public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { ConnectionManagerService.LocalBinder binder = (ConnectionManagerService.LocalBinder) service; connMgrService = binder.getService(); Log.d(TAG, "ConnectionManagerService connected"); // attach to remote intent service to allow it call back connMgrService.setConnector(ConnectorActivity.this); connMgrService.setSimpleConnectionInfo(devName, useSSL); // in case we miss it at onResume() // getPeerDeviceNetInfo(); }
public void onSetConnectionInfo() { if (Closed) return; Log.d(TAG, "SET_CONNECTION_INFO"); if (peerNetData != null && chosenNType != NetInfo.NoNet) { NetInfo cn = connNets[chosenNType]; if (isLeader) { DeviceInfo devv = new DeviceInfo(null, cn.addr, null); if (connMgrService != null) connMgrService.startPeerSearch(devv, -1); } else { DeviceInfo devv = new DeviceInfo(null, peerNetData.addr, null); if (connMgrService != null) connMgrService.startPeerSearch(devv, -1); } } }
public void onGetActiveNetwork(NetInfo net) { if (Closed) return; Log.d(TAG, "GET_ACTIVE_NETWORK"); Log.d(TAG, "chosen Ntype : " + chosenNType); if (net != null) { if (actNetType != NetInfo.NoNet && connNets[actNetType] != null && != null &&[actNetType].name)) { return; } actNetType = net.type; if (isLeader && chosenNType == actNetType) { netActivatedAtLeader(net); } if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.getDeviceInfo(); } /* * Log.d(TAG, "chosen Ntype : " + * chosenNType+", net.type="+net.type); if (chosenNType == net.type) * { setUseSSL(qrData.useSSL); } */ } }
void resetChosenNType() { // if (isLeader && connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.stopPeerSearch(); connMgrService.onConnectorDestroy(); } // if (isLeader) { showGroup(2); } // chosenNType = NetInfo.NoNet; wifiBtn.setChecked(false); wifiDirectBtn.setChecked(false); wifiHotspotBtn.setChecked(false); wifiInfo.setText(wifiInfoText); wifiDirectInfo.setText(wifiDirectInfoText); wifiHotspotInfo.setText(wifiHotspotInfoText); }
void setUseSSL(boolean useSSL) { Log.d(TAG, "setUseSSL: " + useSSL); // update shared preference SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putBoolean(ConnectionManager.PREF_KEY_USE_SSL, useSSL); editor.commit(); // notif router service if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.setSimpleConnectionInfo(null, useSSL); } }
@Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: Closed = true; if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.onConnectorDestroy(); } finish(); return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); }
public void onNetworkConnected(NetInfo net) { if (Closed) return; Log.d(TAG, "NETWORK_CONNECTED"); connNets[net.type] = net; NetInfo[] nets = new NetInfo[] {net}; if (isLeader) { netConnectedAtLeader(nets); } Log.d(TAG, "activateNet type=" + net.type); if (net.type == chosenNType) { if (connMgrService != null) connMgrService.activateNetwork(net); } }
void doWifiHotspot() { chosenNType = NetInfo.WiFiHotspot; if (connNets[NetInfo.WiFiHotspot] != null) { if (actNetType != NetInfo.WiFiHotspot) { connMgrService.activateNetwork(connNets[NetInfo.WiFiHotspot]); } else { NetInfo net = connNets[NetInfo.WiFiHotspot]; netActivatedAtLeader(net); setUseSSL(peerNetData.useSSL); } } else { configWifi(); } }
void doWifiDirect() { chosenNType = NetInfo.WiFiDirect; if (connNets[NetInfo.WiFiDirect] != null) { if (actNetType != NetInfo.WiFiDirect) { connMgrService.activateNetwork(connNets[NetInfo.WiFiDirect]); } else { NetInfo net = connNets[NetInfo.WiFiDirect]; netActivatedAtLeader(net); setUseSSL(peerNetData.useSSL); } } else { Log.d(TAG, "start Wifi Direct network"); grpMgr.createNetwork(); } }
void doWifi() { Log.d(TAG, "doWifi"); chosenNType = NetInfo.WiFi; if (connNets[NetInfo.WiFi] != null) { if (actNetType != NetInfo.WiFi) { connMgrService.activateNetwork(connNets[NetInfo.WiFi]); } else { NetInfo net = connNets[NetInfo.WiFi]; netActivatedAtLeader(net); setUseSSL(peerNetData.useSSL); } } else { configWifi(); } }
public void onSearchStart(DeviceInfo leader) { if (Closed) return; Log.d(TAG, "SEARCH_START1"); if (!isLeader && peerNetData != null && chosenNType != NetInfo.NoNet) { Log.d(TAG, "group member search started, exit connector"); Closed = true; if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.onConnectorDestroy(); } finish(); if (nfcIntent != null) { // member connects thru NFC, bring up // CnnMgr Intent intent = new Intent(Router.ACTION_CONNECTION_MANAGEMENT); startActivity(intent); } } }
public void onGetNetworks(NetInfo[] nets) { if (Closed) return; Log.d(TAG, "GET_NETWORKS = " + nets); if (nets != null && nets.length > 0) { for (NetInfo net : nets) { connNets[net.type] = net; } // dont check & limit to leader, since user may have not // chosen yet. // simply update GUI for all, it will not show foe member // if (isLeader) { netConnectedAtLeader(nets); // } if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.getActiveNetwork(); } } }
@Override protected void onDestroy() { if (connMgrService != null) { Log.d(TAG, "CtorActivity destroyed"); connMgrService.onConnectorDestroy(); unbindService(mConnection); connMgrService = null; } if (grpMgr != null) { grpMgr.onDestroy(); } // dont destroy connMgrService here // since connMgr will start right away super.onDestroy(); Log.d(TAG, "onDestroyed"); }
void setupWifiConn(PeerNetInfo qrData) { WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); /* * WifiInfo winfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); boolean match = * qrData.ssid.equals(winfo.getSSID()); //sometimes the above winfo is * encoded strangely, further verify if (!match) { * List<WifiConfiguration> existingConfigs = wifiManager * .getConfiguredNetworks(); for (WifiConfiguration ec : * existingConfigs) { if (ec.SSID.equals(qrData.ssid)) { match = true; * break; } } } if (winfo != null && match) { */ // NetInfo connWifi = connNets[NetInfo.WiFi]; // if(connWifi!=null&&!=null&& // { boolean match = false; NetInfo netWifi = connNets[NetInfo.WiFi]; if (netWifi != null && != null) { String name1 =; String name2 = qrData.ssid.trim(); Log.d(TAG, "ssids = " + name1 + ", " + name2); name1 = trimQuote(name1); name2 = trimQuote(name2); Log.d(TAG, "ssids2 = " + name1 + ", " + name2); if (name1.equals(name2)) { match = true; } } if (match) { // already connect to the right wifi net Log.d(TAG, "already connect to right wifi"); if (actNetType != NetInfo.WiFi) { connMgrService.activateNetwork(connNets[NetInfo.WiFi]); } else { setUseSSL(qrData.useSSL); } } else { Log.d(TAG, "start connect to wifi"); new WifiConnector(this, wifiManager).execute(qrData); } }
void resumeLeader() { if (isLeader) { if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.setConnector(this); } // clear gui wifiBtn.setChecked(false); wifiDirectBtn.setChecked(false); wifiHotspotBtn.setChecked(false); wifiInfo.setText(wifiInfoText); wifiDirectInfo.setText(wifiDirectInfoText); wifiHotspotInfo.setText(wifiHotspotInfoText); // query peers doLeader(); // /* * switch (chosenNType) { case NetInfo.WiFi: if (wifiBtn != null) { * wifiBtn.setChecked(true); } break; case NetInfo.WiFiDirect: if * (wifiDirectBtn != null) { wifiDirectBtn.setChecked(true); } * break; case NetInfo.WiFiHotspot: if (wifiHotspotBtn != null) { * wifiHotspotBtn.setChecked(true); } break; } */ } }
// start call-chain: // getNetworks()->getActiveNetwork()->getPeerDevices()/getDeviceInfo() void getPeerDeviceNetInfo() { if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.getNetworks(); } }
public Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { switch (id) { case WIFI_DIRECT_WARNING_DIALOG: return new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(R.string.wifidir_warning_title) .setIcon(R.drawable.router_icon) .setMessage(R.string.wifidir_warning) .setPositiveButton( R.string.ok, new Dialog.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { // dialogInterface.dismiss(); removeDialog(WIFI_DIRECT_WARNING_DIALOG); // ask user to turn on wifi direct Log.d(TAG, "ask user to turn on wifi direct"); try { if (Utils.ANDROID_VERSION >= 16) { Intent in = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS); startActivity(in); } else { Intent in = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS); startActivity(in); } } catch (ActivityNotFoundException anf) { Log.d( TAG, "no activity for : Settings.ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS" + anf.getMessage()); Intent in = new Intent(WifiManager.ACTION_PICK_WIFI_NETWORK); startActivity(in); } } }) .setNegativeButton( R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { removeDialog(WIFI_DIRECT_WARNING_DIALOG); } }) .create(); case WIFI_CONNECTOR_FAIL_DIALOG: if (peerNetData == null) { Closed = true; if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.onConnectorDestroy(); } finish(); return null; } CharSequence msg1 = getResources().getText(R.string.wifi_conn_fail_msg1); CharSequence msg2 = getResources().getText(R.string.wifi_conn_fail_msg2); return new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(R.string.wifi_conn_fail_title) .setIcon(R.drawable.router_icon) .setMessage(msg1 + " " + peerNetData.ssid + msg2) .setNegativeButton( R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { removeDialog(WIFI_CONNECTOR_FAIL_DIALOG); Closed = true; if (connMgrService != null) { connMgrService.onConnectorDestroy(); } finish(); } }) .create(); default: break; } return null; }
public void onGetDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo dev) { connMgrService.setDeviceInfo(dev); }