	public String print(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
		String idString = request.getParameter("id");
		String IsPostBack = request.getParameter("IsPostBack");
		request.setAttribute("IsPostBack", "1");
		if(IsPostBack!=null && !IsPostBack.equals("")&&IsPostBack.equals("1")){
			int count = Integer.parseInt((dataBaseControl.getOneResultSet("select print from fi_payfor where id=?", new Object[]{idString})).get("print").toString());
			dataBaseControl.executeSql("update fi_payfor set print=? where id=?", new Object[]{count,idString});
			request.setAttribute("operationSign", "closeDG_refreshW();");
		Map typeMap = dataBaseControl.getOneResultSet("select t.type from fi_payfor t where t.id = ?", new Object[]{idString});
		String type = null;
			type= ""+typeMap.get("type");
		Map mainMap = null;
		List itemlist = null;
			mainMap = dataBaseControl.getOneResultSet("select t.*,s.name,s.id sid," +
					"(select mb.branchname from mrbranch mb where mb.id=t.dept_id) dept_name," +
					"(select b.name from hr_base_info b where t.p_id = b.id) pname " +
					"from fi_payfor t,supplier s where t.id = ? and t.note = s.id", new Object[]{idString});
			itemlist = dataBaseControl.getOutResultSet("select t.applyreason,t.fujnum,t.money from fi_payfor_item t where t.f_id = ? order by t.id", new Object[]{idString});
			List mainList = dataBaseControl.getTopResultSet("select t.*," +
					"(select s.name from supplier s where s.id = gi.gongys) name," +
					"(select mb.branchname from mrbranch mb where mb.id=t.dept_id) dept_name, " +
					"(select b.name from hr_base_info b where t.p_id = b.id) pname  " +
					"from fi_payfor t,fi_payfor_item pi,gm_purchase_item gi where t.id = ? " +
					"and t.id = pi.f_id and pi.purchase_item_id = gi.id",  new Object[]{idString} ,1);
				mainMap=(Map) mainList.get(0);
			itemlist = dataBaseControl.getOutResultSet("select " +
					"(select m.name from materiel m where m.id = t.materiel_id) applyreason," +
					"t.fujnum,t.money from fi_payfor_item t where t.f_id = ? order by t.id", new Object[]{idString});
		request.setAttribute("main", mainMap);
		request.setAttribute("itemlist", itemlist);
		List dmList = dataBaseControl.getTopResultSet("select hb.name,t.opinion,t.audit_date from fi_payfor_audit t,hr_base_info hb,fi_payfor fp where fp.id=t.apply_id(+) and t.audit_id = hb.id(+) and hb.dept_id = fp.dept_id and fp.id=? order by t.id desc", new Object[]{idString}, 1);
		List cpaList = dataBaseControl.getTopResultSet("select hb.name,t.opinion,t.audit_date from fi_payfor_audit t,hr_base_info hb,fi_payfor fp where fp.id=t.apply_id(+) and t.audit_id=hb.id(+) and hb.dept_id=6 and hb.duty_id=1 and t.apply_id=? order by t.id desc", new Object[]{idString}, 1);
		List fmList = dataBaseControl.getTopResultSet("select hb.name,t.opinion,t.audit_date from fi_payfor_audit t,hr_base_info hb,fi_payfor fp where fp.id=t.apply_id(+) and t.audit_id=hb.id(+) and hb.dept_id=6 and hb.duty_id=2 and t.apply_id=? order by t.id desc", new Object[]{idString}, 1);
		List gmList = dataBaseControl.getTopResultSet("select hb.name,t.opinion,t.audit_date from fi_payfor_audit t,hr_base_info hb where t.audit_id=hb.id(+) and hb.duty_id!=1 and hb.duty_id!=2 and t.apply_id=? order by t.id desc", new Object[]{idString}, 1);
		Map dmMap = null;
		Map cpaMap = null;
		Map fmMap = null;
		Map gmMap = null;
			dmMap = (Map) dmList.get(0);
			cpaMap = (Map) cpaList.get(0);
			fmMap = (Map) fmList.get(0);
			gmMap = (Map) gmList.get(0);

		request.setAttribute("dmMap", dmMap);
		request.setAttribute("fmMap", fmMap);
		request.setAttribute("gmMap", gmMap);
		request.setAttribute("cpaMap", cpaMap);
		return "/fi/payfor/print.jsp";