  public void linkToHashtag(Entity entity, String text, StringBuilder builder) {
    // Get the original hash char from text as it could be a full-width
    // char.
    CharSequence hashChar = text.subSequence(entity.getStart(), entity.getStart() + 1);
    CharSequence hashtag = entity.getValue();

    Map<String, String> attrs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    attrs.put("href", hashtagUrlBase + "#" + hashtag);
    // attrs.put("title", "#" + hashtag);
    if (hashtagClass != null) {
      attrs.put("class", hashtagClass);

    linkToTextWithSymbol(entity, hashChar, hashtag, attrs, builder);
  public void linkToMentionAndList(Entity entity, String text, StringBuilder builder) {
    String mention = entity.getValue();
    // Get the original at char from text as it could be a full-width char.
    CharSequence atChar = text.subSequence(entity.getStart(), entity.getStart() + 1);

    Map<String, String> attrs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    if (entity.listSlug != null) {
      mention += entity.listSlug;
      if (listClass != null) {
        attrs.put("class", listClass);
      attrs.put("href", listUrlBase + mention);
    } else {
      if (usernameClass != null) {
        attrs.put("class", usernameClass);
      attrs.put("href", usernameUrlBase + mention);

    linkToTextWithSymbol(entity, atChar, mention, attrs, builder);