public ArrayList<Device> listDevices() throws RemoteException { // A better approach will be that we store the request and on connect // we execute this later. if (service == null) { mManager.connectRemote(); Log.d(tag, "Service is not connected, failing listDevices"); return null; } Log.d(tag, "Quering UniversalService to listDevices"); return (ArrayList<Device>) service.listDevices(); }
public void testRemoteConnection(ParcelFileDescriptor fd) throws RemoteException { // A better approach will be that we store the request and on connect // we execute this later. if (service == null) { mManager.connectRemote(); Log.d(tag, "Service is not connected, failing listDevices"); return; } Log.d(tag, "testing connection.."); service.setFileDescriptor(fd); }
public boolean listHistoricalDevices(UniversalSensorManagerStub cb) { if (service == null) { mManager.connectRemote(); Log.d(tag, "Service is not connected, failing registerNotification"); return false; } try { return service.listHistoricalDevices(cb); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(tag, "registerNotification"); e.printStackTrace(); } return true; }
public boolean unregisterListener(String devID, int sType) { if (service == null) { mManager.connectRemote(); Log.d(tag, "Service is not connected, failing unregisterListener"); return false; } try { service.unregisterListener(devID, sType); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(tag, "unregisterListener"); e.printStackTrace(); } return true; }
public boolean registerListener( UniversalSensorManagerStub cb, String devID, int sType, boolean periodic, int rateUs, int bundleSize) { if (service == null) { mManager.connectRemote(); Log.d(tag, "Service is not connected, failing registerListener"); return false; } try { service.registerListener(cb, devID, sType, periodic, rateUs, bundleSize); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(tag, "registerListener"); e.printStackTrace(); } return true; }
public boolean fetchHistoricalData( UniversalSensorManagerStub cb, int txnID, String devID, int sType, long start, long end, long interval, int cmd) { if (service == null) { mManager.connectRemote(); Log.d(tag, "Service is not connected, failing registerNotification"); return false; } try { return service.fetchHistoricalData(cb, txnID, devID, sType, start, end, interval, cmd); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(tag, "registerNotification"); e.printStackTrace(); } return true; }