protected static String resolveEntity(String entityName, EOEditingContext ec) { if (entityName == null) return null; try { EOEntity entity = EOUtilities.entityNamed(ec, entityName); if (entity != null) { return entityName; } } catch (EOObjectNotAvailableException naex) { } entityName = SettingsReader.stringForKeyPath("interfaces." + entityName, null); int dot = entityName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot > 0) { entityName = entityName.substring(dot + 1); } // return resolveEntity(entityName); if (entityName == null) return null; try { EOEntity entity = EOUtilities.entityNamed(ec, entityName); if (entity != null) { return entityName; } } catch (EOObjectNotAvailableException naex2) { } return null; }
public WOActionResults createDataStore() throws IOException, MessagingException { File emailFile = new File("Resources/largeEmail.eml"); javax.mail.Message message = convertEmlToMessage(emailFile); EOObjectStore osc = new ERXObjectStoreCoordinator(true); EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(osc); ec.lock(); try { DataContainer container = (DataContainer) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, DataContainer.class.getSimpleName()); DataStore dataStore = (DataStore) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, DataStore.class.getSimpleName()); dataStore.setDataContainer(container); ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); message.writeTo(byteStream); NSData rawEmail = new NSData(byteStream.toByteArray()); dataStore.setData(rawEmail); ec.saveChanges(); } finally { ec.unlock(); ec.dispose(); osc.dispose(); ec = null; osc = null; } return null; }
public WOActionResults saveType() { EOEditingContext ec = (EOEditingContext) valueForBinding("ec"); ec.lock(); try { boolean newType = (currType == null); if (newType) { currType = (ItogType) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, ItogType.ENTITY_NAME); Number maxSort = (Number) valueForBinding("maxSort"); if (maxSort != null) { currType.setSort(new Integer(maxSort.intValue() + 1)); } else { currType.setSort(new Integer(1)); } } currType.setName(itogName); currType.setTitle(itogTitle); currType.setInYearCount((itogCount == null) ? new Integer(0) : itogCount); ec.saveChanges(); // if(newType) { // allTypes = allTypes.arrayByAddingObject(currType); // itogsList = NSArray.EmptyArray; // } setValueForBinding(currType, "currType"); } catch (Exception e) { SetupItogs.logger.log(WOLogLevel.WARNING, "Error saving changes in list ", e); session().takeValueForKey(e.getMessage(), "message"); ec.revert(); } finally { ec.unlock(); } return (WOActionResults) valueForBinding("actionResult"); }
public void appendToResponse(WOResponse aResponse, WOContext aContext) { try { Number b = (Number) valueForBinding("firstNameDisplay"); if (b != null) firstNameDisplay = b.intValue(); else firstNameDisplay = 2; b = (Number) valueForBinding("secondNameDisplay"); if (b != null) secondNameDisplay = b.intValue(); else secondNameDisplay = 2; } catch (ClassCastException cex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NameDisplay bindings should be integer"); } String request = (String) valueForBinding("searchRequest"); if (request != null) { performSearchRequest(request); } else { selection = (PersonLink) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject( ec, (EOEnterpriseObject) valueForBinding("selection")); // syncSelection(); } if (selection == null && Various.boolForObject(valueForBinding("showPopup"))) { selection = defaultSelectionValue(); setValueForBinding(selection, "selection"); } super.appendToResponse(aResponse, aContext); found = null; // searchMessage = null; }
public WOActionResults delete() { EOEditingContext ec = (EOEditingContext) valueForBinding("ec"); ec.lock(); try { NSArray usage = EOUtilities.objectsMatchingKeyAndValue(ec, "ItogTypeList", "itogType", currType); if (usage != null && usage.count() > 0) { Enumeration enu = usage.objectEnumerator(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { EOEnterpriseObject itl = (EOEnterpriseObject) enu.nextElement(); ec.deleteObject(itl); } } ec.deleteObject(currType); ec.saveChanges(); currType = null; setValueForBinding(currType, "currType"); } catch (Exception e) { SetupItogs.logger.log(WOLogLevel.WARNING, "Error saving changes in list ", e); session().takeValueForKey(e.getMessage(), "message"); ec.revert(); } finally { ec.unlock(); } return (WOActionResults) valueForBinding("actionResult"); }
private void createTables(boolean dropTables) { for (Enumeration e = EOModelGroup.defaultGroup().models().objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final EOModel eomodel = (EOModel) e.nextElement(); EODatabaseContext dbc = EOUtilities.databaseContextForModelNamed(ec,; dbc.lock(); try { EOAdaptorChannel channel = dbc.availableChannel().adaptorChannel(); if (eomodel.adaptorName().contains("JDBC")) { EOSynchronizationFactory syncFactory = (EOSynchronizationFactory) channel.adaptorContext().adaptor().synchronizationFactory(); ERXSQLHelper helper = ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(channel); NSDictionary options = helper.defaultOptionDictionary(true, dropTables); // Primary key support creation throws an unwanted exception // if // EO_PK_TABLE already // exists (e.g. in case of MySQL), so we add pk support in a // stand-alone step options = optionsWithPrimaryKeySupportDisabled(options); createPrimaryKeySupportForModel(eomodel, channel, syncFactory); String sqlScript = syncFactory.schemaCreationScriptForEntities(eomodel.entities(), options);"Creating tables: {}",; ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdateScript(channel, sqlScript, true); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Can't update", ex); } finally { dbc.unlock(); } } }
public static Category createCategory(EOEditingContext editingContext, Integer id, String name) { Category eo = (Category) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _Category.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setId(id); eo.setName(name); return eo; }
public static EOBap createBap( EOEditingContext editingContext, NSTimestamp dCreation, NSTimestamp dModification) { EOBap eo = (EOBap) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _EOBap.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setDCreation(dCreation); eo.setDModification(dModification); return eo; }
/** * Retrieve this object's <code>id</code> value. * * @return the value of the attribute */ public Number id() { try { return (Number) EOUtilities.primaryKeyForObject(editingContext(), this).objectForKey("id"); } catch (Exception e) { return er.extensions.eof.ERXConstant.ZeroInteger; } }
public NSArray faxFournis() { NSDictionary args = new NSDictionary(persId(), "persId"); NSArray results = EOUtilities.objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings( editingContext(), "PersonneTelephone", "faxForPersId", args); return EOPersonneTelephone.prepareFetchResultForDisplay(results, false); }
public EOQualifier qualifierForRelationshipWithKey(String aKey) { willRead(); if (aKey != null) { String anEntityName = entityName(); EOEntity anEntity = EOModelGroup.defaultGroup().entityNamed(anEntityName); EORelationship aRelationship = anEntity.relationshipNamed(aKey); if (aRelationship != null) { EOEditingContext anEditingContext = editingContext(); EOGlobalID aGlobalID = anEditingContext.globalIDForObject(this); String aModelName = anEntity.model().name(); EODatabaseContext aDatabaseContext = EOUtilities.databaseContextForModelNamed(anEditingContext, aModelName); aDatabaseContext.lock(); NSDictionary aRow = aDatabaseContext.snapshotForGlobalID(aGlobalID); aDatabaseContext.unlock(); EOQualifier aQualifier = aRelationship.qualifierWithSourceRow(aRow); return aQualifier; } } return null; }
public void appendToResponse(WOResponse aResponse, WOContext aContext) { ItogType type = (ItogType) valueForBinding("currType"); currType = type; NamedFlags access = (NamedFlags) valueForBinding("access"); if (access == null) access = (NamedFlags) session().valueForKeyPath("readAccess.FLAGS.ItogType"); if (type == null) { itogName = null; itogTitle = null; itogCount = null; canDelete = false; cantEdit = (Boolean) access.valueForKey("_create"); // session().valueForKeyPath("readAccess._create.ItogType"); } else { itogName =; itogTitle = currType.title(); itogCount = currType.inYearCount(); if (itogCount.intValue() == 0) itogCount = null; EOEditingContext ec = (EOEditingContext) valueForBinding("ec"); NSArray itogs = EOUtilities.objectsMatchingKeyAndValue( ec, ItogContainer.ENTITY_NAME, ItogContainer.ITOG_TYPE_KEY, type); canDelete = (itogs == null || itogs.count() == 0); cantEdit = (Boolean) access.valueForKey("_edit"); // session().valueForKeyPath("readAccess._edit.currType"); } super.appendToResponse(aResponse, aContext); }
public createEveryScreenRelationship() { EOEnterpriseObject eo = EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance( editingContext(),; addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(eo, _PDBPresentation.EVERY_SCREEN_KEY); return ( eo; }
public static EOVPersonnelActuelEns createVPersonnelActuelEns( EOEditingContext editingContext, org.cocktail.feve.eos.modele.grhum.EOIndividu toIndividu) { EOVPersonnelActuelEns eo = (EOVPersonnelActuelEns) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _EOVPersonnelActuelEns.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setToIndividuRelationship(toIndividu); return eo; }
public Group localInstanceIn(EOEditingContext editingContext) { Group localInstance = (Group) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, this); if (localInstance == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "You attempted to localInstance " + this + ", which has not yet committed."); } return localInstance; }
public static ERSyncClientDevice createERSyncClientDevice( EOEditingContext editingContext, Boolean disable, String name) { ERSyncClientDevice eo = (ERSyncClientDevice) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _ERSyncClientDevice.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setDisable(disable); eo.setName(name); return eo; }
/** obtenir la valeur de la cle primaire a partir d'un Object quand celle-ci est cachee */ public static Object primaryKeyForObject( EOEditingContext eContext, EOEnterpriseObject record, String primaryKeyName) { try { return EOUtilities.primaryKeyForObject(eContext, record).objectForKey(primaryKeyName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
protected static NSArray selectRawRowcourant(EOEditingContext ed) { NSArray result = null; try { result = EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL(ed, "EtudiantEoGerry", sql.periodeCourante(), null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; }
public static IndividuUlr localInstanceIn(EOEditingContext editingContext, IndividuUlr eo) { IndividuUlr localInstance = (eo == null) ? null : (IndividuUlr) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, eo); if (localInstance == null && eo != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "You attempted to localInstance " + eo + ", which has not yet committed."); } return localInstance; }
/** * A static factory method for creating a new UserMessageSubscription object given required * attributes and relationships. * * @param editingContext The context in which the new object will be inserted * @param isEnabledValue * @return The newly created object */ public static UserMessageSubscription create( EOEditingContext editingContext, boolean isEnabledValue) { UserMessageSubscription eoObject = (UserMessageSubscription) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance( editingContext, _UserMessageSubscription.ENTITY_NAME); eoObject.setIsEnabled(isEnabledValue); return eoObject; }
public void takeValuesFromRequest(WORequest aRequest, WOContext aContext) { super.takeValuesFromRequest(aRequest, aContext); if (!Various.boolForObject(valueForBinding("showPopup"))) { selection = (PersonLink) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject( ec, (EOEnterpriseObject) valueForBinding("selection")); // syncSelection(); } }
public static MovieRole createMovieRole( EOEditingContext editingContext, webobjectsexamples.businesslogic.movies.common.Movie movie, webobjectsexamples.businesslogic.movies.common.Talent talent) { MovieRole eo = (MovieRole) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _MovieRole.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setMovieRelationship(movie); eo.setTalentRelationship(talent); return eo; }
/** * Retrieve an object using a dictionary of keys and values to match. * * @param context The editing context to use * @param keysAndValues a dictionary of keys and values to match * @return the single entity that was retrieved, or null if there was none * @throws EOUtilities.MoreThanOneException if there is more than one matching object */ public static UserMessageSubscription uniqueObjectMatchingValues( EOEditingContext context, NSDictionary<String, Object> keysAndValues) throws EOUtilities.MoreThanOneException { try { return (UserMessageSubscription) EOUtilities.objectMatchingValues(context, ENTITY_NAME, keysAndValues); } catch (EOObjectNotAvailableException e) { return null; } }
public static ScolMaquetteAp localInstanceIn(EOEditingContext editingContext, ScolMaquetteAp eo) { ScolMaquetteAp localInstance = (eo == null) ? null : (ScolMaquetteAp) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, eo); if (localInstance == null && eo != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "You attempted to localInstance " + eo + ", which has not yet committed."); } return localInstance; }
public static ERSyncClientDevice localInstanceIn( EOEditingContext editingContext, ERSyncClientDevice eo) { ERSyncClientDevice localInstance = (eo == null) ? null : (ERSyncClientDevice) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, eo); if (localInstance == null && eo != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "You attempted to localInstance " + eo + ", which has not yet committed."); } return localInstance; }
public static TimePointApplication localInstanceIn( EOEditingContext editingContext, TimePointApplication eo) { TimePointApplication localInstance = (eo == null) ? null : (TimePointApplication) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, eo); if (localInstance == null && eo != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "You attempted to localInstance " + eo + ", which has not yet committed."); } return localInstance; }
public static EOVPersonnelActuelEns localInstanceIn( EOEditingContext editingContext, EOVPersonnelActuelEns eo) { EOVPersonnelActuelEns localInstance = (eo == null) ? null : (EOVPersonnelActuelEns) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, eo); if (localInstance == null && eo != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "You attempted to localInstance " + eo + ", which has not yet committed."); } return localInstance; }
public static TimePointApplication createTimePointApplication( EOEditingContext editingContext, Integer instanceWeight, com.dyned.woremotesiteconfig.eom.StoredApp storedApp, com.dyned.woremotesiteconfig.eom.TimePoint timePoint) { TimePointApplication eo = (TimePointApplication) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _TimePointApplication.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setInstanceWeight(instanceWeight); eo.setStoredAppRelationship(storedApp); eo.setTimePointRelationship(timePoint); return eo; }
/** retourne les individus enregistr�s comme contacts de l'entreprise fournisseur courante */ public NSArray individusContactForFournis() { NSArray result; EOStructureUlr struct = structure(); if (struct != null) { NSDictionary args = new NSDictionary(struct.cStructure(), "idStructure"); result = EOUtilities.objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings( editingContext(), "IndividuUlr", "individusContactForStructure", args); } else { result = new NSArray(); } return result; }
public static PDBPresentation createPDBPresentation( EOEditingContext editingContext, String identifier, Integer pk, primeScreen) { PDBPresentation eo = (PDBPresentation) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _PDBPresentation.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setIdentifier(identifier); eo.setPk(pk); eo.setPrimeScreenRelationship(primeScreen); return eo; }