public ModuleSymbol findSingleModule() { try { JavaFileObject src_fo = getModuleInfoFromLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, Kind.SOURCE); JavaFileObject class_fo = getModuleInfoFromLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, Kind.CLASS); JavaFileObject fo = (src_fo == null) ? class_fo : (class_fo == null) ? src_fo : classFinder.preferredFileObject(src_fo, class_fo); ModuleSymbol msym; if (fo == null) { msym = syms.unnamedModule; } else { switch (fo.getKind()) { case SOURCE: if (!inFindSingleModule) { try { inFindSingleModule = true; // Note: the following will trigger a re-entrant call to Modules.enter msym = sourceFileCompleter.complete(fo); msym.module_info.classfile = fo; } finally { inFindSingleModule = false; } } else { // the does not contain a module declaration, // avoid infinite recursion: msym = syms.unnamedModule; } break; case CLASS: Name name; try { name = names.fromString(readModuleName(fo)); } catch (BadClassFile | IOException ex) { // fillIn will report proper errors: name = names.error; } msym = syms.enterModule(name); msym.module_info.classfile = fo; msym.completer = Completer.NULL_COMPLETER; classFinder.fillIn(msym.module_info); break; default: Assert.error(); msym = syms.unnamedModule; break; } } msym.classLocation = StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT; return msym; } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); // FIXME } }
/** Construct a new module finder. */ protected ModuleFinder(Context context) { context.put(moduleFinderKey, this); names = Names.instance(context); syms = Symtab.instance(context); fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class); log = Log.instance(context); classFinder = ClassFinder.instance(context); diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context); }
private List<ModuleSymbol> scanModulePath(ModuleSymbol toFind) { ListBuffer<ModuleSymbol> results = new ListBuffer<>(); Map<Name, Location> namesInSet = new HashMap<>(); while (moduleLocationIterator.hasNext()) { Set<Location> locns = (; namesInSet.clear(); for (Location l : locns) { try { Name n = names.fromString(fileManager.inferModuleName(l)); if (namesInSet.put(n, l) == null) { ModuleSymbol msym = syms.enterModule(n); if (msym.sourceLocation != null || msym.classLocation != null) { // module has already been found, so ignore this instance continue; } if (moduleLocationIterator.outer == StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH) { msym.sourceLocation = l; if (fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT)) { msym.classLocation = fileManager.getLocationForModule( StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT,; } } else { msym.classLocation = l; } if (moduleLocationIterator.outer == StandardLocation.SYSTEM_MODULES || moduleLocationIterator.outer == StandardLocation.UPGRADE_MODULE_PATH) { msym.flags_field |= Flags.SYSTEM_MODULE; } if (toFind == msym || toFind == null) { // Note: cannot return msym directly, because we must finish // processing this set first results.add(msym); } } else { log.error( Errors.DuplicateModuleOnPath(getDescription(moduleLocationIterator.outer), n)); } } catch (IOException e) { // skip location for now? log error? } } if (toFind != null && results.nonEmpty()) return results.toList(); } return results.toList(); }
public ModuleSymbol findModule(Name name) { return findModule(syms.enterModule(name)); }