protected void printType(String label, Type type, Details details) { if (type == null) printNull(label); else { switch (details) { case SUMMARY: printString(label, toString(type)); break; case FULL: indent(); out.print(label); out.println( ": " + info(type.getClass(), type.getTag(), type.getKind()) + " " + hashString(type)); indent(+1); printSymbol("tsym", type.tsym, Details.SUMMARY); printObject("constValue", type.constValue(), Details.SUMMARY); printObject("annotations", type.getAnnotationMirrors(), Details.SUMMARY); type.accept(typeVisitor, null); indent(-1); } } }
Attribute enterAttributeValue(Type expected, JCExpression tree, Env<AttrContext> env) { // first, try completing the attribution value sym - if a completion // error is thrown, we should recover gracefully, and display an // ordinary resolution diagnostic. try { expected.tsym.complete(); } catch (CompletionFailure e) { log.error(tree.pos(), "cant.resolve", Kinds.kindName(e.sym), e.sym); return new Attribute.Error(expected); } if (expected.isPrimitive() || types.isSameType(expected, syms.stringType)) { Type result = attr.attribExpr(tree, env, expected); if (result.isErroneous()) return new Attribute.Error(expected); if (result.constValue() == null) { log.error(tree.pos(), ""); return new Attribute.Error(expected); } result = cfolder.coerce(result, expected); return new Attribute.Constant(expected, result.constValue()); } if (expected.tsym == syms.classType.tsym) { Type result = attr.attribExpr(tree, env, expected); if (result.isErroneous()) return new Attribute.Error(expected); if ( != names._class) { log.error(tree.pos(), ""); return new Attribute.Error(expected); } return new Attribute.Class(types, (((JCFieldAccess) tree).selected).type); } if ((expected.tsym.flags() & Flags.ANNOTATION) != 0 || types.isSameType(expected, syms.annotationType)) { if (tree.getTag() != JCTree.ANNOTATION) { log.error(tree.pos(), ""); expected = syms.errorType; } return enterAnnotation((JCAnnotation) tree, expected, env); } if (expected.tag == TypeTags.ARRAY) { // should really be isArray() if (tree.getTag() != JCTree.NEWARRAY) { tree =, List.<JCExpression>nil(), List.of(tree)); } JCNewArray na = (JCNewArray) tree; if (na.elemtype != null) { log.error(na.elemtype.pos(), ""); return new Attribute.Error(expected); } ListBuffer<Attribute> buf = new ListBuffer<Attribute>(); for (List<JCExpression> l = na.elems; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { buf.append(enterAttributeValue(types.elemtype(expected), l.head, env)); } na.type = expected; return new Attribute.Array(expected, buf.toArray(new Attribute[buf.length()])); } if (expected.tag == TypeTags.CLASS && (expected.tsym.flags() & Flags.ENUM) != 0) { attr.attribExpr(tree, env, expected); Symbol sym = TreeInfo.symbol(tree); if (sym == null || TreeInfo.nonstaticSelect(tree) || sym.kind != Kinds.VAR || (sym.flags() & Flags.ENUM) == 0) { log.error(tree.pos(), ""); return new Attribute.Error(expected); } VarSymbol enumerator = (VarSymbol) sym; return new Attribute.Enum(expected, enumerator); } if (!expected.isErroneous()) log.error(tree.pos(), "annotation.value.not.allowable.type"); return new Attribute.Error(attr.attribExpr(tree, env, expected)); }