private int kill() throws CommandException { File prevPid = null; String pids = null; try { prevPid = new File(getServerDirs().getPidFile().getPath() + ".prev"); if (!prevPid.canRead()) throw new CommandException(Strings.get("StopInstance.nopidprev", prevPid)); pids = FileUtils.readSmallFile(prevPid).trim(); String s = ProcessUtils.kill(Integer.parseInt(pids)); if (s != null) logger.finer(s); } catch (CommandException ce) { throw ce; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CommandException( Strings.get("StopInstance.pidprevreaderror", prevPid, ex.getMessage())); } return 0; }
public Config copyConfig(Configs configs, Config config, String destConfigName, Logger logger) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure { final Config destCopy = (Config) config.deepCopy(configs); if (systemproperties != null) { final Properties properties = GenericCrudCommand.convertStringToProperties(systemproperties, ':'); for (final Object key : properties.keySet()) { final String propName = (String) key; // cannot update a system property so remove it first List<SystemProperty> sysprops = destCopy.getSystemProperty(); for (SystemProperty sysprop : sysprops) { if (propName.equals(sysprop.getName())) { sysprops.remove(sysprop); break; } } SystemProperty newSysProp = destCopy.createChild(SystemProperty.class); newSysProp.setName(propName); newSysProp.setValue(properties.getProperty(propName)); destCopy.getSystemProperty().add(newSysProp); } } final String configName = destConfigName; destCopy.setName(configName); configs.getConfig().add(destCopy); copyOfConfig = destCopy; String srcConfig = ""; srcConfig = config.getName(); File configConfigDir = new File(env.getConfigDirPath(), configName); for (Config c : configs.getConfig()) { File existingConfigConfigDir = new File(env.getConfigDirPath(), c.getName()); if (!c.getName().equals(configName) && configConfigDir.equals(existingConfigConfigDir)) { throw new TransactionFailure( localStrings.getLocalString( "config.duplicate.dir", "Config {0} is trying to use the same directory as config {1}", configName, c.getName())); } } try { if (!(new File(configConfigDir, "docroot").mkdirs() && new File(configConfigDir, "lib/ext").mkdirs())) { throw new IOException( localStrings.getLocalString( "config.mkdirs", "error creating config specific directories")); } String srcConfigLoggingFile = env.getInstanceRoot().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "config" + File.separator + srcConfig + File.separator + ServerEnvironmentImpl.kLoggingPropertiesFileName; File src = new File(srcConfigLoggingFile); if (!src.exists()) { src = new File(env.getConfigDirPath(), ServerEnvironmentImpl.kLoggingPropertiesFileName); } File dest = new File(configConfigDir, ServerEnvironmentImpl.kLoggingPropertiesFileName); FileUtils.copy(src, dest); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, ConfigApiLoggerInfo.copyConfigError, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return destCopy; }
File getCanonicalFile(File f) { return FileUtils.safeGetCanonicalFile(f); }