public static ClientUser buildUserFromProfile(NativeDocument profile, String username) { NativeElement root = profile.getDocumentElement(); ClientUser currentUser = new ClientUser(); currentUser.setUsername(username); // backwards compatibility for the moment... if (root.getElementsByTagName("creds").getLength() != 0) { Debug.println("Profile detected Old version..."); currentUser.setFirstName(root.getElementByTagName("first").getTextContent()); currentUser.setLastName(root.getElementByTagName("last").getTextContent()); currentUser.setAffiliation(root.getElementByTagName("affiliation").getTextContent()); } else { Debug.println("Profile detected New shiny version!"); NativeNodeList nodes = root.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { NativeNode curNode = nodes.item(i); if (curNode.getNodeType() != NativeNode.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; String name = curNode.getNodeName(); if (name.equals(NewAccountPanel.EMAIL_KEY)) currentUser.setEmail(curNode.getTextContent()); else if (name.equals(NewAccountPanel.FIRSTNAME_KEY)) currentUser.setFirstName(curNode.getTextContent()); else if (name.equals(NewAccountPanel.LASTNAME_KEY)) currentUser.setLastName(curNode.getTextContent()); else if (name.equals(NewAccountPanel.AFFILIATION_KEY)) currentUser.setAffiliation(curNode.getTextContent()); else currentUser.setProperty(name, curNode.getTextContent()); } if (root.getElementByTagName("quickGroup") == null) currentUser.setProperty("quickGroup", "rlu"); } return currentUser; }
public void parse(NativeElement rootTag) { NativeNodeList orgs = rootTag.getElementsByTagName("organization"); for (int i = 0; i < orgs.getLength(); i++) { NativeElement curTag = orgs.elementAt(i); Organization organization = new Organization( curTag.getAttribute("title"), curTag.getAttribute("shortTitle"), curTag, true); organizations.add(organization); } }
public void fillTable() { table.removeAll(); String fetchList = ""; for (int i = start; i < start + NUMBER_OF_RESULTS && i < currentResults.getLength(); i++) fetchList += ((NativeElement) currentResults.item(i)).getAttribute("id") + ","; if (fetchList.length() > 0) TaxonomyCache.impl.fetchList( fetchList, new GenericCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { WindowUtils.hideLoadingAlert(); WindowUtils.errorAlert("Error loading results. Inconsistency in index table."); } public void onSuccess(String arg0) { List<String> assessmentList = new ArrayList<String>(); final String[][] x = new String[20][7]; for (int i = start; i < start + NUMBER_OF_RESULTS && i < currentResults.getLength(); i++) { TaxonNode currentNode = TaxonomyCache.impl.getNode( ((NativeElement) currentResults.item(i)).getAttribute("id")); x[i - start][0] = currentNode.getFullName(); if (currentNode.getCommonNames().size() > 0) x[i - start][1] = (currentNode.getCommonNames().get(0)).getName().toLowerCase(); else x[i - start][1] = ""; x[i - start][2] = TaxonNode.getDisplayableLevel(currentNode.getLevel()); x[i - start][4] = String.valueOf(currentNode.getId()); if (currentNode.getAssessments().size() > 0) { x[i - start][3] = String.valueOf(currentNode.getAssessments().get(0)); assessmentList.add( currentNode.getAssessments().get(0) + "_" + BaseAssessment.PUBLISHED_ASSESSMENT_STATUS); } else x[i - start][3] = "N/A"; if (currentNode.getFootprint().length >= 5) x[i - start][5] = currentNode.getFootprint()[4]; else x[i - start][5] = "N/A"; if (currentNode.getFootprint().length >= 6) x[i - start][6] = currentNode.getFootprint()[5]; else x[i - start][5] = "N/A"; } AssessmentCache.impl.fetchAssessments( new AssessmentFetchRequest(assessmentList, null), new GenericCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { for (int i = start; i < start + NUMBER_OF_RESULTS && i < currentResults.getLength(); i++) { x[i - start][3] = "N/A"; TableItem tItem = new TableItem(x[i - start]); table.add(tItem); } // x[i-start][3] = "N/A"; // SysDebugger.getInstance().println("FAILURES!"); SysDebugger.getInstance().println(caught.getMessage()); layout(); } public void onSuccess(String result) { for (int i = start; i < start + NUMBER_OF_RESULTS && i < currentResults.getLength(); i++) { AssessmentData aData = AssessmentCache.impl.getPublishedAssessment(x[i - start][3], false); if (aData == null) x[i - start][3] = "N/A"; else x[i - start][3] = aData.getProperCategoryAbbreviation(); TableItem tItem = new TableItem(x[i - start]); table.add(tItem); } layout(); } }); } }); }
private String batchCreate(Request request, String username) { NativeDocument doc = NativeDocumentFactory.newNativeDocument(); StringBuffer successfulIDs = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer extantIDs = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer unsuccessfulIDs = new StringBuffer(); try { String text = request.getEntity().getText(); doc.parse(text); AssessmentFilter filter = AssessmentFilter.parseXML( doc.getDocumentElement() .getElementsByTagName(AssessmentFilter.HEAD_TAG) .elementAt(0)); NativeNodeList nodes = doc.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("taxon"); boolean useTemplate = Boolean.parseBoolean( doc.getDocumentElement() .getElementsByTagName("useTemplate") .elementAt(0) .getTextContent()); System.out.println("Using template? " + useTemplate); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { TaxonNode taxon = TaxaIO.readNode(nodes.elementAt(i).getTextContent(), vfs); AssessmentData curAss = null; curAss = doCreateAssessmentForBatch( request.getChallengeResponse().getIdentifier(), filter, useTemplate, taxon); try { AssessmentIOWriteResult result = assignIDAndSave(curAss, username); if (result.status.isSuccess()) successfulIDs.append( curAss.getSpeciesName() + (i == nodes.getLength() - 1 ? "" : ", ")); else unsuccessfulIDs.append( curAss.getSpeciesName() + (i == nodes.getLength() - 1 ? "" : ", ")); } catch (RegionConflictException e) { extantIDs.append(curAss.getSpeciesName() + (i == nodes.getLength() - 1 ? "" : ", ")); } } StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); if (unsuccessfulIDs.length() > 0) ret.append( "<div>Unable to create an assessment for the following species: " + unsuccessfulIDs + "</div>\r\n"); if (extantIDs.length() > 0) ret.append( "<div>The following species already have draft assessments with the specific locality: " + extantIDs + "</div>\r\n"); if (successfulIDs.length() > 0) ret.append( "<div>Successfully created an assessment for the following species: " + successfulIDs + "</div>\r\n"); return ret.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
/** * Assumes that: - Users have already been converted - Working Sets have already been converted - * Working Set IDs have remained the same. */ protected void run() throws Exception { userIO = new UserIO(session); relationshipIO = new RelationshipIO(session); taxonIO = new TaxonIO(session); if (isTestMode()) print("### RUNNING IN TEST MODE ###"); final WorkingSetIO wsIO = new WorkingSetIO(session); for (VFSPathToken token : data.getOldVFS().list(new VFSPath("/users"))) { final User user = userIO.getUserFromUsername(token.toString()); if (user == null) printf("## No user exists for data directory %s ==", token); else { Hibernate.initialize(user.getSubscribedWorkingSets()); final VFSPath workingSetPath = new VFSPath("/users/" + user.getUsername() + "/workingSet.xml"); final NativeDocument document = new JavaNativeDocument(); try { document.parse(data.getOldVFS().getString(workingSetPath)); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } printf("== Finding working sets for %s (%s) ==", user.getUsername(), user.getId()); final NativeNodeList nodes = document.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { NativeNode node = nodes.item(i); if ("public".equals(node.getNodeName())) { NativeNodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) { NativeNode child = children.item(k); if ("workingSet".equals(child.getNodeName())) { NativeElement el = (NativeElement) child; String id = el.getAttribute("id"); String creator = el.getAttribute("creator"); if (!user.getUsername().equals(creator)) { boolean success = wsIO.subscribeToWorkingSet(Integer.valueOf(id), user); if (!success) printf("# Failed to subscribe to ws %s", id); else { printf("Subscribed to ws %s", id); /*if (count.incrementAndGet() % 50 == 0) { printf("Converted %s working set subscriptions...", count.get()); commitAndStartTransaction(); }*/ } } } } } else if ("private".equals(node.getNodeName())) { NativeNodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) { NativeNode child = children.item(k); if ("workingSet".equals(child.getNodeName())) { WorkingSetData data = new WorkingSetParser().parseSingleWorkingSet((NativeElement) node); if ("".equals(data.getId())) { continue; } WorkingSet privateWS = WorkingSetConverter.convertWorkingSetData( data, session, relationshipIO, userIO, taxonIO, user); if (privateWS != null) { printf("Created private working set %s", privateWS.getName());; } } } } } } commitAndStartTransaction(); } // commitAndStartTransaction(); }