public synchronized Transformer getTransformer(String framework, String filename) { if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("filename cannot be null or empty"); } String key = framework + "-" + filename; Templates t = (Templates) pool.getTemplates().get(key); String s = null; if (t == null) { try { WOApplication app = WOApplication.application(); WOResourceManager rm = app.resourceManager(); TransformerFactory fac = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); log.debug("creating template for file " + filename + " in framework " + framework); InputStream is = rm.inputStreamForResourceNamed(filename, framework, null); if (is == null) { log.debug("trying with framework = null"); is = rm.inputStreamForResourceNamed(filename, null, null); if (is == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("inputStream is null"); } } if (is.available() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "InputStream has 0 bytes available, cannot read xsl file!"); } s = ERXFileUtilities.stringFromInputStream(is); s = templateParser.parseTemplateWithObject(s, "@@", app); t = fac.newTemplates(new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()))); if (app.isCachingEnabled()) { templates.put(key, t); } } catch (IOException e1) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e1); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) { log.error("could not create template " + tce.getLocationAsString(), tce); log.error(" cause", tce.getCause()); if (tce.getCause() != null && tce.getCause() instanceof org.xml.sax.SAXParseException) { org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e = (org.xml.sax.SAXParseException) tce.getCause(); log.error( "SAXParseException: line " + e.getLineNumber() + ", column " + e.getColumnNumber()); } log.error("this is the incorrect xsl:>>>" + s + "<<<"); return null; } } try { return t.newTransformer(); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) { log.error("could not create template " + tce.getLocationAsString(), tce); log.error(" cause", tce.getCause()); return null; } }
public NSData dataForCheckboxOff() { WOResourceManager rm; URL url; if (dataForCheckboxOff == null) { rm = application().resourceManager(); url = rm.pathURLForResourceNamed("CheckboxOff.gif", "JavaDirectToWeb", null); try { // System.out.println(new NSData(url)); dataForCheckboxOff = new NSData(url); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("dataForCheckbox - " + e); } } return dataForCheckboxOff; }
public void appendAttributesToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { WOComponent component = context.component(); String href; if (_href != null) { href = (String) _href.valueInComponent(component); } else { String framework = "app"; if (_framework != null) { Object val = _framework.valueInComponent(component); if (val != null) { framework = val.toString(); } } String filename = (String) _filename.valueInComponent(component); WOResourceManager rs = WOApplication.application().resourceManager(); href = rs.urlForResourceNamed(filename, framework, null, context.request()); } response._appendTagAttributeAndValue("href", href, false); response._appendTagAttributeAndValue("rel", "SHORTCUT ICON", false); super.appendAttributesToResponse(response, context); }
public WOResponse handleRequest(WORequest request) { WOResponse response = null; FileInputStream is = null; long length = 0; String contentType = null; String uri = request.uri(); if (uri.charAt(0) == '/') { WOResourceManager rm = application.resourceManager(); String documentRoot = documentRoot(); File file = null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(documentRoot.length() + uri.length()); String wodataKey = request.stringFormValueForKey("wodata"); if (uri.startsWith("/cgi-bin") && wodataKey != null) { uri = wodataKey; if (uri.startsWith("file:")) { // remove file:/ uri = uri.substring(5); } else { } } else { int index = uri.indexOf("/wodata="); if (index >= 0) { uri = uri.substring(index + "/wodata=".length()); } else { sb.append(documentRoot); } } if (_useRequestHandlerPath) { try { WODynamicURL dynamicURL = new WODynamicURL(uri); String requestHandlerPath = dynamicURL.requestHandlerPath(); if (requestHandlerPath == null || requestHandlerPath.length() == 0) { sb.append(uri); } else { sb.append("/"); sb.append(requestHandlerPath); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse URL '" + uri + "'.", e); } } else { sb.append(uri); } String path = sb.toString(); try { path = path.replaceAll("\\?.*", ""); if (request.userInfo() != null && !request.userInfo().containsKey("HttpServletRequest")) { /* PATH_INFO is already decoded by the servlet container */ path = path.replace('+', ' '); path = URLDecoder.decode(path, CharEncoding.UTF_8); } file = new File(path); length = file.length(); is = new FileInputStream(file); contentType = rm.contentTypeForResourceNamed(path); log.debug("Reading file '" + file + "' for uri: " + uri); } catch (IOException ex) { if (!uri.toLowerCase().endsWith("/favicon.ico")) {"Unable to get contents of file '" + file + "' for uri: " + uri); } } } else { log.error("Can't fetch relative path: " + uri); } response = _generateResponseForInputStream(is, length, contentType); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() .postNotification(WORequestHandler.DidHandleRequestNotification, response); response._finalizeInContext(null); return response; }