public static void getSave() { formatHelp("save", " <name>", "Saves the region for future use", ""); Message.sendMessage(" If no name is provided, the default name will be used"); Message.sendMessage(" The default name is defined in the configuration file"); return; }
public static void getAuto() { formatHelp("auto", " toggle", "Toggles the automatic resets on and off", ""); formatHelp( "auto", " time <time>", "Changes the automatic reset time to the value specified", ""); Message.sendMessage(" The value cannot be smaller then 5 minutes"); formatHelp("auto", " warning toggle", "Toggles warnings before the reset on and off", ""); formatHelp("auto", " warning add <time>", "Adds a warning at time specified", ""); formatHelp("auto", " warning remove <time>", "Adds a warning at time specified", ""); Message.sendMessage(" The value cannot be larger then the reset time"); }
public static void getSelect() { formatHelp( "select", " hpos1", "Creates a reference point 1 at the block you are looking at", ""); formatHelp( "select", " hpos2", "Creates a reference point 2 at the block you are looking at", ""); Message.sendMessage(" Your field of view is limited to 100 blocks"); formatHelp("select", " pos1", "Creates a reference point 1 at your immediate location", ""); formatHelp("select", " pos2", "Creates a reference point 2 at your immediate location", ""); Message.sendMessage(" You can also select a region with your normal World Edit tool"); return; }
public static void getBlacklist() { formatHelp("blacklist", " toggle", "Enables the use of blacklist for the mine", ""); formatHelp("blacklist", " whitelist", "Makes the blacklist be treated as a whitelist", ""); Message.sendMessage(" Blacklist should be enabled"); formatHelp("blacklist", " add <block>", "Adds a block to the blacklist", ""); formatHelp("blacklist", " remove <block>", "Removes a block from the whitelist", ""); }
public static void getHelp() { String title = Language.getString("general.title"); Message.sendMessage(" -=[ " + title + " ]=-"); formatHelp("info", " <name>", "Returns the information about a mine", "info"); formatHelp("list", "", "Lists all the available mines", "list"); formatHelp("warp", " <name>", "Teleports you to the mine warp location", "warp"); formatHelp("reset", " <name>", "Resets the mine manually", "reset"); formatHelp("select", "", "Shows region selection help page", "edit"); formatHelp("save", " <name>", "Saves the region for future use", "edit"); formatHelp("edit", "", "Shows a help page on how to handle the mine options", "edit"); formatHelp("delete", " <name>", "Completely deletes a mine", "edit"); formatHelp("auto", "", "Shows a help page on how to automate the mine", "edit"); formatHelp("protection", "", "Shows how to set up a mine protection", "edit"); return; }
public static void getConfig() { Message.sendMessage(" You do NOT need these commands. At all. I promise."); formatHelp("config", " save", "Saves the data into a configuration file", ""); formatHelp("config", " load", "Loads the configuration from a file", ""); }
public static void run(String[] args) { if (!Util.senderHasPermission("time")) { Message.sendDenied(args); return; } String mineName = null; if (args.length == 1) { if (CommandManager.getMine() != null) { mineName = CommandManager.getMine(); } else { Help.getInfo(); return; } } if (args.length > 2) { Message.sendInvalid(args); return; } if (args.length != 1 && !Mine.exists(args[1])) { Message.sendError( "Mine '" + args[1] + "' does not exist. Use " + ChatColor.GREEN + "/mine help" + ChatColor.WHITE + " for help"); return; } if (mineName == null) mineName = args[1]; String displayName = Regions.getString("mines." + mineName + ".display-name"); if (displayName.equals("")) displayName = mineName; // Reset boolean autoReset = Regions.getBoolean("mines." + mineName + ""); int autoResetTime = Regions.getInt("mines." + mineName + ""); int nextResetMin = Regions.getInt("mines." + mineName + ""); int nextResetSec = Regions.getInt("mines." + mineName + ""); if (autoReset) { Message.sendSuccess( displayName + " resets every " + ChatColor.GOLD + autoResetTime + ChatColor.WHITE + " minutes. Next reset in " + ChatColor.GOLD + nextResetMin + ChatColor.WHITE + " minutes " + ChatColor.GOLD + nextResetSec + ChatColor.WHITE + " seconds"); } else { Message.sendSuccess(displayName + " has to be reset manually"); } }