   * This will take a document and extract the desired pages into a new document. Both startPage and
   * endPage are included in the extracted document. If the endPage is greater than the number of
   * pages in the source document, it will go to the end of the document. If startPage is less than
   * 1, it'll start with page 1. If startPage is greater than endPage or greater than the number of
   * pages in the source document, a blank document will be returned.
   * @return The extracted document
   * @throws IOException If there is an IOError
  public PDDocument extract() throws IOException {
    PDDocument extractedDocument = new PDDocument();

    for (int i = startPage; i <= endPage; i++) {
      PDPage page = sourceDocument.getPage(i - 1);
      PDPage imported = extractedDocument.importPage(page);

    return extractedDocument;