public HashMap<String, String> getFormValues(String language) { HashMap<String, String> formValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); if ("0".equals(getInfoId())) { // this publication does not use a form return formValues; } DataRecord data = null; PublicationTemplate pub = null; try { pub = PublicationTemplateManager.getInstance() .getPublicationTemplate(getPK().getInstanceId() + ":" + getInfoId()); data = pub.getRecordSet().getRecord(pk.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "publication", "PublicationDetail.getFormValues", "CANT_GET_FORM_RECORD", "pubId = " + getPK().getId() + "infoId = " + getInfoId()); } if (data == null) { return formValues; } String fieldNames[] = data.getFieldNames(); PagesContext pageContext = new PagesContext(); pageContext.setLanguage(language); for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { try { Field field = data.getField(fieldName); GenericFieldTemplate fieldTemplate = (GenericFieldTemplate) pub.getRecordTemplate().getFieldTemplate(fieldName); FieldDisplayer fieldDisplayer = TypeManager.getInstance().getDisplayer(fieldTemplate.getTypeName(), "simpletext"); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw); fieldDisplayer.display(out, field, fieldTemplate, pageContext); formValues.put(fieldName, sw.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "publication", "PublicationDetail.getFormValues", "CANT_GET_FIELD_VALUE", "pubId = " + getPK().getId() + "fieldName = " + fieldName, e); } } return formValues; }
/** * Extract the mime-type from the file name. * * @param fileName the name of the file. * @return the mime-type as a String. */ public static String getMimeType(final String fileName) { String mimeType = null; final String fileExtension = FileRepositoryManager.getFileExtension(fileName).toLowerCase(); try { if (MIME_TYPES_EXTENSIONS != null) { mimeType = MIME_TYPES_EXTENSIONS.getString(fileExtension); } } catch (final MissingResourceException e) { SilverTrace.warn( "attachment", "AttachmentController", "attachment.MSG_MISSING_MIME_TYPES_PROPERTIES", null, e); } if (mimeType == null) { mimeType = MIME_TYPES.getContentType(fileName); } if (ARCHIVE_MIME_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(mimeType) || SHORT_ARCHIVE_MIME_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(mimeType)) { if (JAR_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension) || WAR_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension) || EAR_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) { mimeType = JAVA_ARCHIVE_MIME_TYPE; } else if ("3D".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) { mimeType = SPINFIRE_MIME_TYPE; } } if (mimeType == null) { mimeType = DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE; } return mimeType; }
/** * Method declaration * * @param id * @param percent * @throws TodoException * @see */ public void setToDoPercentCompleted(String id, String percent) throws TodoException { "todo", "ToDoSessionController.setToDoPercentCompleted()", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); ToDoHeader todo = getToDoHeader(id); try { todo.setPercentCompleted(new Integer(percent).intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "todo", "ToDoSessionController.setToDoPercentCompleted()", "todo.MSG_CANT_SET_TODO_PERCENTCOMPLETED"); } try { calendarBm.updateToDo(todo); "todo", "ToDoSessionController.setToDoPercentCompleted()", "root.MSG_GEN_EXIT_METHOD"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TodoException( "ToDoSessionController.setToDoPercentCompleted()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "todo.MSG_CANT_UPDATE_TODO_DETAIL", e); } }
/** * Remove domain authentication and settings properties file * * @param domainToRemove domain to remove * @throws DomainDeletionException */ private void removeDomainPropertiesFile(Domain domainToRemove) throws DomainDeletionException { "admin", "SQLDomainService.removeDomainAuthenticationPropertiesFile()", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); String domainName = domainToRemove.getName(); String domainPropertiesPath = FileRepositoryManager.getDomainPropertiesPath(domainName); String authenticationPropertiesPath = FileRepositoryManager.getDomainAuthenticationPropertiesPath(domainName); File domainPropertiesFile = new File(domainPropertiesPath); File authenticationPropertiesFile = new File(authenticationPropertiesPath); boolean domainPropertiesFileDeleted = domainPropertiesFile.delete(); boolean authenticationPropertiesFileDeleted = authenticationPropertiesFile.delete(); if ((!domainPropertiesFileDeleted) || (!authenticationPropertiesFileDeleted)) { SilverTrace.warn( "admin", "SQLDomainService.removeDomainAuthenticationPropertiesFile()", "admin.EX_DELETE_DOMAIN_PROPERTIES", "domainPropertiesFileDeleted:" + domainPropertiesFileDeleted + ", authenticationPropertiesFileDeleted:" + authenticationPropertiesFileDeleted); } }
/** * Method declaration * * @param name * @param description * @param priority * @param classification * @param startDay * @param startHour * @param endDay * @param endHour * @param percent * @return * @throws TodoException * @see */ public String addToDo( String name, String description, String priority, String classification, Date startDay, String startHour, Date endDay, String endHour, String percent) throws TodoException { String result = null;"todo", "ToDoSessionController.addToDo()", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); ToDoHeader todo = new ToDoHeader(name, getUserId()); todo.setDescription(description); try { todo.getPriority().setValue(new Integer(priority).intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "todo", "ToDoSessionController.addToDo()", "todo.MSG_CANT_SET_TODO_PRIORITY"); } try { todo.setPercentCompleted(new Integer(percent).intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "todo", "ToDoSessionController.addToDo()", "todo.MSG_CANT_SET_TODO_PERCENTCOMPLETED"); } try { todo.getClassification().setString(classification); todo.setStartDate(startDay); todo.setStartHour(startHour); todo.setEndDate(endDay); todo.setEndHour(endHour); result = calendarBm.addToDo(todo); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TodoException( "ToDoSessionController.addToDo()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "todo.MSG_CANT_ADD_TODO", e); }"todo", "ToDoSessionController.addToDo()", "root.MSG_GEN_EXIT_METHOD"); return result; }
/** * Method declaration * * @param id * @param name * @param description * @param priority * @param classification * @param startDay * @param startHour * @param endDay * @param endHour * @param percent * @throws TodoException * @see */ public void updateToDo( String id, String name, String description, String priority, String classification, Date startDay, String startHour, Date endDay, String endHour, String percent) throws TodoException {"todo", "ToDoSessionController.updateToDo()", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); ToDoHeader todo = getToDoHeader(id); todo.setName(name); todo.setDescription(description); try { todo.getPriority().setValue(new Integer(priority).intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "todo", "ToDoSessionController.updateToDo()", "todo.MSG_CANT_SET_TODO_PRIORITY"); } try { todo.setPercentCompleted(new Integer(percent).intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "todo", "ToDoSessionController.updateToDo()", "todo.MSG_CANT_SET_TODO_PERCENTCOMPLETED"); } try { todo.getClassification().setString(classification); todo.setStartDate(startDay); todo.setStartHour(startHour); todo.setEndDate(endDay); todo.setEndHour(endHour); calendarBm.updateToDo(todo);"todo", "ToDoSessionController.updateToDo()", "root.MSG_GEN_EXIT_METHOD"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TodoException( "ToDoSessionController.updateToDo()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "todo.MSG_CANT_UPDATE_TODO_DETAIL", e); } }
public SearchEngine obtainImplementation() { if (searchEngine == null) { SilverTrace.warn( "SimpleSearchEngine", getClass().getSimpleName() + ".getSearchEngine()", "EX_NO_MESSAGES", "IoC container not bootstrapped or no SearchEngine bean found!"); } return searchEngine; }
/** * Builds and sends a webpages notification. A warning message is logged when an exception is * catched. * * @param resource * @param userId */ public static void notify(final NodePK resource, final String userId) { try { UserNotificationHelper.buildAndSend(new WebPagesUserNotifier(resource, userId)); } catch (final Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "webPages", "WebPagesUserNotifier.notify()", "webPages.EX_IMPOSSIBLE_DALERTER_LES_UTILISATEURS", "nodeId = " + resource.getId(), e); } }
/** * Builds and sends a file sharing notification. A warning message is logged when an exception is * catched. * * @param resource the ticket file sharing resource */ public static void notify(final Ticket resource, final SharingNotificationVO fileSharingParam) { try { UserNotificationHelper.buildAndSend( new FileSharingUserNotification(resource, fileSharingParam)); } catch (final Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn( "webPages", "FileSharingUserNotification.notify()", "fileSharing.EX_ALERT_USERS_ERROR", "tocken = " + resource.getToken(), e); } }
/** * Method declaration THIS FUNCTION THROW EXCEPTION ONLY WHEN NO SYNCHRO IS RUNNING * * @param lds * @param parentId * @return * @throws AdminException * @see */ protected LDAPEntry[] getChildGroupsEntry(String lds, String parentId, String extraFilter) throws AdminException { if ((parentId != null) && (parentId.length() > 0)) { // ALL ROOT GROUPS return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_LDAP_ENTRY_ARRAY; } else { LDAPEntry[] theEntries = null; String theFilter; if ((extraFilter != null) && (extraFilter.length() > 0)) { theFilter = "(&" + extraFilter + driverSettings.getGroupsFullFilter() + ")"; } else { theFilter = driverSettings.getGroupsFullFilter(); } try { "admin", "LDAPGroupSamse.getChildGroupsEntry()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Root Group Search"); theEntries = LDAPUtility.search1000Plus( lds, driverSettings.getGroupsSpecificGroupsBaseDN(), driverSettings.getScope(), theFilter, driverSettings.getGroupsNameField(), driverSettings.getGroupAttributes()); SynchroReport.debug( "LDAPGroupSamse.getChildGroupsEntry()", "Récupération de " + theEntries.length + " groupes racine", null); } catch (AdminException e) { if (synchroInProcess) { SilverTrace.warn( "admin", "LDAPGroupSamse.getChildGroupsEntry()", "admin.EX_ERR_CHILD_GROUPS", "ParentGroupId=" + parentId, e); append("PB getting Group's subgroups : ").append(parentId).append("\n"); SynchroReport.error( "LDAPGroupSamse.getChildGroupsEntry()", "Erreur lors de la récupération des groupes racine (parentId = " + parentId + ")", e); } else { throw e; } } return theEntries; } }
@Override public void generateThumbnailsFrom(File video) { if (video.exists() && video.isFile()) { MetaData metadata = MetadataExtractor.getInstance().extractMetadata(video); TimeData timeData = metadata.getDuration(); if (timeData != null) { File thumbnailDir = video.getParentFile(); for (ThumbnailPeriod thumbPeriod : ThumbnailPeriod.ALL_VALIDS) { double timePeriod = thumbPeriod.getPercent() * timeData.getTimeAsLong() / 1000; FFmpegUtil.extractVideoThumbnail( video, new File(thumbnailDir, thumbPeriod.getFilename()), (int) timePeriod); } } else { SilverTrace.warn( "VideoTool", getClass().getSimpleName(), "Problem to retrieve video duration, process video thumbnails has failed"); } } }
/** * @return the list of PublicationTemplate which contains a search form * @throws PublicationTemplateException */ public List<PublicationTemplate> getSearchablePublicationTemplates() throws PublicationTemplateException { List<PublicationTemplate> searchableTemplates = new ArrayList<PublicationTemplate>(); List<PublicationTemplate> publicationTemplates = getPublicationTemplates(); for (PublicationTemplate template : publicationTemplates) { try { if (template.getSearchForm() != null) { searchableTemplates.add(template); } } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) { // Catch exception here in case of one of searchable form is malformed // Valid forms must be displayed in search screen SilverTrace.warn( "form", "PublicationTemplateManager.getSearchablePublicationTemplates", "form.ERROR_ONE_ILL_FORM", template.getName() + " is malformed"); } } return searchableTemplates; }
@Override public void indexPersonalComponent(String personalComponent) { silvertraceModule, "ApplicationIndexer.indexPersonalComponent()", "applicationIndexer.MSG_START_INDEXING_PERSONAL_COMPONENT", "personalComponent = " + personalComponent); String compoName = firstLetterToLowerCase(personalComponent); try { ComponentContext componentContext = mainSessionController.createComponentContext(null, null); componentContext.setCurrentComponentId(personalComponent); ComponentIndexerInterface componentIndexer = (ComponentIndexerInterface) Class.forName( "com.stratelia.webactiv." + compoName + "." + personalComponent + "Indexer") .newInstance(); componentIndexer.index(mainSessionController, componentContext); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ce) { SilverTrace.warn( silvertraceModule, "ApplicationIndexer.indexPersonalComponent()", "applicationIndexer.EX_INDEXER_PERSONAL_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", "personalComponent = " + personalComponent); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error( silvertraceModule, "ApplicationIndexer.indexPersonalComponent()", "applicationIndexer.EX_INDEXING_PERSONAL_COMPONENT_FAILED", "personalComponent = " + personalComponent, e); } silvertraceModule, "ApplicationIndexer.indexPersonalComponent()", "applicationIndexer.MSG_END_INDEXING_PERSONAL_COMPONENT", "personalComponent = " + personalComponent); }
/** * Method declaration THIS FUNCTION THROW EXCEPTION ONLY WHEN NO SYNCHRO IS RUNNING * * @param lds * @param parentId * @return * @throws AdminException * @see */ @Override protected LDAPEntry[] getChildGroupsEntry(String lds, String parentId, String extraFilter) throws AdminException { LDAPEntry theEntry = null; LDAPEntry childGroupEntry = null; LDAPEntry parentGroupEntry = null; Vector<LDAPEntry> entryVector = new Vector<LDAPEntry>(); String[] stringVals = null; LDAPEntry[] theEntries = null; int i; String theFilter; try { if ((parentId != null) && (parentId.length() > 0)) { "admin", "LDAPGroupUniqueDescriptor.getChildGroupsEntry()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Root Group Search : " + parentId); theEntry = getGroupEntry(lds, parentId); stringVals = LDAPUtility.getAttributeValues(theEntry, driverSettings.getGroupsMemberField()); for (i = 0; i < stringVals.length; i++) { try { if ((extraFilter != null) && (extraFilter.length() > 0)) { theFilter = "(&" + extraFilter + driverSettings.getGroupsFullFilter() + ")"; } else { theFilter = driverSettings.getGroupsFullFilter(); } childGroupEntry = LDAPUtility.getFirstEntryFromSearch( lds, stringVals[i], driverSettings.getScope(), theFilter, driverSettings.getGroupAttributes()); if (childGroupEntry != null) { // Verify that the group exist in the scope String groupSpecificId = LDAPUtility.getFirstAttributeValue( childGroupEntry, driverSettings.getGroupsIdField()); if (LDAPUtility.getFirstEntryFromSearch( lds, driverSettings.getGroupsSpecificGroupsBaseDN(), driverSettings.getScope(), driverSettings.getGroupsIdFilter(groupSpecificId), driverSettings.getGroupAttributes()) != null) { entryVector.add(childGroupEntry); } } } catch (AdminException e) { SilverTrace.error( "admin", "LDAPGroupUniqueDescriptor.getChildGroupsEntry()", "admin.MSG_ERR_LDAP_GENERAL", "GROUP NOT FOUND : " + stringVals[i], e); } } } else // Retreives the ROOT groups : the groups that are under the base // DN but that are not member of another group... { if ((extraFilter != null) && (extraFilter.length() > 0)) { theFilter = "(&" + extraFilter + driverSettings.getGroupsFullFilter() + ")"; } else { theFilter = driverSettings.getGroupsFullFilter(); } "admin", "LDAPGroupUniqueDescriptor.getChildGroupsEntry()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Root Group Search"); theEntries = LDAPUtility.search1000Plus( lds, driverSettings.getGroupsSpecificGroupsBaseDN(), driverSettings.getScope(), theFilter, driverSettings.getGroupsNameField(), driverSettings.getGroupAttributes()); SynchroReport.debug( "LDAPGroupUniqueDescriptor.getChildGroupsEntry()", "Récupération de " + theEntries.length + " groupes en tout, recherche des groupes racine...", null); for (i = 0; i < theEntries.length; i++) { // Search for groups that have at least one member attribute that // point to the group try { parentGroupEntry = LDAPUtility.getFirstEntryFromSearch( lds, driverSettings.getGroupsSpecificGroupsBaseDN(), driverSettings.getScope(), "(&" + driverSettings.getGroupsFullFilter() + "(" + driverSettings.getGroupsMemberField() + "=" + LDAPUtility.dblBackSlashesForDNInFilters(theEntries[i].getDN()) + "))", driverSettings.getGroupAttributes()); } catch (AdminException e) { SilverTrace.error( "admin", "LDAPGroupUniqueDescriptor.getChildGroupsEntry()", "admin.MSG_ERR_LDAP_GENERAL", "IS ROOT GROUP ? : " + theEntries[i].getDN(), e); parentGroupEntry = null; // If query failed, set this group as a // root group } if (parentGroupEntry == null) // No parent... { entryVector.add(theEntries[i]); } } theEntries = null; } } catch (AdminException e) { if (synchroInProcess) { SilverTrace.warn( "admin", "LDAPGroupUniqueDescriptor.getChildGroupsEntry()", "admin.EX_ERR_CHILD_GROUPS", "ParentGroupId=" + parentId, e); append("PB getting Group's subgroups : ").append(parentId).append("\n"); if (parentId == null) SynchroReport.error( "LDAPGroupUniqueDescriptor.getChildGroupsEntry()", "Erreur lors de la récupération des groupes racine", e); else SynchroReport.error( "LDAPGroupUniqueDescriptor.getChildGroupsEntry()", "Erreur lors de la récupération des groupes fils du groupe " + parentId, e); } else { throw e; } } return entryVector.toArray(new LDAPEntry[entryVector.size()]); }
/** * Method declaration * * @param req * @param res * @throws IOException * @throws ServletException * @see */ @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {"peasUtil", "FileServer.doPost", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); String mimeType = req.getParameter(MIME_TYPE_PARAMETER); String sourceFile = req.getParameter(SOURCE_FILE_PARAMETER); String archiveIt = req.getParameter(ARCHIVE_IT_PARAMETER); String dirType = req.getParameter(DIR_TYPE_PARAMETER); String userId = req.getParameter(USER_ID_PARAMETER); String componentId = req.getParameter(COMPONENT_ID_PARAMETER); String typeUpload = req.getParameter(TYPE_UPLOAD_PARAMETER); String zip = req.getParameter(ZIP_PARAMETER); String fileName = req.getParameter(FILE_NAME_PARAMETER); String tempDirectory = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath("useless", componentId); File tempFile = null; String attachmentId = req.getParameter(ATTACHMENT_ID_PARAMETER); String language = req.getParameter(LANGUAGE_PARAMETER); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(attachmentId)) { attachmentId = req.getParameter(VERSION_ID_PARAMETER); } SimpleDocument attachment = null; if (StringUtil.isDefined(attachmentId)) { attachment = AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService() .searchDocumentById(new SimpleDocumentPK(attachmentId, componentId), language); if (attachment != null) { mimeType = attachment.getContentType(); sourceFile = attachment.getFilename(); } } HttpSession session = req.getSession(true); MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl = (MainSessionController) session.getAttribute(MainSessionController.MAIN_SESSION_CONTROLLER_ATT); if ((mainSessionCtrl == null) || (!isUserAllowed(mainSessionCtrl, componentId))) { SilverTrace.warn( "peasUtil", "FileServer.doPost", "root.MSG_GEN_SESSION_TIMEOUT", "NewSessionId=" + session.getId() + URLManager.getApplicationURL() + GeneralPropertiesManager.getString("sessionTimeout")); res.sendRedirect( URLManager.getApplicationURL() + GeneralPropertiesManager.getString("sessionTimeout")); return; } String filePath = null; if (typeUpload != null) { filePath = sourceFile; } else { if (dirType != null) { if (dirType.equals(GeneralPropertiesManager.getString("RepositoryTypeTemp"))) { filePath = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath("useless", componentId) + sourceFile; } } else if (attachment != null) { // the file to download is not in a temporary directory filePath = attachment.getAttachmentPath(); } else { String directory = req.getParameter(DIRECTORY_PARAMETER); filePath = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(componentId) + directory + File.separator + sourceFile; } } res.setContentType(mimeType); SilverTrace.debug("peasUtil", "FileServer.doPost()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", " zip=" + zip); if (zip != null) { res.setContentType(MimeTypes.ARCHIVE_MIME_TYPE); tempFile = File.createTempFile("zipfile", ".zip", new File(tempDirectory)); SilverTrace.debug( "peasUtil", "FileServer.doPost()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", " filePath =" + filePath + " tempFile.getCanonicalPath()=" + tempFile.getCanonicalPath() + " fileName=" + fileName); ZipManager.compressFile(filePath, tempFile.getCanonicalPath()); filePath = tempFile.getCanonicalPath(); } // display the preview code generated by the production tools if (zip == null) { if (tempFile != null) { sendFile(res, tempFile.getCanonicalPath()); } else { sendFile(res, filePath); } } if (tempFile != null) { "peasUtil", "FileServer.doPost()", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", " tempFile != null " + tempFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempFile); } if (StringUtil.isDefined(archiveIt)) { String nodeId = req.getParameter(NODE_ID_PARAMETER); String pubId = req.getParameter(PUBLICATION_ID_PARAMETER); ForeignPK pubPK = new ForeignPK(pubId, componentId); try { StatisticBm statisticBm = EJBUtilitaire.getEJBObjectRef(JNDINames.STATISTICBM_EJBHOME, StatisticBm.class); statisticBm.addStat(userId, pubPK, 1, "Publication"); } catch (Exception ex) { SilverTrace.warn( "peasUtil", "FileServer.doPost", "peasUtil.CANNOT_WRITE_STATISTICS", "pubPK = " + pubPK + " and nodeId = " + nodeId, ex); } } }
ComponentIndexerInterface getIndexer(ComponentInstLight compoInst) { ComponentIndexerInterface componentIndexer; String compoName = firstLetterToUpperCase(compoInst.getName()); String className = getClassName(compoInst); String packageName = getPackage(compoInst); try { componentIndexer = loadIndexer("com.stratelia.webactiv." + packageName + '.' + className + "Indexer"); if (componentIndexer == null) { componentIndexer = loadIndexer("com.silverpeas." + packageName + '.' + className + "Indexer"); } if (componentIndexer == null) { componentIndexer = loadIndexer("com.silverpeas.components." + packageName + '.' + className + "Indexer"); } if (componentIndexer == null) { componentIndexer = loadIndexer("org.silverpeas." + packageName + '.' + className + "Indexer"); } if (componentIndexer == null) { componentIndexer = loadIndexer("org.silverpeas.components." + packageName + '.' + className + "Indexer"); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { SilverTrace.warn( silvertraceModule, "ApplicationIndexer.getIndexer()", "applicationIndexer.EX_INDEXING_PERSONAL_COMPONENT_FAILED", "component = " + compoName, e); componentIndexer = new ComponentIndexerAdapter(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { SilverTrace.warn( silvertraceModule, "ApplicationIndexer.getIndexer()", "applicationIndexer.EX_INDEXING_PERSONAL_COMPONENT_FAILED", "component = " + compoName, e); componentIndexer = new ComponentIndexerAdapter(); } if (componentIndexer == null) { SilverTrace.warn( silvertraceModule, "ApplicationIndexer.getIndexer()", "applicationIndexer.EX_INDEXER_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", "component = " + compoName + " with classes com.stratelia.webactiv." + packageName + "." + className + "Indexer and com.silverpeas." + packageName + "." + className + "Indexer"); return new ComponentIndexerAdapter(); } return componentIndexer; }
/** ExpandFile */ private void expandFile(File srcF, File dir) { ZipFile zf = null; try { zf = new ZipFile(srcF); ZipEntry ze = null; Enumeration<ZipEntry> entries = (Enumeration<ZipEntry>) zf.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ze = entries.nextElement(); String entryName = dir.getAbsolutePath(); if (!entryName.endsWith(File.separator) && !ze.getName().startsWith(File.separator)) { entryName = entryName + File.separatorChar + ze.getName(); } else { entryName = entryName + ze.getName(); } File f = new File(entryName); try { // create intermediary directories - sometimes zip don't add them File dirF = new File(f.getParent()); dirF.mkdirs(); if (ze.isDirectory()) { f.mkdirs(); } else { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int length = 0; InputStream zis = zf.getInputStream(ze); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); while ((length = >= 0) { fos.write(buffer, 0, length); } fos.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { SilverTrace.warn( "webSites", "Expand.expandFile()", "root.EX_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "file = " + f.getPath(), ex); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { SilverTrace.warn( "webSites", "Expand.expandFile()", "webSites.EXE_ERROR_WHILE_EXPANDING_FILE", "sourceFile = " + srcF.getPath(), ioe); } finally { if (zf != null) { try { zf.close(); } catch (IOException e) { SilverTrace.warn( "webSites", "Expand.expandFile()", "webSites.EXE_ERROR_WHILE_CLOSING_ZIPINPUTSTREAM", null, e); } } } }
/** * Notify user that an action has been done * * @throws WorkflowException */ @Override public void notifyActor(Task task, User sender, User user, String text) throws WorkflowException { String componentId = task.getProcessInstance().getModelId(); List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (user != null) { userIds.add(user.getUserId()); } else if (StringUtil.isDefined(task.getGroupId())) { List<User> usersInGroup = task.getProcessInstance().getUsersInGroup(task.getGroupId()); for (User userInGroup : usersInGroup) { userIds.add(userInGroup.getUserId()); } } else { String role = task.getUserRoleName(); List<User> usersInRole = task.getProcessInstance().getUsersInRole(role); for (User userInRole : usersInRole) { userIds.add(userInRole.getUserId()); } } NotificationSender notifSender = notificationSenders.get(componentId); if (notifSender == null) { notifSender = new NotificationSender(componentId); notificationSenders.put(componentId, notifSender); } for (String userId : userIds) { try { String title = task.getProcessInstance().getTitle(task.getUserRoleName(), ""); DataRecord data = task.getProcessInstance().getAllDataRecord(task.getUserRoleName(), ""); text = DataRecordUtil.applySubstitution(text, data, ""); NotificationMetaData notifMetaData = new NotificationMetaData(NotificationParameters.NORMAL, title, text); if (sender != null) { notifMetaData.setSender(sender.getUserId()); } else { notifMetaData.setSender(userId); } notifMetaData.addUserRecipient(new UserRecipient(userId)); String link = "/RprocessManager/" + componentId + "/searchResult?Type=ProcessInstance&Id=" + task.getProcessInstance().getInstanceId() + "&role=" + task.getUserRoleName(); notifMetaData.setLink(link); notifSender.notifyUser(notifMetaData); } catch (WorkflowException e) { SilverTrace.warn( "workflowEngine", "TaskManagerImpl.notifyUser()", "workflowEngine.EX_ERR_NOTIFY", "user = "******"workflowEngine", "TaskManagerImpl.notifyUser()", "workflowEngine.EX_ERR_NOTIFY", "user = " + userId, e); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl(String beanClassName) throws PersistenceException { try { silverpeasBeanClass = (Class<T>) Class.forName(beanClassName); T object = silverpeasBeanClass.newInstance(); if (!(object instanceof SilverpeasBean)) { throw new PersistenceException( "SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl.SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl( String beanClassName )", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "persistence.EX_ISNOT_SILVERPEASBEAN", "classe= " + beanClassName, null); } BeanInfo infos = Introspector.getBeanInfo(silverpeasBeanClass); properties = infos.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (PropertyDescriptor property : properties) { String type = property.getPropertyType().getName(); "persistence", "SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl.SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl( String beanClassName )", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "new(" + beanClassName + "), property Name = " + property.getName() + ", type = " + type); if (!isTypeValid(type)) { SilverTrace.warn( "persistence", "SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl.SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl( String beanClassName )", "persistence.MSG_WARN_PROPERTIE_NOT_MANAGED", ""); } } connectionType = object._getConnectionType(); switch (connectionType) { case CONNECTION_TYPE_DATASOURCE: { datasourceName = object._getDatasourceName(); break; } case CONNECTION_TYPE_JDBC_CLASSIC: { jdbcConnectionParameters = object._getJdbcData(); break; } } tableName = object._getTableName(); } catch (IntrospectionException ex) { throw new PersistenceException( "SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl.SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl(String beanClassName)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "persistence.EX_CANT_INITIALISE_CLASS", "classe= " + beanClassName, ex); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new PersistenceException( "SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl.SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl(String beanClassName)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "persistence.EX_CANT_INITIALISE_CLASS", "classe= " + beanClassName, ex); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { throw new PersistenceException( "SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl.SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl(String beanClassName)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "persistence.EX_CANT_INITIALISE_CLASS", "classe= " + beanClassName, ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new PersistenceException( "SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl.SilverpeasBeanDAOImpl(String beanClassName)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "persistence.EX_CANT_INITIALISE_CLASS", "classe= " + beanClassName, ex); } }
/** * Get the list of process instances for which timeout date is over * * @return an array of ProcessInstance objects * @throws WorkflowException */ public ProcessInstance[] getTimeOutProcessInstances() throws WorkflowException { Database db = null; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String selectQuery = ""; OQLQuery query = null; QueryResults results; List<ProcessInstance> instances = new ArrayList<ProcessInstance>(); try { // Constructs the query db = WorkflowJDOManager.getDatabase(false); db.begin(); // Need first to make a SQL query to find all concerned instances ids con = this.getConnection(); selectQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT activeState.instanceId "; selectQuery += "FROM SB_Workflow_ActiveState activeState "; selectQuery += "WHERE activeState.timeoutDate < ? "; prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(selectQuery); prepStmt.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime())); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); StringBuffer queryBuf = new StringBuffer(); queryBuf.append( "SELECT distinct instance FROM com.silverpeas.workflow.engine.instance.ProcessInstanceImpl instance"); queryBuf.append(" WHERE instanceId IN LIST("); while ( { String instanceId = rs.getString(1); queryBuf.append("\""); queryBuf.append(instanceId); queryBuf.append("\""); queryBuf.append(" ,"); } queryBuf.append(" \"-1\")"); query = db.getOQLQuery(queryBuf.toString()); // Execute the query try { results = query.execute(org.exolab.castor.jdo.Database.ReadOnly); // get the instance if any while (results.hasMore()) { ProcessInstance instance = (ProcessInstance); instances.add(instance); } } catch (Exception ex) { SilverTrace.warn( "workflowEngine", "ProcessInstanceManagerImpl.getTimeOutProcessInstances", "workflowEngine.EX_PROBLEM_GETTING_INSTANCES", ex); } db.commit(); return (ProcessInstance[]) instances.toArray(new ProcessInstance[0]); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new WorkflowException( "ProcessInstanceManagerImpl.getTimeOutProcessInstances", "EX_ERR_CASTOR_GET_TIMEOUT_INSTANCES", "sql query : " + selectQuery, se); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { throw new WorkflowException( "ProcessInstanceManagerImpl.getTimeOutProcessInstances", "EX_ERR_CASTOR_GET_TIMEOUT_INSTANCES", pe); } finally { WorkflowJDOManager.closeDatabase(db); try { DBUtil.close(rs, prepStmt); if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { SilverTrace.error( "workflowEngine", "ProcessInstanceManagerImpl.getTimeOutProcessInstances", "root.EX_RESOURCE_CLOSE_FAILED", se); } } }