/** Enter a set of generated class files. */ private List<ClassSymbol> enterClassFiles(Map<String, JavaFileObject> classFiles) { ClassReader reader = ClassReader.instance(context); Names names = Names.instance(context); List<ClassSymbol> list = List.nil(); for (Map.Entry<String, JavaFileObject> entry : classFiles.entrySet()) { Name name = names.fromString(entry.getKey()); JavaFileObject file = entry.getValue(); if (file.getKind() != JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS) throw new AssertionError(file); ClassSymbol cs; if (isPkgInfo(file, JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS)) { Name packageName = Convert.packagePart(name); PackageSymbol p = reader.enterPackage(packageName); if (p.package_info == null) p.package_info = reader.enterClass(Convert.shortName(name), p); cs = p.package_info; if (cs.classfile == null) cs.classfile = file; } else cs = reader.enterClass(name, file); list = list.prepend(cs); } return list.reverse(); }
private void discoverAndRunProcs( Context context, Set<TypeElement> annotationsPresent, List<ClassSymbol> topLevelClasses, List<PackageSymbol> packageInfoFiles) { Map<String, TypeElement> unmatchedAnnotations = new HashMap<String, TypeElement>(annotationsPresent.size()); for (TypeElement a : annotationsPresent) { unmatchedAnnotations.put(a.getQualifiedName().toString(), a); } // Give "*" processors a chance to match if (unmatchedAnnotations.size() == 0) unmatchedAnnotations.put("", null); DiscoveredProcessors.ProcessorStateIterator psi = discoveredProcs.iterator(); // TODO: Create proper argument values; need past round // information to fill in this constructor. Note that the 1 // st round of processing could be the last round if there // were parse errors on the initial source files; however, we // are not doing processing in that case. Set<Element> rootElements = new LinkedHashSet<Element>(); rootElements.addAll(topLevelClasses); rootElements.addAll(packageInfoFiles); rootElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(rootElements); RoundEnvironment renv = new JavacRoundEnvironment(false, false, rootElements, JavacProcessingEnvironment.this); while (unmatchedAnnotations.size() > 0 && psi.hasNext()) { ProcessorState ps = psi.next(); Set<String> matchedNames = new HashSet<String>(); Set<TypeElement> typeElements = new LinkedHashSet<TypeElement>(); for (Map.Entry<String, TypeElement> entry : unmatchedAnnotations.entrySet()) { String unmatchedAnnotationName = entry.getKey(); if (ps.annotationSupported(unmatchedAnnotationName)) { matchedNames.add(unmatchedAnnotationName); TypeElement te = entry.getValue(); if (te != null) typeElements.add(te); } } if (matchedNames.size() > 0 || ps.contributed) { boolean processingResult = callProcessor(ps.processor, typeElements, renv); ps.contributed = true; ps.removeSupportedOptions(unmatchedProcessorOptions); if (printProcessorInfo || verbose) { log.printNoteLines( "x.print.processor.info", ps.processor.getClass().getName(), matchedNames.toString(), processingResult); } if (processingResult) { unmatchedAnnotations.keySet().removeAll(matchedNames); } } } unmatchedAnnotations.remove(""); if (lint && unmatchedAnnotations.size() > 0) { // Remove annotations processed by javac unmatchedAnnotations.keySet().removeAll(platformAnnotations); if (unmatchedAnnotations.size() > 0) { log = Log.instance(context); log.warning("proc.annotations.without.processors", unmatchedAnnotations.keySet()); } } // Run contributing processors that haven't run yet psi.runContributingProcs(renv); // Debugging if (options.isSet("displayFilerState")) filer.displayState(); }