public Space getOrganizationSpace() { try { return getWorkspacesManager().getOrganizationSpace(context); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); return null; } }
/** * @param spaceName the wiki name of the workspace to count the members of * @return the numbers of members of the given workspace, that is the total number of * XWiki.XWikiGroups objects in the space members group document of the workspace. */ public int countMembers(String spaceName) { try { return getWorkspacesManager().countMembers(spaceName, context); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); return 0; } }
/** * @see #getLastSpaces(int) * @param startAt the offset to start retrieving the latest workspaces at */ public Collection getLastSpaces(int howMany, int startAt) { try { return getWorkspacesManager().getLastSpaces(howMany, startAt, context); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; }
public Collection getWebsForSpace(String spaceName) { try { return getWorkspacesManager().getWebsForSpace(spaceName, context); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } }
/** * @param web, the wiki space (a.k.a. web) to retrieve the root space for * @return the top level space (or web) for the workspace's given web, corresponding to the level * the passed web inherits its rights from, through the 'parent' property of its * WebPreference. As an example, the web 'Space_SomeSpace_Blog' will have 'Space_SomeSpace' as * its workspace root space. */ public Space getRootSpace(String web) { try { return getWorkspacesManager().getRootSpace(web, context); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); } return null; }
/** * @param userName the wiki name of the user to find the userspace of * @return if, exists, the unique user workspace for the given user wikiname, null if it does not * exists. */ public Space getSpaceForUser(String userName) { try { return getWorkspacesManager().getSpaceForUser(userName, context); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); } return null; }
/** * @return the list of {@link Workspace} in which the context user is a member and has a specific * role (i.e. admin, reader or writer). */ public Collection getMyMemberships() { try { // look over spaces in which the context user belongs to the member group return getWorkspacesManager().getSpaces(context.getUser(), null, context); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } }
public boolean hasApplication(String spaceName, String appName) { try { return getWorkspacesManager() .getApplicationsForSpace(spaceName, context) .containsKey(appName); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); return false; } }
/** * @param spaceName the workspace wiki name to retrieve the latest members for * @param howMany the number of members to retrieve * @return the latest added members of the space */ public Collection getLastMembers(String spaceName, int howMany) { try { int startAt = 0; int totalMb = getWorkspacesManager().countMembers(spaceName, context); if (howMany < totalMb) startAt = totalMb - howMany; return getWorkspacesManager().getMembers(spaceName, howMany, startAt, context); } catch (SpaceManagerException e) { context.put("haserror", "1"); context.put("lasterror", e.getMessage()); } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; }