public void replaceContainer(ComponentContainer newContainer, ComponentContainer newPosition) { ComponentContainer containerParent = (ComponentContainer) tabContainer.getParent(); if (containerParent != null) { containerParent.removeComponent(tabContainer); } if (newPosition == null) newPosition = newContainer; newPosition.addComponent(tabContainer); contentWrapper.addComponent(newContainer); }
@Inject public EditStatusToolItem(ComponentContainer parent, IEclipseContext context) { // the parent - is toolcontrol widget, we must add style for layouting in trimbar to parent // widget, not to user control parent.addStyleName("editstatus"); final Label label = new Label("Smart Insert"); parent.addComponent(label); }
private void showElementRecursive(MUIElement element) { if (!element.isToBeRendered()) return; if (element instanceof MPlaceholder && element.getWidget() != null) { MPlaceholder ph = (MPlaceholder) element; MUIElement ref = ph.getRef(); ref.setCurSharedRef(ph); ComponentContainer phComponent = (ComponentContainer) ph.getWidget(); Component refComponent = (Component) ph.getRef().getWidget(); phComponent.addComponent(refComponent); element = ref; // top right folder MPartStack topLeftStack = HierarchyUtils.findTopLeftFolder(ph.getRef()); if (topLeftStack != null) { if (ph.getTags().contains(IPresentationEngine.MAXIMIZED)) ((StackWidget) topLeftStack.getWidget()).setState(1); else if (ph.getTags().contains(IPresentationEngine.MINIMIZED)) ((StackWidget) topLeftStack.getWidget()).setState(-1); else ((StackWidget) topLeftStack.getWidget()).setState(0); } } if (element instanceof MContext) { IEclipseContext context = ((MContext) element).getContext(); if (context != null) { IEclipseContext newParentContext = modelService.getContainingContext(element); if (context.getParent() != newParentContext) { context.setParent(newParentContext); } } } // Show any floating windows if (element instanceof MWindow && element.getWidget() != null) { int visCount = 0; for (MUIElement kid : ((MWindow) element).getChildren()) { if (kid.isToBeRendered() && kid.isVisible()) visCount++; } if (visCount > 0) element.setVisible(true); } if (element instanceof MElementContainer<?>) { MElementContainer<?> container = (MElementContainer<?>) element; List<MUIElement> kids = new ArrayList<MUIElement>(container.getChildren()); for (MUIElement childElement : kids) { showElementRecursive(childElement); } // OK, now process detached windows if (element instanceof MWindow) { for (MWindow w : ((MWindow) element).getWindows()) { showElementRecursive(w); } } else if (element instanceof MPerspective) { for (MWindow w : ((MPerspective) element).getWindows()) { showElementRecursive(w); } } } }