public static XControlShape createGrid(XComponent oDoc, int height, int width, int x, int y) { Size size = new Size(); Point position = new Point(); XControlShape oCShape = null; XControlModel aControl = null; // get MSF XMultiServiceFactory oDocMSF = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, oDoc); try { Object oInt = oDocMSF.createInstance(""); Object aCon = oDocMSF.createInstance(""); XPropertySet model_props = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, aCon); model_props.setPropertyValue( "DefaultControl", ""); aControl = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlModel.class, aCon); oCShape = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlShape.class, oInt); size.Height = height; size.Width = width; position.X = x; position.Y = y; oCShape.setSize(size); oCShape.setPosition(position); } catch ( e) { // Some exception occurs.FAILED System.out.println("Couldn't create Grid" + e); throw new StatusException("Couldn't create Grid", e); } oCShape.setControl(aControl); return oCShape; } // finish createGrid
/** * With the help of document passed as relation, a new button control model is created and set as * a control. * * <p>Has <b> OK </b> status if <code>getControl()</code> method returns the same control as was * set. * * <p>The following method tests are to be completed successfully before : * * <ul> * <li><code> getControl() </code> * </ul> */ public void _setControl() { requiredMethod("getControl()"); XInterface oNewControl = FormTools.createControl((XComponent) tEnv.getObjRelation("xDoc"), "ComboBox"); XControlModel xControl = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlModel.class, oNewControl); oObj.setControl(xControl); XControlModel gControl = oObj.getControl(); if (oNewControl.equals(gControl)) tRes.tested("setControl()", true); else { log.println("Control set is not equal to control get"); tRes.tested("setControl()", false); } }
/** * Creating a Testenvironment for the interfaces to be tested. * For object creation first a * <code><code> instance * is added to the <code>ControlShape</code>. Then this model's * control is retrieved. * * Object relations created : * <ul> * <li> <code>'GRAPHICS'</code> for * {@link ifc.awt._XView} test : <code>XGraphics</code> * object different that belong to the object tested.</li> * <li> <code>'CONTEXT'</code> for * {@link ifc.awt._XControl} </li> * <li> <code>'WINPEER'</code> for * {@link ifc.awt._XControl} </li> * <li> <code>'TOOLKIT'</code> for * {@link ifc.awt._XControl} </li> * <li> <code>'MODEL'</code> for * {@link ifc.awt._XControl} </li> * <li> <code>'XWindow.AnotherWindow'</code> for * {@link ifc.awt._XWindow} for switching focus.</li> * <li> <code>'XDispatch.URL'</code> for * {@link ifc.frame._XDispatch} the url which moves * DB cursor to the next row (".uno:FormSlots/moveToNext").</li> * <li> <code>'XContainer.Container'</code> for * {@link ifc.container._XContainer} as the component created * doesn't support <code>XContainer</code> itself, but * it is supported by its model. So this model is passed.</li> * <li> <code>'INSTANCE'</code> for * {@link ifc.container._XContainer} the instance to be * inserted into collection. Is a column instance.</li> * </ul> */ protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param, PrintWriter log) { XInterface oObj = null; XWindowPeer the_win = null; XToolkit the_kit = null; XDevice aDevice = null; XGraphics aGraphic = null; XPropertySet aControl = null; XPropertySet aControl2 = null; XPropertySet aControl3 = null; XPropertySet aControl4 = null; XGridColumnFactory columns = null; // Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel XControlShape aShape = createGrid(xTextDoc, 3000, 4500, 15000, 10000); XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl(); WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add(aShape); XLoadable formLoader = FormTools.bindForm(xTextDoc); // Try to query XControlAccess XControlAccess the_access = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlAccess.class, xTextDoc.getCurrentController()); try { columns = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XGridColumnFactory.class, the_Model); aControl = columns.createColumn("TextField"); aControl.setPropertyValue("DataField", "Identifier"); aControl.setPropertyValue("Label", "Identifier"); aControl2 = columns.createColumn("TextField"); aControl2.setPropertyValue("DataField", "Publisher"); aControl2.setPropertyValue("Label", "Publisher"); aControl3 = columns.createColumn("TextField"); aControl3.setPropertyValue("DataField", "Author"); aControl3.setPropertyValue("Label", "Author"); aControl4 = columns.createColumn("TextField"); aControl4.setPropertyValue("DataField", "Title"); aControl4.setPropertyValue("Label", "Title"); } catch ( e) { // Some exception occurs.FAILED log.println("!!! Couldn't create instance : " + e); throw new StatusException("Can't create column instances.", e); } catch ( e) { // Some exception occurs.FAILED log.println("!!! Couldn't create instance : " + e); throw new StatusException("Can't create column instances.", e); } catch ( e) { // Some exception occurs.FAILED log.println("!!! Couldn't create instance : " + e); throw new StatusException("Can't create column instances.", e); } catch ( e) { // Some exception occurs.FAILED log.println("!!! Couldn't create instance : " + e); throw new StatusException("Can't create column instances.", e); } XNameContainer aContainer = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameContainer.class, the_Model); try { aContainer.insertByName("First", aControl); aContainer.insertByName("Second", aControl2); } catch ( e) { log.println("!!! Could't insert column Instance"); e.printStackTrace(log); throw new StatusException("Can't insert columns", e); } // now get the OGridControl try { oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model); the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer(); the_kit = the_win.getToolkit(); aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200); aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics(); } catch ( e) { log.println("Couldn't get GridControl"); e.printStackTrace(log); throw new StatusException("Couldn't get GridControl", e); } // creating another window aShape = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000, 4500, 15000, 10000, "TextField"); WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add(aShape); the_Model = aShape.getControl(); // Try to query XControlAccess the_access = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlAccess.class, xTextDoc.getCurrentController()); // now get the TextControl XWindow win = null; Object cntrl = null; try { cntrl = the_access.getControl(the_Model); win = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XWindow.class, cntrl); } catch ( e) { log.println("Couldn't get Control"); e.printStackTrace(log); throw new StatusException("Couldn't get Control", e); } log.println("creating a new environment for object"); TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj); // Relations for XSelectionSupplier tEnv.addObjRelation( "Selections", new Object[] {new Object[] {new Integer(0)}, new Object[] {new Integer(1)}}); tEnv.addObjRelation( "Comparer", new Comparator<Integer>() { public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); // Realtion for XContainer tEnv.addObjRelation("XContainer.Container", aContainer); tEnv.addObjRelation("INSTANCE", aControl3); tEnv.addObjRelation("INSTANCE2", aControl4); // Adding ObjRelation for XView tEnv.addObjRelation("GRAPHICS", aGraphic); // Adding ObjRelation for XControl tEnv.addObjRelation("CONTEXT", xTextDoc); tEnv.addObjRelation("WINPEER", the_win); tEnv.addObjRelation("TOOLKIT", the_kit); tEnv.addObjRelation("MODEL", the_Model); // Adding relation for XWindow tEnv.addObjRelation("XWindow.AnotherWindow", win); // Adding relation for XDispatch URL url = new URL(); url.Complete = ".uno:FormSlots/moveToNext"; // url.Complete = ".uno:GridSlots/RowHeight"; // url.Complete = ".uno:GridSlots/RowHeight" ; tEnv.addObjRelation("XDispatch.URL", url); log.println("ImplName: " + utils.getImplName(oObj)); FormTools.switchDesignOf((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF(), xTextDoc); // adding relation for XUpdateBroadcaster final XInterface ctrl = oObj; final XLoadable formLoaderF = formLoader; final XPropertySet ps = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, aControl2); tEnv.addObjRelation( "XUpdateBroadcaster.Checker", new ifc.form._XUpdateBroadcaster.UpdateChecker() { private String lastText = ""; public void update() throws { if (!formLoaderF.isLoaded()) { formLoaderF.load(); } lastText = "_" + ps.getPropertyValue("Text"); ps.setPropertyValue("Text", lastText); } public void commit() throws { XBoundComponent bound = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XBoundComponent.class, ctrl); XResultSetUpdate update = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSetUpdate.class, formLoaderF); bound.commit(); update.updateRow(); } public boolean wasCommited() throws { String getS = (String) ps.getPropertyValue("Text"); return lastText.equals(getS); } }); return tEnv; } // finish method getTestEnvironment
/** * creating a Testenvironment for the interfaces to be tested */ protected synchronized TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment( TestParameters Param, PrintWriter log) { if (xTextDoc != null) { try { XCloseable closer = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCloseable.class, xTextDoc); closer.close(true); } catch ( e) { log.println("couldn't close document"); } catch ( e) { log.println("couldn't close document"); } log.println("Existing document disposed"); } log.println("creating a text document"); xTextDoc = WriterTools.createTextDoc(((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF())); // initialize test table if (isMySQLDB) { try { dbTools.initTestTableUsingJDBC(tableName, srcInf); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(log); throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Couldn't " + " init test table. SQLException...")); } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Couldn't " + "register mysql driver")); } } XInterface oObj = null; XShapes oShapes = null; XInterface oInstance = null; XConnection connection = null; // creation of testobject here // first we write what we are intend to do to log file log.println("creating a test environment"); XNameContainer forms = FormTools.getForms(WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc)); try { String[] formNames = forms.getElementNames(); for (int i = 0; i < formNames.length; i++) { log.println("Removing form '" + formNames[i] + "' ..."); forms.removeByName(formNames[i]); } } catch ( e) { e.printStackTrace(log); } catch ( e) { e.printStackTrace(log); } String[] formNames = forms.getElementNames(); FormTools.insertForm(xTextDoc, forms, "MyForm"); formNames = forms.getElementNames(); XLoadable formLoader = null; try { formLoader = FormTools.bindForm(xTextDoc, "MyForm", dbSourceName, tableName); } catch ( e) { log.println( "Cann't bind the form to source '" + dbSourceName + "', table '" + tableName + "' :"); e.printStackTrace(log); throw new StatusException("Cann't bind a form", e); } // DEBUG log.println("Forms before adding controls : "); formNames = forms.getElementNames(); for (int i = 0; i < formNames.length; i++) { log.println(" '" + formNames[i] + "'"); } XControlShape shape1 = null; XControlShape shape2 = null; try { log.println("Elements in the 'MyForm' :"); XIndexAccess formElements1 = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XIndexAccess.class, forms.getByName("MyForm")); for (int i = 0; i < formElements1.getCount(); i++) { XNamed elemName = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, formElements1.getByIndex(i)); log.println(" '" + elemName.getName() + "'"); } // END DEBUG // put something on the drawpage log.println("inserting some ControlShapes"); oShapes = DrawTools.getShapes(WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc)); shape1 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000, 4500, 15000, 1000, "CommandButton"); shape2 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 5000, 3500, 7500, 5000, "TextField"); XControlShape shape3 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 2000, 1500, 1000, 1000, "CheckBox"); oShapes.add(shape1); oShapes.add(shape2); oShapes.add(shape3); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(log); } log.println("Forms after adding controls : "); formNames = forms.getElementNames(); for (int i = 0; i < formNames.length; i++) { log.println(" '" + formNames[i] + "'"); } try { log.println("Elements in the 'MyForm' :"); XIndexAccess formElements1 = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XIndexAccess.class, forms.getByName("MyForm")); for (int i = 0; i < formElements1.getCount(); i++) { XNamed elemName = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamed.class, formElements1.getByIndex(i)); log.println(" '" + elemName.getName() + "'"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(log); } formLoader.load(); try { oObj = (XForm) AnyConverter.toObject( new Type(XForm.class), (FormTools.getForms(WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc))).getByName("MyForm")); XPropertySet xSetProp = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, oObj); connection = (XConnection) AnyConverter.toObject( new Type(XConnection.class), xSetProp.getPropertyValue("ActiveConnection")); } catch ( e) { log.println("Couldn't get Form"); e.printStackTrace(log); } // get a control oInstance = FormTools.createControl(xTextDoc, "TextField"); log.println("creating a new environment for drawpage object"); TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj); // adding relation for closing connection while environment disposing. this.conn = connection; // adding relation for XSubmit XControlModel the_Model = shape2.getControl(); XControlAccess the_access = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlAccess.class, xTextDoc.getCurrentController()); XControl cntrl = null; // now get the OEditControl try { cntrl = the_access.getControl(the_Model); log.println(cntrl.getClass().getName()); } catch ( e) { log.println("Couldn't get OEditControl"); e.printStackTrace(log); throw new StatusException("Couldn't get OEditControl", e); } XResultSet the_set = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSet.class, oObj); try { the_set.first(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.println("Cann't move cursor to the first row."); e.printStackTrace(); throw new StatusException("Can't move cursor to the first row.", e); } tEnv.addObjRelation("Model1", shape1.getControl()); tEnv.addObjRelation("Model2", shape2.getControl()); // adding an object for XNameReplace testing log.println("adding oInstace as obj relation to environment"); tEnv.addObjRelation("INSTANCE", oInstance); // INDEX : _XNameContainer log.println("adding INDEX as obj relation to environment"); tEnv.addObjRelation("INDEX", "0"); // INDEX : _XNameReplace log.println("adding NameReplaceIndex as obj relation to environment"); tEnv.addObjRelation("XNameReplaceINDEX", "2"); // INSTANCEn : _XNameContainer; _XNameReplace log.println("adding INSTANCEn as obj relation to environment"); // XComponent xComp = (XComponent) // UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class, xDrawDoc); String tc = (String) Param.get("THRCNT"); int THRCNT = 1; if (tc != null) { THRCNT = Integer.parseInt(tc); } for (int n = 1; n < (2 * (THRCNT + 1)); n++) { log.println("adding INSTANCE" + n + " as obj relation to environment"); tEnv.addObjRelation("INSTANCE" + n, FormTools.createControl(xTextDoc, "CheckBox")); } // adding relation for XNameContainer tEnv.addObjRelation("XNameContainer.AllowDuplicateNames", new Object()); // adding relation for XPersistObject tEnv.addObjRelation("OBJNAME", ""); if (the_set != null) { log.println("The Form has a not empty ResultSet"); } // Adding obj relation for XRowSetApproveBroadcaster test final XResultSet xResSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSet.class, oObj); final XResultSetUpdate xResSetUpdate = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSetUpdate.class, oObj); final XRowSet xRowSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRowSet.class, oObj); final PrintWriter logF = log; tEnv.addObjRelation( "XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.ApproveChecker", new ifc.sdb._XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.RowSetApproveChecker() { public void moveCursor() { try { xResSet.beforeFirst(); xResSet.afterLast(); } catch ( e) { logF.println( "### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster." + "RowSetApproveChecker.moveCursor() :"); e.printStackTrace(logF); } } public RowChangeEvent changeRow() { try { xResSet.first(); XRowUpdate row = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRowUpdate.class, xResSet); row.updateString(1, "1"); xResSetUpdate.updateRow(); } catch ( e) { logF.println( "### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster." + "RowSetApproveChecker.changeRow() :"); e.printStackTrace(logF); } RowChangeEvent ev = new RowChangeEvent(); ev.Action =; ev.Rows = 1; return ev; } public void changeRowSet() { try { xRowSet.execute(); } catch ( e) { logF.println( "### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster." + "RowSetApproveChecker.changeRowSet() :"); e.printStackTrace(logF); } } }); // Adding relation for XColumnLocate test tEnv.addObjRelation("XColumnLocate.ColumnName", DBTools.TST_STRING_F); // Adding relation for XParameters ifc test ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); /** *** statement parameter types and their initial values must be added here as relation. */ params.add("SAU99"); params.add(new Boolean(false)); params.add(new Byte((byte) 123)); params.add(new Short((short) 234)); params.add(new Integer(12345)); params.add(new Long(23456)); params.add(new Float(1.234)); params.add(new Double(2.345)); params.add(new byte[] {1, 2, 3}); Date d = new Date(); d.Day = 26; d.Month = 1; d.Year = 2001; params.add(d); Time t = new Time(); t.Hours = 1; t.NanoSeconds = 123456789; t.Minutes = 25; t.Seconds = 14; params.add(t); DateTime dt = new DateTime(); dt.Day = 26; dt.Month = 1; dt.Year = 2001; dt.Hours = 1; dt.NanoSeconds = 123456789; dt.Minutes = 25; dt.Seconds = 14; params.add(dt); tEnv.addObjRelation("XParameters.ParamValues", params); // Adding relation for XCompletedExecution tEnv.addObjRelation("InteractionHandlerChecker", new InteractionHandlerImpl()); // Adding for XWarningSupplier tEnv.addObjRelation("CheckWarningsSupplier", new Boolean(isMySQLDB)); // Adding relation for XDatabaseParameterBroadcaster tEnv.addObjRelation("ParameterListenerChecker", new ODatabaseForm.ParameterListenerImpl()); XPropertySet xSetProp = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, oObj); try { xSetProp.setPropertyValue("DataSourceName", dbSourceName); if (isMySQLDB) { xSetProp.setPropertyValue( "Command", "SELECT Column0 FROM soffice_test_table WHERE ( ( Column0 = :param1 ) )"); } else { xSetProp.setPropertyValue( "Command", "SELECT \"_TEXT\" FROM \"ODatabaseForm_tmp0\" WHERE ( ( \"_TEXT\" = :param1 ) )"); } xSetProp.setPropertyValue("CommandType", new Integer(CommandType.COMMAND)); } catch (Exception e) { } // Adding relation for XResultSetUpdate final XRowUpdate xRowUpdate = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRowUpdate.class, oObj); final XRow xRow = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRow.class, oObj); tEnv.addObjRelation( "XResultSetUpdate.UpdateTester", new ifc.sdbc._XResultSetUpdate.UpdateTester() { String lastUpdate = null; public int rowCount() throws SQLException { int prevPos = xResSet.getRow(); xResSet.last(); int count = xResSet.getRow(); xResSet.absolute(prevPos); return count; } public void update() throws SQLException { lastUpdate = xRow.getString(1); lastUpdate += "_"; xRowUpdate.updateString(1, lastUpdate); } public boolean wasUpdated() throws SQLException { String getStr = xRow.getString(1); return lastUpdate.equals(getStr); } public int currentRow() throws SQLException { return xResSet.getRow(); } }); // Adding relations for XRow as a Vector with all data // of current row of RowSet. ArrayList<Object> rowData = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < DBTools.TST_TABLE_VALUES[0].length; i++) { rowData.add(DBTools.TST_TABLE_VALUES[0][i]); } tEnv.addObjRelation("CurrentRowData", rowData); // Adding relation for XRowUpdate XRow row = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRow.class, oObj); tEnv.addObjRelation("XRowUpdate.XRow", row); tEnv.addObjRelation("XPropertyContainer.propertyNotRemovable", "Cycle"); PropertyValue propVal = new PropertyValue(); propVal.Name = "Name"; propVal.Value = "Text since XPropertyAccess"; tEnv.addObjRelation("XPropertyAccess.propertyToChange", propVal); return tEnv; } // finish method getTestEnvironment
/** * creates a control in the document * * <p>Note that <em>control<em> here is an incorrect terminology. What the method really does is * it creates a control shape, together with a control model, and inserts them into the document * model. This will result in every view to this document creating a control described by the * model-shape pair. * * @param sFormComponentService the service name of the form component to create, e.g. "TextField" * @param nXPos the abscissa of the position of the newly inserted shape * @param nXPos the ordinate of the position of the newly inserted shape * @param nWidth the width of the newly inserted shape * @param nHeight the height of the newly inserted shape * @param xParentForm the form to use as parent for the newly create form component. May be null, * in this case a default parent is chosen by the implementation * @return the property access to the control's model */ protected XPropertySet createControlAndShape( String sFormComponentService, int nXPos, int nYPos, int nWidth, int nHeight, XIndexContainer xParentForm) throws java.lang.Exception { // let the document create a shape XMultiServiceFactory xDocAsFactory = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, m_document.getDocument()); XControlShape xShape = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControlShape.class, xDocAsFactory.createInstance("")); // position and size of the shape xShape.setSize(new Size(nWidth * 100, nHeight * 100)); xShape.setPosition(new Point(nXPos * 100, nYPos * 100)); // adjust the anchor so that the control is tied to the page XPropertySet xShapeProps = UNO.queryPropertySet(xShape); TextContentAnchorType eAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH; xShapeProps.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", eAnchorType); // create the form component (the model of a form control) String sQualifiedComponentName = "" + sFormComponentService; XControlModel xModel = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControlModel.class, m_document.getOrb().createInstance(sQualifiedComponentName)); // insert the model into the form component hierarchy, if the caller gave us a location if (null != xParentForm) { xParentForm.insertByIndex(xParentForm.getCount(), xModel); } // knitt them xShape.setControl(xModel); // add the shape to the shapes collection of the document XDrawPage pageWhereToInsert = (m_insertPage != -1) ? m_document.getDrawPage(m_insertPage) : m_document.getMainDrawPage(); XShapes xDocShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, pageWhereToInsert); xDocShapes.add(xShape); // some initializations which are the same for all controls XPropertySet xModelProps = UNO.queryPropertySet(xModel); try { XPropertySetInfo xPSI = xModelProps.getPropertySetInfo(); if (xPSI.hasPropertyByName("Border")) { if (((Short) xModelProps.getPropertyValue("Border")).shortValue() == xModelProps.setPropertyValue("Border", Short.valueOf(; } if (xPSI.hasPropertyByName("VisualEffect")) xModelProps.setPropertyValue( "VisualEffect", Short.valueOf(; if (m_document.classify() != DocumentType.CALC) if (xPSI.hasPropertyByName("BorderColor")) xModelProps.setPropertyValue("BorderColor", Integer.valueOf(0x00C0C0C0)); } catch ( e) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return xModelProps; }
/** * Test calls the method. * * <p>Has <b> OK </b> status if the method successfully returns and no exceptions were thrown. * * <p> */ public void _getControl() { model = oObj.getControl(); tRes.tested("getControl()", true); }
@Override protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param, PrintWriter log) throws Exception { XInterface oObj = null; XWindowPeer the_win = null; XToolkit the_kit = null; XDevice aDevice = null; XGraphics aGraphic = null; XControl aControl = null; // Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel XControlShape aShape = FormTools.createUnoControlShape( xTextDoc, 3000, 4500, 15000, 10000, "ScrollBar", "UnoControlScrollBar"); WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add(aShape); XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl(); XControlShape aShape2 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000, 4500, 5000, 10000, "TextField"); WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add(aShape2); XControlModel the_Model2 = aShape2.getControl(); // Try to query XControlAccess XControlAccess the_access = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlAccess.class, xTextDoc.getCurrentController()); // get the ScrollBarControl for the needed Object relations oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model); aControl = the_access.getControl(the_Model2); the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer(); the_kit = the_win.getToolkit(); aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200); aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics(); log.println("creating a new environment for UnoControlScrollBar object"); TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj); // adding Object-Relation for XScrollBar tEnv.addObjRelation("Document", xTextDoc); // Adding ObjRelation for XView tEnv.addObjRelation("GRAPHICS", aGraphic); // Adding ObjRelation for XControl tEnv.addObjRelation("CONTEXT", xTextDoc); tEnv.addObjRelation("WINPEER", the_win); tEnv.addObjRelation("TOOLKIT", the_kit); tEnv.addObjRelation("MODEL", the_Model); XWindow forObjRel = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XWindow.class, aControl); tEnv.addObjRelation("XWindow.AnotherWindow", forObjRel); System.out.println("ImplementationName: " + utils.getImplName(oObj)); return tEnv; } // finish method getTestEnvironment