFolders) throws ServiceException { String nominalTargetAcctId = null; // mail service soap requests want to see a target account StringBuilder queryStr = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : accountFolders.entrySet()) { String acctId = entry.getKey(); if (nominalTargetAcctId == null) nominalTargetAcctId = acctId; ItemIdFormatter ifmt = new ItemIdFormatter(authAcct.getId(), acctId, false); List<Integer> folderIds = entry.getValue(); for (int folderId : folderIds) { if (queryStr.length() > 0) queryStr.append(" OR "); // must quote the qualified folder id queryStr.append("inid:\"").append(ifmt.formatItemId(folderId)).append("\""); } } Element req = zsc.createElement(MailConstants.SEARCH_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SEARCH_TYPES, MailItem.Type.toString(params.getTypes())); if (params.getSortBy() != null) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY, params.getSortBy().toString()); } req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET, params.getOffset()); if (params.getLimit() != 0) req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_LIMIT, params.getLimit()); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_EXPAND_INST_START, params.getCalItemExpandStart()); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_EXPAND_INST_END, params.getCalItemExpandEnd()); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_QUERY, queryStr.toString(), Element.Disposition.CONTENT); Account target = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, nominalTargetAcctId); String pxyAuthToken = zsc.getAuthToken().getProxyAuthToken(); ZAuthToken zat = pxyAuthToken == null ? zsc.getRawAuthToken() : new ZAuthToken(pxyAuthToken); ZMailbox.Options zoptions = new ZMailbox.Options(zat, AccountUtil.getSoapUri(target)); zoptions.setTargetAccount(nominalTargetAcctId); zoptions.setTargetAccountBy(; zoptions.setNoSession(true); ZMailbox zmbx = ZMailbox.getMailbox(zoptions); Element resp = zmbx.invoke(req); for (Element hit : resp.listElements()) { hit.detach(); parent.addElement(hit); } }
public Element handleNetworkRequest(Element document, Map context) throws ServiceException { Element backup; String method; String bkupTarget; String label; Element response;"Backup request started"); ZimbraSoapContext lc = getZimbraSoapContext(context); checkRights(lc, context); backup = document.getElement("backup"); method = backup.getAttribute("method"); bkupTarget = backup.getAttribute("target", null); label = backup.getAttribute("label", null); response = lc.createElement(BackupService.BACKUP_RESPONSE); BackupManager mgr; BackupTarget backupTarget; boolean sync; boolean sentReportEmail; ServiceException error; mgr = BackupManager.getInstance(); if(bkupTarget != null && "incremental".equals(method)) throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Custom backup target is not allowed for incremental backup", null); backupTarget = mgr.getBackupTarget(bkupTarget, true); if("abort".equals(method)) { BackupSet bak = backupTarget.getBackupSet(label); bak.abortFullBackup(); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_852; } if("delete".equals(method)) { String val = backup.getAttribute("before"); long cutoffTime = getCutoffTime(val, backupTarget); mgr.deleteBackups(backupTarget, cutoffTime); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_852; } sync = backup.getAttributeBool("sync", false); sentReportEmail = false; error = null; BackupParams params; List syncBackups; BackupSet fullBak; BackupSet incrBak; params = new BackupParams(); params.sync = sync; parseComponentIncludeExcludeAttrs(backup, params); Element fcOptsElem = backup.getOptionalElement("fileCopier"); if(fcOptsElem != null) params.fcOpts = ParseXML.parseFileCopierOptions(fcOptsElem); syncBackups = new ArrayList(); fullBak = null; incrBak = null; int size; try { com.zimbra.cs.backup.BackupManager.BackupMode backupMode = mgr.getBackupMode(); boolean autoGroupedMode = com.zimbra.cs.backup.BackupManager.BackupMode.AUTO_GROUPED.equals(backupMode); if("full".equals(method)) { = backup.getAttributeBool("zip", true); params.zipStore = backup.getAttributeBool("zipStore", true); List acctElems = backup.listElements("account"); if(acctElems.size() > 0) { params.redologs = false; List acctNames = parseAccountNames(acctElems); boolean all = acctNames.size() == 1 && "all".equals(acctNames.get(0)); if(all) { if(!sync) fullBak = mgr.startBackupFull(backupTarget, params); else fullBak = mgr.backupFull(backupTarget, params, syncBackups); } else { com.zimbra.cs.account.Account accounts[] = mgr.lookupAccounts(acctNames,, backupTarget); if(!sync) fullBak = mgr.startBackupFull(accounts, backupTarget, params); else fullBak = mgr.backupFull(accounts, backupTarget, params, syncBackups); } } else if(autoGroupedMode) { if(backupTarget.isCustom()) throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Custom backup target is not allowed for auto-grouped backup", null); params.redologs = true; com.zimbra.cs.account.Account accounts[] = mgr.lookupAccountsByOldestBackup(backupTarget); if(accounts == null || accounts.length == 0) throw BackupServiceException.AUTO_GROUPED_BACKUP_TOO_SOON(); if(!sync) fullBak = mgr.startBackupFull(accounts, backupTarget, params); else fullBak = mgr.backupFull(accounts, backupTarget, params, syncBackups); } else { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("Missing account list", null); } } else if("incremental".equals(method)) { = backup.getAttributeBool("zip", true); params.zipStore = backup.getAttributeBool("zipStore", true); BackupSet baks[] = mgr.backupIncremental(backupTarget, params, syncBackups); incrBak = baks[0]; fullBak = baks[1]; } else { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST((new StringBuilder()).append("Invalid backup method: ").append(method).toString(), null); } } catch(IOException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE(e.getMessage(), e); } size = syncBackups.size(); if(size > 0) { BackupSet baks[] = new BackupSet[size]; syncBackups.toArray(baks); mgr.sendReportEmail(baks); sentReportEmail = true; } break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_756; Exception exception; exception; int size = syncBackups.size(); if(size > 0) { BackupSet baks[] = new BackupSet[size]; syncBackups.toArray(baks); mgr.sendReportEmail(baks); sentReportEmail = true; } throw exception; Element body = response.addElement("backup"); if(fullBak != null) body.addAttribute("label", fullBak.getLabel()); if(incrBak != null) body.addAttribute("incr-label", incrBak.getLabel()); if(error != null && !sentReportEmail) mgr.sendErrorReportEmail(error); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_852; ServiceException e; e; error = e; throw e; Exception exception1; exception1; if(error != null && !sentReportEmail) mgr.sendErrorReportEmail(error); throw exception1;"Backup request finished"); return response; IOException e; e; throw ServiceException.FAILURE(e.getMessage(), e); }
public static SetCalendarItemParseResult parseSetAppointmentRequest( Element request, ZimbraSoapContext zsc, OperationContext octxt, Folder folder, MailItem.Type type, boolean parseIds) throws ServiceException { Account acct = getRequestedAccount(zsc); Mailbox mbox = getRequestedMailbox(zsc); SetCalendarItemParseResult result = new SetCalendarItemParseResult(); ArrayList<SetCalendarItemData> exceptions = new ArrayList<SetCalendarItemData>(); Invite defInv = null; // First, the <default> { Element e = request.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.A_DEFAULT); if (e != null) { result.defaultInv = getSetCalendarItemData( zsc, octxt, acct, mbox, e, new SetCalendarItemInviteParser(false, false, folder, type)); defInv = result.defaultInv.invite; } } // for each <except> for (Element e : request.listElements(MailConstants.E_CAL_EXCEPT)) { SetCalendarItemData exDat = getSetCalendarItemData( zsc, octxt, acct, mbox, e, new SetCalendarItemInviteParser(true, false, folder, type)); exceptions.add(exDat); if (defInv == null) { defInv = exDat.invite; } } // for each <cancel> for (Element e : request.listElements(MailConstants.E_CAL_CANCEL)) { SetCalendarItemData exDat = getSetCalendarItemData( zsc, octxt, acct, mbox, e, new SetCalendarItemInviteParser(true, true, folder, type)); exceptions.add(exDat); if (defInv == null) { defInv = exDat.invite; } } if (exceptions.size() > 0) { result.exceptions = new SetCalendarItemData[exceptions.size()]; exceptions.toArray(result.exceptions); } else { if (result.defaultInv == null) throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("No default/except/cancel specified", null); } // <replies> Element repliesElem = request.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_REPLIES); if (repliesElem != null) result.replies = CalendarUtils.parseReplyList(repliesElem, defInv.getTimeZoneMap()); result.isTodo = defInv != null && defInv.isTodo(); boolean noNextAlarm = request.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_CAL_NO_NEXT_ALARM, false); if (noNextAlarm) result.nextAlarm = CalendarItem.NEXT_ALARM_ALL_DISMISSED; else result.nextAlarm = request.getAttributeLong( MailConstants.A_CAL_NEXT_ALARM, CalendarItem.NEXT_ALARM_KEEP_CURRENT); return result; }
public static ZFilterCondition getCondition(Element condEl) throws ServiceException { String name = condEl.getName(); boolean isNegative = condEl.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_NEGATIVE, false); if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_HEADER_TEST)) { String header = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_HEADER); String s = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_STRING_COMPARISON); s = s.toLowerCase(); StringComparison comparison = StringComparison.fromString(s); boolean caseSensitive = condEl.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_CASE_SENSITIVE, false); String value = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_VALUE); return new ZHeaderCondition( header, HeaderOp.fromStringComparison(comparison, isNegative), caseSensitive, value); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_MIME_HEADER_TEST)) { String header = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_HEADER); String s = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_STRING_COMPARISON); s = s.toLowerCase(); StringComparison comparison = StringComparison.fromString(s); boolean caseSensitive = condEl.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_CASE_SENSITIVE, false); String value = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_VALUE); return new ZMimeHeaderCondition( header, HeaderOp.fromStringComparison(comparison, isNegative), caseSensitive, value); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_HEADER_EXISTS_TEST)) { String header = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_HEADER); return new ZHeaderExistsCondition(header, !isNegative); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_SIZE_TEST)) { String s = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_NUMBER_COMPARISON); s = s.toLowerCase(); NumberComparison comparison = NumberComparison.fromString(s); String size = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_SIZE); return new ZSizeCondition(SizeOp.fromNumberComparison(comparison, isNegative), size); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_DATE_TEST)) { String s = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_DATE_COMPARISON); s = s.toLowerCase(); DateComparison comparison = DateComparison.fromString(s); Date date = new Date(condEl.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_DATE) * 1000); return new ZDateCondition(DateOp.fromDateComparison(comparison, isNegative), date); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_CURRENT_TIME_TEST)) { String s = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_DATE_COMPARISON); s = s.toLowerCase(); DateComparison comparison = DateComparison.fromString(s); String timeStr = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_TIME); return new ZCurrentTimeCondition(DateOp.fromDateComparison(comparison, isNegative), timeStr); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_BODY_TEST)) { String value = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_VALUE); BodyOp op = (isNegative ? BodyOp.NOT_CONTAINS : BodyOp.CONTAINS); boolean caseSensitive = condEl.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_CASE_SENSITIVE, false); return new ZBodyCondition(op, caseSensitive, value); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_CURRENT_DAY_OF_WEEK_TEST)) { String value = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_VALUE); SimpleOp op = (isNegative ? SimpleOp.NOT_IS : SimpleOp.IS); return new ZCurrentDayOfWeekCondition(op, value); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_ADDRESS_BOOK_TEST)) { String header = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_HEADER); // String folderPath = condEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER_PATH); // TODO: support path to contacts folder AddressBookOp op = (isNegative ? AddressBookOp.NOT_IN : AddressBookOp.IN); return new ZAddressBookCondition(op, header); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_ATTACHMENT_TEST)) { return new ZAttachmentExistsCondition(!isNegative); } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_INVITE_TEST)) { List<Element> eMethods = condEl.listElements(MailConstants.E_METHOD); if (eMethods.isEmpty()) { return new ZInviteCondition(!isNegative); } else { List<String> methods = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element eMethod : eMethods) { methods.add(eMethod.getText()); } return new ZInviteCondition(!isNegative, methods); } } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_TRUE_TEST)) { return new ZTrueCondition(); } else { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("unknown filter condition: " + name, null); } }
/** * Always does a request -- caller is responsible for checking to see if this is necessary or not */ private boolean bufferNextHits() throws ServiceException { if (atEndOfList || searchParams.getHopCount() > ZimbraSoapContext.MAX_HOP_COUNT) { return false; } bufferStartOffset = iterOffset; int chunkSizeToUse; if (singleShotRemoteRequest) { chunkSizeToUse = searchParams.getLimit(); } else { chunkSizeToUse = searchParams.getLimit() * 2; if (chunkSizeToUse < MIN_BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE) { chunkSizeToUse = MIN_BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE; } if (chunkSizeToUse > 500) { chunkSizeToUse = 500; } } bufferEndOffset = bufferStartOffset + chunkSizeToUse; hitBuffer = new ArrayList<ProxiedHit>(chunkSizeToUse); Element searchElt = Element.create(responseProto, MailConstants.SEARCH_REQUEST); searchParams.setOffset(bufferStartOffset); searchParams.setLimit(chunkSizeToUse); searchParams.encodeParams(searchElt); if (singleShotRemoteRequest && (searchParams.getCursor() != null)) { Element cursorElt = searchElt.addElement(MailConstants.E_CURSOR); cursorElt.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, searchParams.getCursor().getItemId().getId()); if (searchParams.getCursor().getSortValue() != null) { cursorElt.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTVAL, searchParams.getCursor().getSortValue()); } if (searchParams.getCursor().getEndSortValue() != null) { cursorElt.addAttribute( MailConstants.A_ENDSORTVAL, searchParams.getCursor().getEndSortValue()); } } // call the remote server now! Server targetServer = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, server); String baseurl = null; try { baseurl = URLUtil.getSoapURL(targetServer, false); } catch (ServiceException e) { } if (baseurl == null) { baseurl = URLUtil.getAdminURL(targetServer, AdminConstants.ADMIN_SERVICE_URI, true); } ProxyTarget proxy = new ProxyTarget(targetServer, authToken, baseurl + MailConstants.SEARCH_REQUEST.getName()); if (mTimeout != -1) { proxy.setTimeouts(mTimeout); } ZimbraSoapContext zscInbound = searchParams.getRequestContext(); ZimbraSoapContext zscProxy; if (zscInbound != null) { zscProxy = new ZimbraSoapContext(zscInbound, targetAcctId); } else { zscProxy = new ZimbraSoapContext( authToken, targetAcctId, responseProto, responseProto, searchParams.getHopCount() + 1); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Element searchResp = null; try { searchResp = DocumentHandler.proxyWithNotification(searchElt, proxy, zscProxy, zscInbound); } catch (SoapFaultException sfe) { ZimbraLog.index.warn( "Unable to (" + sfe + ") fetch search results from remote server " + proxy); atEndOfList = true; bufferEndOffset = iterOffset; return false; } catch (ServiceException e) { if (ServiceException.PROXY_ERROR.equals(e.getCode())) { ZimbraLog.index.warn( "Unable to (" + e + ") fetch search results from remote server " + proxy); atEndOfList = true; bufferEndOffset = iterOffset; return false; } throw e; } finally { long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; ZimbraLog.index.debug( "Remote query took " + elapsed + "ms; URL=" + proxy.toString() + "; QUERY=" + searchElt.toString()); } int hitOffset; if (singleShotRemoteRequest) { hitOffset = (int) searchResp.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET, bufferStartOffset); } else { hitOffset = (int) searchResp.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET); } boolean hasMore = searchResp.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_QUERY_MORE); assert (bufferStartOffset == hitOffset); SortBy sb = getSortBy(); // put these hits into our buffer! int bufferIdx = 0; int stop = bufferEndOffset - bufferStartOffset; for (Iterator<Element> iter = searchResp.elementIterator(); iter.hasNext() && bufferIdx < stop; ) { Element el =; if (el.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(MailConstants.E_INFO)) { for (Element info : el.listElements()) { queryInfo.add(new ProxiedQueryInfo(info)); } } else { if (sb != null && ((SortBy.NAME_LOCALIZED_ASC.equals(sb)) || (SortBy.NAME_LOCALIZED_DESC.equals(sb)))) { hitBuffer.add( bufferIdx++, new ProxiedContactHit(this, el, el.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_FILE_AS_STR))); } else { hitBuffer.add( bufferIdx++, new ProxiedHit(this, el, el.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORT_FIELD))); } } } // are we at the end of the line here? if (bufferIdx < stop || !hasMore) { // update the buffer-end-pointer bufferEndOffset = bufferStartOffset + bufferIdx; if (hasMore) { assert (!hasMore); // if bufferIdx < stop then !hasMore should be set...server bug! } atEndOfList = true; } else { assert (bufferEndOffset == bufferStartOffset + bufferIdx); } if (singleShotRemoteRequest) { atEndOfList = true; } assert (bufferStartOffset <= iterOffset); // OK, we were successful if we managed to buffer the current hit return (bufferEndOffset > iterOffset); }
private Map<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>> getZimbraAccounts( Element request, ZimbraSoapContext zsc) throws ServiceException { List<Element> acctElems = request.listElements(AdminConstants.E_ACCOUNT); Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance(); List<ExternalIMAPAccount> idleAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); List<ExternalIMAPAccount> runningAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); List<ExternalIMAPAccount> finishedAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); Map<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>> accts = new HashMap<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>>(); if (acctElems != null && acctElems.size() > 0) { for (Element elem : acctElems) { String emailAddress = elem.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_NAME); Account localAccount = null; try { localAccount = prov.get(, emailAddress); } catch (ServiceException se) {"error looking up account", se); } if (localAccount == null) { throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT(emailAddress); } checkAdminLoginAsRight(zsc, prov, localAccount); // Check if an import is running on this account already boolean isRunning = false; boolean hasRun = false; List<DataSource> sources = Provisioning.getInstance().getAllDataSources(localAccount); for (DataSource ds : sources) { if (ZimbraBulkProvisionExt.IMAP_IMPORT_DS_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(ds.getName()) && ds.getType() == DataSourceType.imap && ds.isImportOnly() && "1".equalsIgnoreCase(ds.getAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraDataSourceFolderId))) { ImportStatus importStatus = DataSourceManager.getImportStatus(localAccount, ds); if (!isRunning) { synchronized (importStatus) { isRunning = importStatus.isRunning(); hasRun = importStatus.hasRun(); } } if (!hasRun) { synchronized (importStatus) { hasRun = importStatus.hasRun(); } } if (!isRunning) { runningAccts.add( new ExternalIMAPAccount(emailAddress, emailAddress, "", localAccount)); break; } else if (hasRun) { finishedAccts.add( new ExternalIMAPAccount(emailAddress, emailAddress, "", localAccount)); break; } } } if (!isRunning && !hasRun) { idleAccts.add(new ExternalIMAPAccount(emailAddress, emailAddress, "", localAccount)); } } } accts.put(accountState.idle, idleAccts); accts.put(accountState.running, runningAccts); accts.put(accountState.finished, finishedAccts); return accts; }