// [PJYF Nov 5 2004] // This is major Hack to generate a diffenrent bind dictionary for update and insert form the // one for select and delete public void addUpdateListAttribute(EOAttribute attribute, Object value) { String attributeName = this.sqlStringForAttribute(attribute); String attributeValue = this.sqlStringForForInsertOrUpdateValue(value, attribute.name()); attributeValue = this.formatSQLString(attributeValue, attribute.writeFormat()); this.appendItemToListString( _NSStringUtilities.concat(attributeName, " = ", attributeValue), this._listString()); }
// [PJYF Nov 5 2004] // This is major Hack to generate a diffenrent bind dictionary for update and insert form the // one for select and delete public void addInsertListAttribute(EOAttribute attribute, Object value) { this.appendItemToListString(this.sqlStringForAttribute(attribute), this._listString()); String attributeValue = this.sqlStringForForInsertOrUpdateValue(value, attribute.name()); attributeValue = this.formatSQLString(attributeValue, attribute.writeFormat()); this.appendItemToListString(attributeValue, _valueList()); }