  /** Computes a list of the valid locations in this cluster. */
  public static List<SceneLocation> getClusterLocs(Cluster cluster) {
    List<SceneLocation> list = Lists.newArrayList();

    // convert our tile coordinates into a cartesian coordinate system
    // with units equal to one fine coordinate in size
    int fx = cluster.x * _metrics.finegran + 1, fy = cluster.y * _metrics.finegran + 1;
    int fwid = cluster.width * _metrics.finegran - 2, fhei = cluster.height * _metrics.finegran - 2;
    int cx = fx + fwid / 2, cy = fy + fhei / 2;

    // if it's a 1x1 cluster, return one location in the center of the
    // cluster
    if (cluster.width == 1) {
      StageLocation loc =
          new StageLocation(
              MisoUtil.toFull(cluster.x, 2),
              MisoUtil.toFull(cluster.y, 2),
              (byte) DirectionCodes.SOUTHWEST);
      list.add(new SceneLocation(loc, 0));
      return list;

    double radius = (double) fwid / 2;
    int clidx = cluster.width - 2;
    if (clidx >= CLUSTER_METRICS.length / 2 || clidx < 0) {
      log.warning("Requested locs from invalid cluster " + cluster + ".", new Exception());
      return list;

    for (double angle = CLUSTER_METRICS[clidx * 2];
        angle < Math.PI * 2;
        angle += CLUSTER_METRICS[clidx * 2 + 1]) {
      int sx = cx + (int) Math.round(Math.cos(angle) * radius);
      int sy = cy + (int) Math.round(Math.sin(angle) * radius);

      // obtain the orientation facing toward the center
      int orient = 2 * (int) (Math.round(angle / (Math.PI / 4)) % 8);
      orient = DirectionUtil.rotateCW(DirectionCodes.SOUTH, orient);
      orient = DirectionUtil.getOpposite(orient);

      // convert them back to full coordinates for the location
      int tx = MathUtil.floorDiv(sx, _metrics.finegran);
      sx = MisoUtil.toFull(tx, sx - (tx * _metrics.finegran));
      int ty = MathUtil.floorDiv(sy, _metrics.finegran);
      sy = MisoUtil.toFull(ty, sy - (ty * _metrics.finegran));
      StageLocation loc = new StageLocation(sx, sy, (byte) orient);
      list.add(new SceneLocation(loc, 0));

    return list;
   * Convert the given pixel coordinates, whose origin is at the top-left of a tile's containing
   * rectangle, to fine coordinates within that tile. Converted coordinates are placed in the given
   * point object.
   * @param x the x-position pixel coordinate.
   * @param y the y-position pixel coordinate.
   * @param fpos the point object to place coordinates in.
  public static void pixelToFine(MisoSceneMetrics metrics, int x, int y, Point fpos) {
    // calculate line parallel to the y-axis (from the given
    // x/y-pos to the x-axis)
    float bY = y - (metrics.fineSlopeY * x);

    // determine intersection of x- and y-axis lines
    int crossx = (int) ((bY - metrics.fineBX) / (metrics.fineSlopeX - metrics.fineSlopeY));
    int crossy = (int) ((metrics.fineSlopeY * crossx) + bY);

    // TODO: final position should check distance between our
    // position and the surrounding fine coords and return the
    // actual closest fine coord, rather than just dividing.

    // determine distance along the x-axis
    float xdist = MathUtil.distance(metrics.tilehwid, 0, crossx, crossy);
    fpos.x = (int) (xdist / metrics.finelen);

    // determine distance along the y-axis
    float ydist = MathUtil.distance(x, y, crossx, crossy);
    fpos.y = (int) (ydist / metrics.finelen);

    //         Log.info("Pixel to fine " + StringUtil.coordsToString(x, y) +
    //                  " -> " + StringUtil.toString(fpos) + ".");
 protected final IntTuple blockKey(SceneBlock block) {
   Rectangle bounds = block.getBounds();
   return new IntTuple(
       MathUtil.floorDiv(bounds.x, bounds.width), MathUtil.floorDiv(bounds.y, bounds.height));
 /** Returns the tile coordinate of the given full coordinate. */
 public static int fullToTile(int val) {
   return MathUtil.floorDiv(val, FULL_TILE_FACTOR);