public JSONObject asJSONTreeAux(ConcurrentHashMap<DomainConcept, DomainConcept> written) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("class", "ClassModel"); jsonObj.put("id", id); if (written.contains(this)) { return jsonObj; } written.put(this, this); if (getHasArcs() != null) { JSONArray jsonHasArcs = new JSONArray(); for (Arc row : getHasArcs()) { jsonHasArcs.put(row.asJSONTreeAux(written)); } jsonObj.put("hasArcs", jsonHasArcs); } if (getHasPropertySet() != null) { jsonObj.put("hasPropertySet", getHasPropertySet().asJSONTreeAux(written)); } jsonObj.put("id", getId()); if (getHasDomainNodes() != null) { jsonObj.put("hasDomainNodes", getHasDomainNodes().asJSONTreeAux(written)); } written.remove(this); } catch (Exception e1) { logWriter.error("Error in marshalling to JSON ", e1); } return jsonObj; }
/** method to marshall data from caching layer object to JSON * */ public JSONObject asJSON() { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("class", "ClassModel"); jsonObj.put("id", id); if (getHasArcs() != null) { JSONArray jsonHasArcs = new JSONArray(); for (Arc row : getHasArcs()) { jsonHasArcs.put(row.getId()); } jsonObj.put("hasArcs", jsonHasArcs); } if (getHasPropertySet() != null) { jsonObj.put("hasPropertySet", getHasPropertySet().getId()); } jsonObj.put("id", getId()); if (getHasDomainNodes() != null) { jsonObj.put("hasDomainNodes", getHasDomainNodes().getId()); } } catch (Exception e1) { logWriter.error("Error in marshalling to JSON ", e1); } return jsonObj; }