public String qrypanelPublishByEquipNo(String path, String equipNo) throws Exception { Map paramMap = new HashMap(); StringBuilder jsonString = new StringBuilder(); try { jsonString.append("["); jsonString.append("{"); // 获取面板查询SQL // panel_group paramMap = new HashMap(); paramMap.put("1", equipNo); Map<String, String> panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("state", "NUMBER"); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("cust_id", "NUMBER"); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("panel_group_id", "NUMBER"); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("equip_id", "NUMBER"); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("region_id", "VARCHAR2"); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("point_id", "NUMBER"); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("point_group_id", "NUMBER"); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("panel_publish_url", "VARCHAR2"); panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("panel_publish_id", "NUMBER"); jsonString.append( JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson(getPanelPublishInfoSql(), paramMap, panelPublishInfoJsonTypeMap, false)); jsonString.append(","); Map<String, String> panelUpdateInfoJsonTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); panelUpdateInfoJsonTypeMap.put("version_id", "NUMBER"); panelUpdateInfoJsonTypeMap.put("version_url", "VARCHAR2"); jsonString.append( JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson(getPanelUpdateInfoSql(), paramMap, panelUpdateInfoJsonTypeMap, false)); jsonString.append(","); jsonString.append("\"column_publish_url\":"); jsonString.append("["); Map<String, String> columnPublishInfoJsonTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); columnPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("publish_id", "NUMBER"); columnPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("column_id", "NUMBER"); columnPublishInfoJsonTypeMap.put("file_url", "VARCHAR2"); String columnPublishInfoJosn = JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson(getColumnPublishInfoSql(), paramMap, columnPublishInfoJsonTypeMap, true); if (columnPublishInfoJosn.indexOf("\"publish_id\":\"\",") > -1) { jsonString.append(""); } else { jsonString.append(columnPublishInfoJosn); } jsonString.append("]"); jsonString.append("}"); jsonString.append("]"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jsonString.toString(); }
@Override public void updatePanelPublishJsonFiels(String path) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String custId = UserUtil.getCurUser().getDepartId(); // "1";// Map paramMap = new HashMap(); paramMap.put("1", custId); // UserUtil.getCurUser().getDepartId() // --面板组定义表 String panelGroupSql = "select * from panel_group where GROUP_ID in (select GROUP_ID from cust_group where cust_id = ?)"; List<PanelGroup> panelGroups = DbFactory.getSqlDdlDao().query(panelGroupSql, paramMap, PanelGroup.class); // String date = SystemDateUtil.getSysDateTime(); String root = path + "data" + File.separator; MD5Check md5 = new MD5Check(); paramMap.clear(); for (PanelGroup panelGroup : panelGroups) { // 面板组ID BigDecimal groupId = panelGroup.getGroupId(); paramMap.clear(); paramMap.put("1", groupId); // 文件名 StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(); String date_replace1 = date.replaceAll(" ", "_"); String date_replace2 = date_replace1.replaceAll(":", "_"); String date_replace3 = date_replace2.replaceAll("-", "_"); fileName.append("").append(groupId); fileName.append(".").append(date_replace3).append(".json"); PrintWriter print = null; try { print = org.frame.tool.FilesTool.getPrintWriter(root + fileName.toString()); print.println("["); // 查找栏目子目录column_info // 面板组明细sql String panelGroupDtlSql = "select * from panel_group_dtl where PANELS_ID in " + "(select PANELS_ID from panel_group where GROUP_ID = ?)"; JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson(panelGroupDtlSql, paramMap, PanelGroupDtl.class, print); print.println(","); // 面板定义 String panelDefSql = "select * from panel_def where PANEL_ID in " + "(select PANEL_ID from panel_group_dtl where PANELS_ID in " + " (select PANELS_ID from panel_group where GROUP_ID = ?)" + ")"; JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao().queryJson(panelDefSql, paramMap, PanelDef.class, print); print.println(","); // 面板项 String paneBoxDefSql = "select * from panel_box_def where PANEL_ID in " + "(select PANEL_ID from panel_group_dtl where PANELS_ID in " + " (select PANELS_ID from panel_group where GROUP_ID = ?)" + ")"; JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao().queryJson(paneBoxDefSql, paramMap, PanelBoxDef.class, print); print.println(","); // 面板是否有已发布 // updateStatus(col.getColumnId()); // 面板内容 String PanelBoxItemSql = "select * from panel_box_item where box_id in " + "(select box_id from panel_box_def where PANEL_ID in " + " (select PANEL_ID from panel_group_dtl where PANELS_ID in " + " (select PANELS_ID from panel_group where GROUP_ID = ?)" + " )" + ")"; JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao().queryJson(PanelBoxItemSql, paramMap, PanelBoxItem.class, print); print.print("]"); } finally { if (print != null) print.close(); } // PublishLog log = new PublishLog(); log.setColumnId(new BigDecimal(0)); log.setCustId(new BigDecimal(custId)); log.setFileUrl("data" + File.separator + fileName); log.setMd5Num(md5.getFileMD5String(new File(root + fileName.toString()))); log.setState(BigDecimal.ZERO); log.setPublishType(new BigDecimal(2)); log.setPublishId(PkHelper.getPk("PUBLISH_LOG")); DbFactory.getSqlDdlDao().insert(log); } }
public String panelPublishByCustId(String path, String equipNo) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // String custId=UserUtil.getCurUser().getDepartId();//"1";// Map paramMap = new HashMap(); // paramMap.put("1", custId); String date = SystemDateUtil.getSysDate(); // 文件名 StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(path); fileName.append("wifi.panel.").append(equipNo).append(".json"); PrintWriter print = null; BufferedReader reader = null; try { // File file=new File(fileName.toString()); // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // if(file.exists()){ // String lastdate=getModDate(file); // if(lastdate.equals(SystemDateUtil.getSysDate())){ // reader=FilesTool.getFileReader(fileName.toString()); // String tempString=null; // while ((tempString = reader.readLine()) != null) { // sb.append(tempString); // } // return sb.toString(); // } // } // panel_group panel_group_dtl panel_def panel_box_def // panel_box_item print = org.frame.tool.FilesTool.getPrintWriter(fileName.toString()); print.println("["); // panel_group paramMap = new HashMap(); paramMap.put("1", equipNo); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select * from panel_group g where EXISTS(select 1 from cust_equipment a where a.EQUIP_NO=? and g.CREATE_MAN=a.cust_id and g.GROUP_ID=a.GROUP_ID and g.POINT_ID=a.POINT_ID ) ", paramMap, PanelGroup.class, print); print.println(","); // panel_group_dtl JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select * from panel_group_dtl dtl where EXISTS(select 1 from panel_group g where dtl.PANELS_ID=g.PANELS_ID and EXISTS(select 1 from cust_equipment a where a.EQUIP_NO=? and g.CREATE_MAN=a.cust_id and g.GROUP_ID=a.GROUP_ID and g.POINT_ID=a.POINT_ID ) ) ", paramMap, PanelGroupDtl.class, print); print.println(","); // panel_def JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select * from panel_def p where EXISTS (select 1 from panel_group_dtl dtl where p.PANEL_ID=dtl.PANEL_ID and EXISTS(select 1 from panel_group g where dtl.PANELS_ID=g.PANELS_ID and EXISTS(select 1 from cust_equipment a where a.EQUIP_NO=? and g.CREATE_MAN=a.cust_id and g.GROUP_ID=a.GROUP_ID and g.POINT_ID=a.POINT_ID ) ))", paramMap, PanelDef.class, print); print.println(","); // panel_box_def panel_box_item JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select * from panel_box_def box where EXISTS (select 1 from panel_def p where box.panel_id=p.panel_id and EXISTS (select 1 from panel_group_dtl dtl where p.PANEL_ID=dtl.PANEL_ID and EXISTS(select 1 from panel_group g where dtl.PANELS_ID=g.PANELS_ID and EXISTS(select 1 from cust_equipment a where a.EQUIP_NO=? and g.CREATE_MAN=a.cust_id and g.GROUP_ID=a.GROUP_ID and g.POINT_ID=a.POINT_ID ) )))", paramMap, PanelBoxDef.class, print); print.println(","); // panel_box_item JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select * from panel_box_item it where EXISTS (select 1 from panel_box_def box where it.box_id=box.box_id and EXISTS (select 1 from panel_def p where box.panel_id=p.panel_id and EXISTS (select 1 from panel_group_dtl dtl where p.PANEL_ID=dtl.PANEL_ID and EXISTS(select 1 from panel_group g where dtl.PANELS_ID=g.PANELS_ID and EXISTS(select 1 from cust_equipment a where a.EQUIP_NO=? and g.CREATE_MAN=a.cust_id and g.GROUP_ID=a.GROUP_ID and g.POINT_ID=a.POINT_ID ) ))))", paramMap, PanelBoxItem.class, print); print.print("]"); if (print != null) { print.close(); print = null; } reader = FilesTool.getFileReader(fileName.toString()); String tempString = null; while ((tempString = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(tempString); } return sb.toString(); } finally { try { if (print != null) print.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (reader != null) reader.close(); } // 查找栏目column_info // 查找栏目子目录column_info // 栏目资源关系表 column_res_list // 查找栏目下的资源 res_info res_attr res_file res_owner_tag sub_res }
@Override public void updatefbRes(String path, BigDecimal columnId) throws Exception { if (columnId == null) { return; } String custId = UserUtil.getCurUser().getDepartId(); // "1";// Map paramMap = new HashMap(); paramMap.put("1", custId); // UserUtil.getCurUser().getDepartId() // String date = SystemDateUtil.getSysDateTime(); String date_replace1 = date.replaceAll(" ", "_"); String date_replace2 = date_replace1.replaceAll(":", "_"); String date_replace3 = date_replace2.replaceAll("-", "_"); String root = path + "data" + File.separator; MD5Check md5 = new MD5Check(); // 文件名 StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(); fileName.append("").append(columnId); fileName.append(".").append(date_replace3).append(".json"); PrintWriter print = null; try { paramMap.put("1", columnId); Map childColInfo_map = DbFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryMap( "SELECT * from (select qryChildColInfo(?) as custIds) a", new String[] {"custIds"}, paramMap); String cuistIds = (String) childColInfo_map.get("custIds"); if (cuistIds == null || cuistIds.length() == 0) { cuistIds = ""; } // String whereSql = SqlUtils // .arrayToWhereSqlIn(cuistIds != null ? cuistIds.split(",") // : null); print = org.frame.tool.FilesTool.getPrintWriter(root + fileName.toString()); print.println("["); paramMap.clear(); // 查找栏目子目录column_info paramMap.clear(); paramMap.put("1", custId); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( " select * from column_info where cust_id=? and FIND_IN_SET(column_id, '" + cuistIds + "')", paramMap, ColumnInfo.class, print); print.println(","); paramMap.clear(); // 栏目资源关系表 column_res_list StringBuilder columnResList = new StringBuilder(); columnResList.append( "SELECT * FROM column_res_list WHERE column_id IN ( " + "SELECT column_id FROM column_info WHERE FIND_IN_SET(column_id, '" + cuistIds + "') ) "); // column_res_list JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson(columnResList.toString(), paramMap, ColumnResList.class, print); print.println(","); // 资源公共的过滤条件: String commonWhereSql = "res_id in ( " + "SELECT res_id FROM column_res_list WHERE column_id in ( " + "SELECT column_id FROM column_info WHERE FIND_IN_SET(column_id, '" + cuistIds + "' ) ) )"; // 查找栏目下的资源 res_info res_attr res_owner_tag // res_info StringBuilder resInfoSql = new StringBuilder(); resInfoSql.append("SELECT * FROM res_info "); resInfoSql.append("WHERE "); resInfoSql.append(commonWhereSql); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao().queryJson(resInfoSql.toString(), paramMap, ResInfo.class, print); print.println(","); updateStatus(columnId); // res_attr StringBuilder resAttrSql = new StringBuilder(); resAttrSql.append("SELECT * FROM res_attr "); resAttrSql.append("WHERE ").append(commonWhereSql); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao().queryJson(resAttrSql.toString(), paramMap, ResAttr.class, print); print.println(","); // res_owner_tag StringBuilder resOwnerTagSql = new StringBuilder(); resOwnerTagSql.append("SELECT * FROM res_owner_tag "); resOwnerTagSql.append("WHERE ").append(commonWhereSql); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson(resOwnerTagSql.toString(), paramMap, ResOwnerTag.class, print); print.println(","); // 查找栏目下的资源分集sub_res StringBuilder subResSql = new StringBuilder(); subResSql.append("SELECT * FROM sub_res "); subResSql.append("WHERE ").append(commonWhereSql); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao().queryJson(subResSql.toString(), paramMap, ResSubInfo.class, print); print.println(","); // 资源文件及资源分集文件 res_file StringBuilder resFileSql = new StringBuilder(); resFileSql.append("SELECT * FROM res_file "); resFileSql.append("WHERE ").append(commonWhereSql); // paramMap.put("1", columnId); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao().queryJson(resFileSql.toString(), paramMap, ResFile.class, print); print.print("]"); } finally { if (print != null) print.close(); } // PublishLog log = new PublishLog(); log.setColumnId(columnId); log.setCustId(new BigDecimal(custId)); log.setPublishType(new BigDecimal(1)); log.setFileUrl("data" + File.separator + fileName); log.setMd5Num(md5.getFileMD5String(new File(root + fileName.toString()))); log.setState(BigDecimal.ZERO); log.setPublishId(PkHelper.getPk("PUBLISH_LOG")); DbFactory.getSqlDdlDao().insert(log); }
// 暂时保存 public void updatefbRes_1(String path) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String custId = UserUtil.getCurUser().getDepartId(); // "1";// Map paramMap = new HashMap(); paramMap.put("1", custId); // UserUtil.getCurUser().getDepartId() List<ColumnInfo> rootLm = DbFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .query( "select * from column_info where cust_id=? and parent_column_id=0 ", paramMap, ColumnInfo.class); // String date = SystemDateUtil.getSysDateTime(); String date_replace1 = date.replaceAll(" ", "_"); String date_replace2 = date_replace1.replaceAll(":", "_"); String date_replace3 = date_replace2.replaceAll("-", "_"); String root = path + "data" + File.separator; MD5Check md5 = new MD5Check(); for (ColumnInfo col : rootLm) { // 文件名 StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(); fileName.append("").append(col.getColumnId()); fileName.append(".").append(date_replace3).append(".json"); PrintWriter print = null; try { print = org.frame.tool.FilesTool.getPrintWriter(root + fileName.toString()); print.println("["); // 查找栏目子目录column_info paramMap = new HashMap(); paramMap.put("1", custId); paramMap.put("2", col.getColumnId()); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( " select * from column_info where cust_id=? and FIND_IN_SET(column_id, qryChildColInfo(?)) ", paramMap, ColumnInfo.class, print); print.println(","); // 栏目资源关系表 column_res_list paramMap = new HashMap(); paramMap.put("1", col.getColumnId()); // column_res_list JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select a.* from column_res_list a where EXISTS(select 1 from column_info b where FIND_IN_SET(b.column_id, qryChildColInfo(?)) and a.Column_id=b.column_id)", paramMap, ColumnResList.class, print); print.println(","); // 查找栏目下的资源 res_info res_attr res_owner_tag // res_info JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select c.* from res_info c where EXISTS(select 1 from column_res_list a where c.res_id=a.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_info b where FIND_IN_SET(b.column_id, qryChildColInfo(?)) and a.Column_id=b.column_id))", paramMap, ResInfo.class, print); print.println(","); updateStatus(col.getColumnId()); // res_attr JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select d.* from res_attr d where EXISTS( select 1 from res_info c where d.res_id=c.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_res_list a where c.res_id=a.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_info b where FIND_IN_SET(b.column_id, qryChildColInfo(?)) and a.Column_id=b.column_id)))", paramMap, ResAttr.class, print); print.println(","); // res_owner_tag JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select d.* from res_owner_tag d where EXISTS( select 1 from res_info c where d.res_id=c.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_res_list a where c.res_id=a.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_info b where FIND_IN_SET(b.column_id, qryChildColInfo(?)) and a.Column_id=b.column_id)))", paramMap, ResOwnerTag.class, print); print.println(","); // 查找栏目下的资源分集sub_res JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select d.* from sub_res d where EXISTS( select 1 from res_info c where d.res_id=c.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_res_list a where c.res_id=a.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_info b where FIND_IN_SET(b.column_id, qryChildColInfo(?)) and a.Column_id=b.column_id)))", paramMap, ResSubInfo.class, print); print.println(","); // 资源文件及资源分集文件 res_file paramMap.put("1", col.getColumnId()); paramMap.put("2", col.getColumnId()); JsonFactory.getSqlDdlDao() .queryJson( "select d.* from res_file d where EXISTS( select 1 from res_info c where d.res_id=c.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_res_list a where c.res_id=a.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_info b where FIND_IN_SET(b.column_id, qryChildColInfo(?)) and a.Column_id=b.column_id))) union all select e.* from res_file e where EXISTS(select 1 from sub_res d where d.sub_res_id=e.sub_res_id and EXISTS( select 1 from res_info c where d.res_id=c.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_res_list a where c.res_id=a.res_id and EXISTS(select 1 from column_info b where FIND_IN_SET(b.column_id, qryChildColInfo(?)) and a.Column_id=b.column_id))))", paramMap, ResFile.class, print); print.print("]"); } finally { if (print != null) print.close(); } // PublishLog log = new PublishLog(); log.setColumnId(col.getColumnId()); log.setCustId(new BigDecimal(custId)); log.setPublishType(new BigDecimal(1)); log.setFileUrl("data" + File.separator + fileName); log.setMd5Num(md5.getFileMD5String(new File(root + fileName.toString()))); log.setState(BigDecimal.ZERO); log.setPublishId(PkHelper.getPk("PUBLISH_LOG")); DbFactory.getSqlDdlDao().insert(log); } // 查找栏目column_info // 查找栏目子目录column_info // 栏目资源关系表 column_res_list // 查找栏目下的资源 res_info res_attr res_file res_owner_tag sub_res }