   * Submit a topology 1. Instantiate necessary resources 2. Valid whether it is legal to submit a
   * topology 3. Call LauncherRunner
  public void submitTopology() throws TopologySubmissionException {
    // 1. Do prepare work
    // create an instance of state manager
    String statemgrClass = Context.stateManagerClass(config);
    IStateManager statemgr;

    // Create an instance of the launcher class
    String launcherClass = Context.launcherClass(config);
    ILauncher launcher;

    // create an instance of the uploader class
    String uploaderClass = Context.uploaderClass(config);
    IUploader uploader;

    // create an instance of state manager
    try {
      statemgr = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(statemgrClass);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new TopologySubmissionException(
          String.format("Failed to instantiate state manager class '%s'", statemgrClass), e);

    // create an instance of launcher
    try {
      launcher = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(launcherClass);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new LauncherException(
          String.format("Failed to instantiate launcher class '%s'", launcherClass), e);

    // create an instance of uploader
    try {
      uploader = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(uploaderClass);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new UploaderException(
          String.format("Failed to instantiate uploader class '%s'", uploaderClass), e);

    // Put it in a try block so that we can always clean resources
    try {
      // initialize the state manager

      // TODO(mfu): timeout should read from config
      SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor adaptor = new SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor(statemgr, 5000);

      validateSubmit(adaptor, topology.getName());

      // 2. Try to submit topology if valid
      // invoke method to submit the topology
      LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Topology {0} to be submitted", topology.getName());

      // Firstly, try to upload necessary packages
      URI packageURI = uploadPackage(uploader);

      // Secondly, try to submit a topology
      // build the runtime config
      Config runtime =
              .putAll(LauncherUtils.getInstance().getPrimaryRuntime(topology, adaptor))
              .put(Keys.topologyPackageUri(), packageURI)
              .put(Keys.launcherClassInstance(), launcher)

    } catch (LauncherException | PackingException e) {
      // we undo uploading of topology package only if launcher fails to
      // launch topology, which will throw LauncherException or PackingException
      throw e;
    } finally {