/* * Update the task with necessary information when the task is success. */ private void updateSuccessTask(Task task, ProductInstance productInstance) { String piResource = getUrl(productInstance); task.setResult(new TaskReference(piResource)); task.setEndTime(new Date()); task.setStatus(TaskStates.SUCCESS); taskManager.updateTask(task); }
/* * Update the task with necessary information when the task is wrong. */ private void updateErrorTask(Task task, String message, Throwable t) { TaskError error = new TaskError(message); error.setMajorErrorCode(t.getMessage()); error.setMinorErrorCode(t.getClass().getSimpleName()); task.setEndTime(new Date()); task.setStatus(TaskStates.ERROR); task.setError(error); taskManager.updateTask(task); log.info( "An error occurs while executing a product action. See task " + task.getHref() + "for more information"); }