@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testAllocation() throws Exception { String allocationPath = "/allocation1"; SimpleLedgerAllocator allocator = createAllocator(allocationPath); allocator.allocate(); ZKTransaction txn = newTxn(); LedgerHandle lh = FutureUtils.result(allocator.tryObtain(txn, NULL_LISTENER)); logger.info("Try obtaining ledger handle {}", lh.getId()); byte[] data = zkc.get().getData(allocationPath, false, null); assertEquals((Long) lh.getId(), Long.valueOf(new String(data, UTF_8))); txn.addOp(DefaultZKOp.of(Op.setData("/unexistedpath", "data".getBytes(UTF_8), -1))); try { FutureUtils.result(txn.execute()); fail("Should fail the transaction when setting unexisted path"); } catch (ZKException ke) { // expected logger.info("Should fail on executing transaction when setting unexisted path", ke); } data = zkc.get().getData(allocationPath, false, null); assertEquals((Long) lh.getId(), Long.valueOf(new String(data, UTF_8))); // Create new transaction to obtain the ledger again. txn = newTxn(); // we could obtain the ledger if it was obtained LedgerHandle newLh = FutureUtils.result(allocator.tryObtain(txn, NULL_LISTENER)); assertEquals(lh.getId(), newLh.getId()); FutureUtils.result(txn.execute()); data = zkc.get().getData(allocationPath, false, null); assertEquals(0, data.length); Utils.close(allocator); }
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testBadVersionOnTwoAllocators() throws Exception { String allocationPath = "/allocation-bad-version"; zkc.get() .create(allocationPath, new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); Stat stat = new Stat(); byte[] data = zkc.get().getData(allocationPath, false, stat); Versioned<byte[]> allocationData = new Versioned<byte[]>(data, new ZkVersion(stat.getVersion())); SimpleLedgerAllocator allocator1 = new SimpleLedgerAllocator( allocationPath, allocationData, newQuorumConfigProvider(dlConf), zkc, bkc); SimpleLedgerAllocator allocator2 = new SimpleLedgerAllocator( allocationPath, allocationData, newQuorumConfigProvider(dlConf), zkc, bkc); allocator1.allocate(); // wait until allocated ZKTransaction txn1 = newTxn(); LedgerHandle lh = FutureUtils.result(allocator1.tryObtain(txn1, NULL_LISTENER)); allocator2.allocate(); ZKTransaction txn2 = newTxn(); try { FutureUtils.result(allocator2.tryObtain(txn2, NULL_LISTENER)); fail( "Should fail allocating on second allocator as allocator1 is starting allocating something."); } catch (ZKException zke) { assertEquals(KeeperException.Code.BADVERSION, zke.getKeeperExceptionCode()); } FutureUtils.result(txn1.execute()); Utils.close(allocator1); Utils.close(allocator2); long eid = lh.addEntry("hello world".getBytes()); lh.close(); LedgerHandle readLh = bkc.get() .openLedger(lh.getId(), BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32, dlConf.getBKDigestPW().getBytes()); Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries = readLh.readEntries(eid, eid); int i = 0; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { LedgerEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); assertEquals("hello world", new String(entry.getEntry(), UTF_8)); ++i; } assertEquals(1, i); }
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testCloseAllocatorDuringObtaining() throws Exception { String allocationPath = "/allocation2"; SimpleLedgerAllocator allocator = createAllocator(allocationPath); allocator.allocate(); ZKTransaction txn = newTxn(); // close during obtaining ledger. LedgerHandle lh = FutureUtils.result(allocator.tryObtain(txn, NULL_LISTENER)); Utils.close(allocator); byte[] data = zkc.get().getData(allocationPath, false, null); assertEquals((Long) lh.getId(), Long.valueOf(new String(data, UTF_8))); // the ledger is not deleted bkc.get() .openLedger( lh.getId(), BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32, dlConf.getBKDigestPW().getBytes(UTF_8)); }
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testCloseAllocatorAfterAbort() throws Exception { String allocationPath = "/allocation3"; SimpleLedgerAllocator allocator = createAllocator(allocationPath); allocator.allocate(); ZKTransaction txn = newTxn(); // close during obtaining ledger. LedgerHandle lh = FutureUtils.result(allocator.tryObtain(txn, NULL_LISTENER)); txn.addOp(DefaultZKOp.of(Op.setData("/unexistedpath", "data".getBytes(UTF_8), -1))); try { FutureUtils.result(txn.execute()); fail("Should fail the transaction when setting unexisted path"); } catch (ZKException ke) { // expected } Utils.close(allocator); byte[] data = zkc.get().getData(allocationPath, false, null); assertEquals((Long) lh.getId(), Long.valueOf(new String(data, UTF_8))); // the ledger is not deleted. bkc.get() .openLedger( lh.getId(), BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32, dlConf.getBKDigestPW().getBytes(UTF_8)); }
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testSuccessAllocatorShouldDeleteUnusedledger() throws Exception { String allocationPath = "/allocation-delete-unused-ledger"; zkc.get() .create(allocationPath, new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); Stat stat = new Stat(); byte[] data = zkc.get().getData(allocationPath, false, stat); Versioned<byte[]> allocationData = new Versioned<byte[]>(data, new ZkVersion(stat.getVersion())); SimpleLedgerAllocator allocator1 = new SimpleLedgerAllocator( allocationPath, allocationData, newQuorumConfigProvider(dlConf), zkc, bkc); allocator1.allocate(); // wait until allocated ZKTransaction txn1 = newTxn(); LedgerHandle lh1 = FutureUtils.result(allocator1.tryObtain(txn1, NULL_LISTENER)); // Second allocator kicks in stat = new Stat(); data = zkc.get().getData(allocationPath, false, stat); allocationData = new Versioned<byte[]>(data, new ZkVersion(stat.getVersion())); SimpleLedgerAllocator allocator2 = new SimpleLedgerAllocator( allocationPath, allocationData, newQuorumConfigProvider(dlConf), zkc, bkc); allocator2.allocate(); // wait until allocated ZKTransaction txn2 = newTxn(); LedgerHandle lh2 = FutureUtils.result(allocator2.tryObtain(txn2, NULL_LISTENER)); // should fail to commit txn1 as version is changed by second allocator try { FutureUtils.result(txn1.execute()); fail( "Should fail commit obtaining ledger handle from first allocator as allocator is modified by second allocator."); } catch (ZKException ke) { // as expected } FutureUtils.result(txn2.execute()); Utils.close(allocator1); Utils.close(allocator2); // ledger handle should be deleted try { lh1.close(); fail("LedgerHandle allocated by allocator1 should be deleted."); } catch (BKException bke) { // as expected } try { bkc.get() .openLedger(lh1.getId(), BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32, dlConf.getBKDigestPW().getBytes()); fail("LedgerHandle allocated by allocator1 should be deleted."); } catch (BKException.BKNoSuchLedgerExistsException nslee) { // as expected } long eid = lh2.addEntry("hello world".getBytes()); lh2.close(); LedgerHandle readLh = bkc.get() .openLedger( lh2.getId(), BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32, dlConf.getBKDigestPW().getBytes()); Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries = readLh.readEntries(eid, eid); int i = 0; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { LedgerEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); assertEquals("hello world", new String(entry.getEntry(), UTF_8)); ++i; } assertEquals(1, i); }