public List<Af53DTO> findCaseID(String ids) { String aaz318s = ""; String[] id = ids.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) { if ((i + 1) == id.length) { aaz318s += "'" + id[i] + "'"; } else { aaz318s += "'" + id[i] + "',"; } } String sql = "select * from af53 where aaz318 in ( " + aaz318s + ")"; List<Af53DTO> af53dtos = CommonJdbcDaoUtils.query(sql.toString(), Af53DTO.class); return af53dtos; }
public List<QueryApprovalVo> queryApproalData(String aaz318) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer( "select a.*,b.aclname from APPROVAL_INFO_LIST a,APPROVAL_CLASS_LIST b where a.aclid = b.aclid and a.ailfl = 1 and aaz318 = "); sql.append(aaz318); sql.append(" and a.aclid in (1, 2, 3) "); sql.append( " and (a.ailspfl=0 or (a.ailspfl=1 and a.ailtg is not null)) order by a.ailtime desc,a.ailid asc"); List<QueryApprovalVo> list = CommonJdbcDaoUtils.query(sql.toString(), QueryApprovalVo.class); /*for (QueryApprovalVo queryApprovalVo : list) { if (2 == queryApprovalVo.getAclid() && "未审批".equals(queryApprovalVo.getAilzt())) { throw new BusinessException("二级未审批"); } }*/ return list; }