public WOResponse nullResponse() { if (nullResponse == null) { nullResponse =; nullResponse.setStatus(500); nullResponse.appendContentString( "<html><head><title>Errorlt;/title></head><body>Votre requ�te produit une erreur.</body></html>"); } return nullResponse; }
@Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse r, WOContext c) { if (session().objectForKey("ERXDatabaseConsole.enabled") != null) { super.appendToResponse(r, c); } else { r.appendContentString("please use the ERXDirectAction databaseConsoleAction to login first!"); } }
protected WOResponse _generateResponseForInputStream(InputStream is, long length, String type) { WOResponse response = application.createResponseInContext(null); if (is != null) { if (length != 0) { response.setContentStream(is, 50 * 1024, length); } } else { response.setStatus(404); } if (type != null) { response.setHeader(type, "content-type"); } if (length != 0) { response.setHeader("" + length, "content-length"); } return response; }
public WOActionResults inscrire() { ERXRedirect redirectPage = null; NouveauDossierPreEtudiant page = (NouveauDossierPreEtudiant) component.pageWithName(NouveauDossierPreEtudiant.class.getName()); try { page.ctrl.initDossier(unPreEtudiant()); redirectPage = new ERXRedirect(component.context()); redirectPage.setComponent(page); component.session().setErreur(null); } catch (CtrlInscriptionException e) { component.session().defaultEditingContext().revert(); component.session().defaultEditingContext().invalidateAllObjects(); WOResponse response = new WOResponse(); response.setStatus(500); component.session().setErreur(e.getMessageJS()); return response; } return redirectPage; }
protected void _appendValueAttributeToResponse(WOResponse woresponse, WOContext wocontext) { WOComponent component = wocontext.component(); Object valueInComponent = _value.valueInComponent(component); if (valueInComponent != null) { String stringValue = valueInComponent.toString(); woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("value", stringValue, true); } if (_size != null) { Object sizeInComponent = _size.valueInComponent(component); if (sizeInComponent != null) { String stringValue = sizeInComponent.toString(); woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("size", stringValue, true); } } if (_maxlength != null) { Object maxlengthInComponent = _maxlength.valueInComponent(component); if (maxlengthInComponent != null) { String stringValue = maxlengthInComponent.toString(); woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("maxlength", stringValue, true); } } if (_placeholder != null) { Object placeholderInComponent = _placeholder.valueInComponent(component); if (placeholderInComponent != null) { String stringValue = placeholderInComponent.toString(); woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("placeholder", stringValue, true); } } if (_pattern != null) { Object patternInComponent = _pattern.valueInComponent(component); if (patternInComponent != null) { String stringValue = patternInComponent.toString(); woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("pattern", stringValue, true); } } else { woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("pattern", EMAIL_PATTERN, true); } if (isRequiredInContext(wocontext)) { woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("required", "required", false); } if (isReadonlyInContext(wocontext)) { woresponse._appendTagAttributeAndValue("readonly", "readonly", false); } }
public void appendAttributesToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { WOComponent component = context.component(); String href; if (_href != null) { href = (String) _href.valueInComponent(component); } else { String framework = "app"; if (_framework != null) { Object val = _framework.valueInComponent(component); if (val != null) { framework = val.toString(); } } String filename = (String) _filename.valueInComponent(component); WOResourceManager rs = WOApplication.application().resourceManager(); href = rs.urlForResourceNamed(filename, framework, null, context.request()); } response._appendTagAttributeAndValue("href", href, false); response._appendTagAttributeAndValue("rel", "SHORTCUT ICON", false); super.appendAttributesToResponse(response, context); }
/** * Overridden to get use apply the XLST transformation on the content. * * @throws TransformerException */ public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); current = start; if (isEnabled()) { WOResponse newResponse = new WOResponse(); newResponse.setContentEncoding(response.contentEncoding()); super.appendToResponse(newResponse, context); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String contentString = newResponse.contentString(); log.debug("Converting content string:\n" + contentString); } try { NSData data = transform(transformer(), newResponse.content()); if (hasBinding("data") && canSetValueForBinding("data")) { setValueForBinding(data, "data"); } if (hasBinding("stream") && canSetValueForBinding("stream")) { setValueForBinding(, "stream"); } response.appendContentData(data); } catch (TransformerException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } else { super.appendToResponse(response, context); } log.debug("Total: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
/** * Generate a link that opens the indicated dialog. * * @see er.ajax.AjaxComponent#appendToResponse(com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse, * com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext) */ @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { if (!booleanValueForBinding("enabled", true)) { return; } String elementName = (String) valueForBinding("elementName", "a", context.component()); response.appendContentString("<" + elementName + " "); if (elementName.equals("a")) { response.appendContentString("href=\"javascript:void(0)\""); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "title", valueForBinding("linkTitle", null)); } appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "id", id()); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "class", valueForBinding("class", null)); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "style", valueForBinding("style", null)); // onclick calls the script that opens the AjaxModalDialog response.appendContentString(" onclick=\""); response.appendContentString("new Ajax.Request('"); response.appendContentString(AjaxUtils.ajaxComponentActionUrl(context())); response.appendContentString("', "); AjaxOptions.appendToResponse(ajaxRequestOptions(), response, context); response.appendContentString("); "); response.appendContentString("return false;\" >"); if (elementName.equals("a") && hasBinding("label")) { response.appendContentString((String) valueForBinding("label")); } else { // This will append the contents inside of the link super.appendToResponse(response, context); } response.appendContentString("</" + elementName + ">"); }
public WOResponse generateRequestRefusal(WORequest aRequest) { WODynamicURL aURIString = aRequest._uriDecomposed(); String contentString = (new StringBuilder()) .append( "D�sol�, votre demande n'a pas pu �tre imm�diatement trait�es. S'il vous pla�t essayer cette URL: <a href=\"") .append(aURIString) .append("\">") .append(aURIString) .append("</a>") .toString(); aURIString.setApplicationNumber("-1"); WOResponse aResponse = WOApplication.application().createResponseInContext(null); WOResponse._redirectResponse(aResponse, aURIString.toString(), contentString); return aResponse; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public WOResponse handleRequest(WORequest request) { WOApplication application = WOApplication.application(); application.awake(); try { WOContext context = application.createContextForRequest(request); WOResponse response = application.createResponseInContext(context); Object output; try { String inputString = request.contentString(); JSONObject input = new JSONObject(inputString); String wosid = request.cookieValueForKey("wosid"); if (wosid == null) { ERXMutableURL url = new ERXMutableURL(); url.setQueryParameters(request.queryString()); wosid = url.queryParameter("wosid"); if (wosid == null && input.has("wosid")) { wosid = input.getString("wosid"); } } context._setRequestSessionID(wosid); WOSession session = null; if (context._requestSessionID() != null) { session = WOApplication.application().restoreSessionWithID(wosid, context); } if (session != null) { session.awake(); } try { JSONComponentCallback componentCallback = null; ERXDynamicURL url = new ERXDynamicURL(request._uriDecomposed()); String requestHandlerPath = url.requestHandlerPath(); JSONRPCBridge jsonBridge; if (requestHandlerPath != null && requestHandlerPath.length() > 0) { String componentNameAndInstance = requestHandlerPath; String componentInstance; String componentName; int slashIndex = componentNameAndInstance.indexOf('/'); if (slashIndex == -1) { componentName = componentNameAndInstance; componentInstance = null; } else { componentName = componentNameAndInstance.substring(0, slashIndex); componentInstance = componentNameAndInstance.substring(slashIndex + 1); } if (session == null) { session = context.session(); } String bridgesKey = (componentInstance == null) ? "_JSONGlobalBridges" : "_JSONInstanceBridges"; Map<String, JSONRPCBridge> componentBridges = (Map<String, JSONRPCBridge>) session.objectForKey(bridgesKey); if (componentBridges == null) { int limit = ERXProperties.intForKeyWithDefault( (componentInstance == null) ? "er.ajax.json.globalBacktrackCacheSize" : "er.ajax.json.backtrackCacheSize", WOApplication.application().pageCacheSize()); componentBridges = new LRUMap<String, JSONRPCBridge>(limit); session.setObjectForKey(componentBridges, bridgesKey); } jsonBridge = componentBridges.get(componentNameAndInstance); if (jsonBridge == null) { Class componentClass = _NSUtilities.classWithName(componentName); JSONComponent component; if (JSONComponent.class.isAssignableFrom(componentClass)) { component = (JSONComponent) _NSUtilities.instantiateObject( componentClass, new Class[] {WOContext.class}, new Object[] {context}, true, false); } else { throw new SecurityException( "There is no JSON component named '" + componentName + "'."); } jsonBridge = createBridgeForComponent( component, componentName, componentInstance, componentBridges); } componentCallback = new JSONComponentCallback(context); jsonBridge.registerCallback(componentCallback, WOContext.class); } else { jsonBridge = _sharedBridge; } try { output = Object[] {request, response, context}, input); } finally { if (componentCallback != null) { jsonBridge.unregisterCallback(componentCallback, WOContext.class); } } if (context._session() != null) { WOSession contextSession = context._session(); // If this is a new session, then we have to force it to be a cookie session if (wosid == null) { boolean storesIDsInCookies = contextSession.storesIDsInCookies(); try { contextSession.setStoresIDsInCookies(true); contextSession._appendCookieToResponse(response); } finally { contextSession.setStoresIDsInCookies(storesIDsInCookies); } } else { contextSession._appendCookieToResponse(response); } } if (output != null) { response.appendContentString(output.toString()); } if (response != null) { response._finalizeInContext(context); response.disableClientCaching(); } } finally { try { if (session != null) { session.sleep(); } } finally { if (context._session() != null) { WOApplication.application().saveSessionForContext(context); } } } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { e.printStackTrace(); output = new JSONRPCResult( JSONRPCResult.CODE_ERR_NOMETHOD, null, JSONRPCResult.MSG_ERR_NOMETHOD); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); output = new JSONRPCResult(JSONRPCResult.CODE_ERR_PARSE, null, JSONRPCResult.MSG_ERR_PARSE); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); output = new JSONRPCResult(JSONRPCResult.CODE_ERR_PARSE, null, t.getMessage()); } return response; } finally { application.sleep(); } }
// @Override public WOResponse handleRequest(WORequest request) { if (!ERSelenium.testsEnabled()) { return new WOResponse(); } NSArray pathElements = request.requestHandlerPathArray(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iter = pathElements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { builder.append(; if (iter.hasNext()) builder.append("/"); } String filePath = builder.toString(); log.debug("Processing file '" + filePath + "'"); /* * Syncrhonization mistakes are possible here, but not fatal at all. * At the worst case the file will be read 2-or-more times instead of 1 (if process 1 * checks that the file is not cached and process 2 does the same check before * process 1 has updated the cache). */ CachedFile cachedFile; synchronized (_cache) { cachedFile = (CachedFile) _cache.objectForKey(filePath); } if (cachedFile == null) { cachedFile = new CachedFile(); URL fileUrl = WOApplication.application() .resourceManager() .pathURLForResourceNamed(filePath, "ERSelenium", null); if (fileUrl == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't find specified resource ('" + filePath + "')"); } cachedFile.mimeType = WOApplication.application().resourceManager().contentTypeForResourceNamed(filePath); if (cachedFile.mimeType == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't determine resource mime type ('" + filePath + "')"); } try { = new NSData(ERXFileUtilities.bytesFromInputStream(fileUrl.openStream())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading file '" + fileUrl.getPath() + "'", e); } synchronized (_cache) { _cache.setObjectForKey(cachedFile, filePath); } } WOResponse response = new WOResponse(); response.setHeader(cachedFile.mimeType, "content-type"); response.setContent(; NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() .postNotification(WORequestHandler.DidHandleRequestNotification, response); return response; }
@Override public WOResponse handleRequest(WORequest request) { int bufferSize = 16384; WOApplication application = WOApplication.application(); application.awake(); try { WOContext context = application.createContextForRequest(request); WOResponse response = application.createResponseInContext(context); String sessionIdKey = application.sessionIdKey(); String sessionId = (String) request.formValueForKey(sessionIdKey); if (sessionId == null) { sessionId = request.cookieValueForKey(sessionIdKey); } context._setRequestSessionID(sessionId); if (context._requestSessionID() != null) { application.restoreSessionWithID(sessionId, context); } try { final WODynamicURL url = request._uriDecomposed(); final String requestPath = url.requestHandlerPath(); final Matcher idMatcher = Pattern.compile("^id/(\\d+)/").matcher(requestPath); final Integer requestedAttachmentID; String requestedWebPath; final boolean requestedPathContainsAnAttachmentID = idMatcher.find(); if (requestedPathContainsAnAttachmentID) { requestedAttachmentID = Integer.valueOf(; requestedWebPath = idMatcher.replaceFirst("/"); } else { // MS: This is kind of goofy because we lookup by path, your web path needs to // have a leading slash on it. requestedWebPath = "/" + requestPath; requestedAttachmentID = null; } try { InputStream attachmentInputStream; String mimeType; String fileName; long length; String queryString = url.queryString(); boolean proxyAsAttachment = (queryString != null && queryString.contains("attachment=true")); EOEditingContext editingContext = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); editingContext.lock(); try { ERAttachment attachment = fetchAttachmentFor(editingContext, requestedAttachmentID, requestedWebPath); if (_delegate != null && !_delegate.attachmentVisible(attachment, request, context)) { throw new SecurityException("You are not allowed to view the requested attachment."); } mimeType = attachment.mimeType(); length = attachment.size().longValue(); fileName = attachment.originalFileName(); ERAttachmentProcessor<ERAttachment> attachmentProcessor = ERAttachmentProcessor.processorForType(attachment); if (!proxyAsAttachment) { proxyAsAttachment = attachmentProcessor.proxyAsAttachment(attachment); } InputStream rawAttachmentInputStream = attachmentProcessor.attachmentInputStream(attachment); attachmentInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(rawAttachmentInputStream, bufferSize); } finally { editingContext.unlock(); } response.setHeader(mimeType, "Content-Type"); response.setHeader(String.valueOf(length), "Content-Length"); if (proxyAsAttachment) { response.setHeader("attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"", "Content-Disposition"); } response.setStatus(200); response.setContentStream(attachmentInputStream, bufferSize, length); } catch (SecurityException e) { NSLog.out.appendln(e); response.setContent(e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(403); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { NSLog.out.appendln(e); response.setContent(e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(404); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { NSLog.out.appendln(e); response.setContent(e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(404); } catch (IOException e) { NSLog.out.appendln(e); response.setContent(e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(500); } return response; } finally { if (context._requestSessionID() != null) { WOApplication.application().saveSessionForContext(context); } } } finally { application.sleep(); } }
public WOResponse handleRequest(WORequest request) { WOResponse response = null; FileInputStream is = null; long length = 0; String contentType = null; String uri = request.uri(); if (uri.charAt(0) == '/') { WOResourceManager rm = application.resourceManager(); String documentRoot = documentRoot(); File file = null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(documentRoot.length() + uri.length()); String wodataKey = request.stringFormValueForKey("wodata"); if (uri.startsWith("/cgi-bin") && wodataKey != null) { uri = wodataKey; if (uri.startsWith("file:")) { // remove file:/ uri = uri.substring(5); } else { } } else { int index = uri.indexOf("/wodata="); if (index >= 0) { uri = uri.substring(index + "/wodata=".length()); } else { sb.append(documentRoot); } } if (_useRequestHandlerPath) { try { WODynamicURL dynamicURL = new WODynamicURL(uri); String requestHandlerPath = dynamicURL.requestHandlerPath(); if (requestHandlerPath == null || requestHandlerPath.length() == 0) { sb.append(uri); } else { sb.append("/"); sb.append(requestHandlerPath); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse URL '" + uri + "'.", e); } } else { sb.append(uri); } String path = sb.toString(); try { path = path.replaceAll("\\?.*", ""); if (request.userInfo() != null && !request.userInfo().containsKey("HttpServletRequest")) { /* PATH_INFO is already decoded by the servlet container */ path = path.replace('+', ' '); path = URLDecoder.decode(path, CharEncoding.UTF_8); } file = new File(path); length = file.length(); is = new FileInputStream(file); contentType = rm.contentTypeForResourceNamed(path); log.debug("Reading file '" + file + "' for uri: " + uri); } catch (IOException ex) { if (!uri.toLowerCase().endsWith("/favicon.ico")) {"Unable to get contents of file '" + file + "' for uri: " + uri); } } } else { log.error("Can't fetch relative path: " + uri); } response = _generateResponseForInputStream(is, length, contentType); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() .postNotification(WORequestHandler.DidHandleRequestNotification, response); response._finalizeInContext(null); return response; }
public static WOActionResults exportJournalZPU( NSArray journal, WOContext context, String filename) { WOSession ses = context.session(); if (journal == null || journal.count() == 0) { WOResponse response = WOApplication.application().createResponseInContext(context); response.appendContentString( (String) ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelCurriculum_Curriculum.Tabel.noData")); response.setHeader("application/octet-stream", "Content-Type"); response.setHeader("attachment; filename=\"noData.txt\"", "Content-Disposition"); return response; } Export export = new ExportCSV(context, filename); export.beginRow(); export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.Reusables_Strings.dataTypes.Date")); export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelCurriculum_Curriculum.OrigTeacher")); export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelInterfaces_Names.EduCycle.subject")); export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelInterfaces_Names.EduGroup.this")); export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelCurriculum_Curriculum.Reason.Reason")); export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelCurriculum_Curriculum.Reason.verification")); export.addValue( ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelCurriculum_Curriculum.Substitute.Substitutor")); export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelInterfaces_Names.EduCycle.subject")); export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelCurriculum_Curriculum.Substitute.factor")); Enumeration enu = journal.objectEnumerator(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { NSDictionary dict = (NSDictionary) enu.nextElement(); export.beginRow(); export.addValue(MyUtility.dateFormat().format(dict.valueForKey("date"))); EduCourse course = (EduCourse) dict.valueForKey("minusCourse"); if (course != null) { Teacher teacher = (Teacher) dict.valueForKey("minusTeacher"); if (teacher != null) export.addValue(Person.Utility.fullName(teacher, true, 2, 1, 1)); else export.addValue(ses.valueForKeyPath("strings.RujelBase_Base.vacant")); if (course.comment() == null) { export.addValue(course.cycle().subject()); } else { buf.delete(0, buf.length()); buf.append(course.cycle().subject()); buf.append(' ').append('(').append(course.comment()).append(')'); export.addValue(buf.toString()); } } else { export.addValue(null); export.addValue(null); } if (dict.valueForKey("eduGroup") != null) export.addValue(dict.valueForKeyPath("")); else export.addValue(dict.valueForKey("grade")); export.addValue(dict.valueForKeyPath("reason.title")); export.addValue(dict.valueForKeyPath("reason.verification")); course = (EduCourse) dict.valueForKey("plusCourse"); if (course != null) { Teacher teacher = (Teacher) dict.valueForKey("plusTeacher"); export.addValue(Person.Utility.fullName(teacher, true, 2, 1, 1)); if (course.comment() == null) { export.addValue(course.cycle().subject()); } else { buf.delete(0, buf.length()); buf.append(course.cycle().subject()); buf.append(' ').append('(').append(course.comment()).append(')'); export.addValue(buf.toString()); } } else { export.addValue(null); export.addValue(null); } export.addValue(dict.valueForKey("value")); } return export; }
public void appendTagAttributeToResponse(WOResponse response, String name, Object object) { if (object != null) { response._appendTagAttributeAndValue(name, object.toString(), true); } }
public WOResponse _handleRequest(WORequest request) { // Retrieve the application object. We need to inform it of awake/sleep // and use some of its helper methods. WOApplication application =; WOResponse response; WOContext context; application.awake(); try { // Instantiate the action object for this request. // The WOAction sets up the context and restores the session and so // on. WOAction action = new ContentAction(request); // Retrieve the context object from the action. context = action.context(); // Retrieve the content path. e.g. blog or blog/2009/10/10/foobar or // whatever. String contentPath = request.requestHandlerPath(); // TODO: We probably could use some exception handling here. // 1. performActionNamed throws generating the WOActionResults // 2. performActionNamed returns null // 3. generateResponse throws // 4. generateResponse returns null (although we do kind of handle // this already). // Ask the action object to handle the request. Unlike normal action // objects the // ContentAction object takes a path instead of the first part of a // method name. WOActionResults actionResults = action.performActionNamed(contentPath); // Generate the response object. if (actionResults != null) response = actionResults.generateResponse(); else response = null; // FIXME: When we do add error handling, do we or don't we save the // session in the // event of an error? if (context != null) { // Check the session in to the session store. Particularly // important if the // session store is out of process. application.saveSessionForContext(context); } } finally { // End of request. application.sleep(); } // Ah, the joys of calling private APIs. For some reason both // WOActionRequestHandler // and WOComponentRequestHandler know about and call this method as // virtually the // last thing before returning the response. I am somewhat unclear as to // why this // method is private and why it isn't called by our caller instead of // within the // request handler. // It is imperative that this method be called because it generates HTTP // Set-Cookie // headers from the NSArray<WOCookie>. Without this no cookies will ever // function. if (response != null) response._finalizeInContext(context); return response; }
@Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { WOComponent component = context.component(); String idString = (String) id.valueInComponent(component); if (idString == null) { throw new RuntimeException("id binding evaluated to null"); } // UL for tabs response.appendContentString("<ul"); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "class", valueForBinding("class", component)); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "id", idString); // Optional JavaScriplets if (onLoad != null) { appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "onLoad", onLoad.valueInComponent(component)); } if (onSelect != null) { appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "onSelect", onSelect.valueInComponent(component)); } response.appendContentString(">\n"); String paneControlID = idString + "_panecontrol"; String selectedTabClassName = stringValueForBinding("selectedPanelClassName", component); if (selectedTabClassName == null) { selectedTabClassName = "active"; } for (MTAjaxTabbedPanelTab tab : tabs) { if (tab.isVisble(component)) { boolean isSelectedTab = tab.isSelected(context.component()); String panelTabID = (String); String panelID = panelTabID + "_panel"; response.appendContentString(" <li"); if (isSelectedTab) { response.appendContentString(" class=\""); response.appendContentString(selectedTabClassName); response.appendContentString("\""); } response.appendContentString(">\n"); response.appendContentString("<a "); // add the accesskey if (tab.accesskey() != null) { String accessKeyStr = tab.accesskey().valueInComponent(component).toString(); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "accesskey", accessKeyStr); } appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "href", "javascript:void(0)"); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "rel", panelID); response.appendContentString("\">"); response.appendContentString((String); response.appendContentString("</a>\n"); response.appendContentString("</li>\n"); } } response.appendContentString("</ul>\n"); // UL for panes response.appendContentString("<ul class=\"ajaxTabbedPanelPanes\" "); appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "id", paneControlID); response.appendContentString(">\n"); // The tabs render themselves as panes if (content != null) { content.appendToResponse(response, context); } response.appendContentString("</ul>\n"); super.appendToResponse(response, context); AjaxUtils.appendScriptHeader(response); response.appendContentString("window.addEvent('domready', function() {"); response.appendContentString("\n\tvar "); response.appendContentString(safeID(context)); response.appendContentString(" = new MTAjaxTabbedPanel({"); response.appendContentString("tabbedPanelTabsContainer : "); response.appendContentString("'"); response.appendContentString(idString); response.appendContentString("', "); response.appendContentString("tabbedPanelPanesContainer : "); response.appendContentString("'"); response.appendContentString(paneControlID); response.appendContentString("'"); if (!selectedTabClassName.equals("active")) { response.appendContentString(", "); response.appendContentString("selectedTabClassName : "); response.appendContentString("'"); response.appendContentString(selectedTabClassName); response.appendContentString("'"); } response.appendContentString("});"); response.appendContentString("\n});"); AjaxUtils.appendScriptFooter(response); }