@Command( aliases = {"/hsphere"}, usage = "<block> <radius> [raised?] ", desc = "Generate a hollow sphere", min = 2, max = 3) @CommandPermissions({"worldedit.generation.sphere"}) @Logging(PLACEMENT) public static void hsphere( CommandContext args, WorldEdit we, LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession) throws WorldEditException { Pattern block = we.getBlockPattern(player, args.getString(0)); double radius = Math.max(1, args.getDouble(1)); boolean raised = args.argsLength() > 2 ? (args.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("true") || args.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) : false; Vector pos = session.getPlacementPosition(player); if (raised) { pos = pos.add(0, radius, 0); } int affected = editSession.makeSphere(pos, block, radius, false); player.findFreePosition(); player.print(affected + " block(s) have been created."); }
@Command( aliases = {"/copy"}, flags = "e", desc = "Копирует выделенную территорию в буфер обмена", help = "Копирует выделенную территорию в буфер обмен\n" + "Флаги:\n" + " -e определяет, будут ли объекты копироваться в буфер обмена\n" + "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Вставленные объекты не могут быть отменены!", min = 0, max = 0) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.clipboard.copy") public void copy( CommandContext args, LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession) throws WorldEditException { Region region = session.getSelection(player.getWorld()); Vector min = region.getMinimumPoint(); Vector max = region.getMaximumPoint(); Vector pos = session.getPlacementPosition(player); CuboidClipboard clipboard = new CuboidClipboard(max.subtract(min).add(new Vector(1, 1, 1)), min, min.subtract(pos)); clipboard.copy(editSession); if (args.hasFlag('e')) { for (LocalEntity entity : player.getWorld().getEntities(region)) { clipboard.storeEntity(entity); } } session.setClipboard(clipboard); player.print("Блок(и) скопирован(ы)."); }
@Command( aliases = {"/cut"}, usage = "[leave-id]", desc = "Вырезает выделенную территорию в буфер обмена", help = "Вырезает выделенную территорию в буфер обмена\n" + "Флаги:\n" + " -e controls определяет, будут ли объекты копироваться в буфер обмена\n" + "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Вырезанные и вставленные объекты не могут быть отменены!", flags = "e", min = 0, max = 1) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.clipboard.cut") @Logging(REGION) public void cut( CommandContext args, LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession) throws WorldEditException { BaseBlock block = new BaseBlock(BlockID.AIR); LocalWorld world = player.getWorld(); if (args.argsLength() > 0) { block = we.getBlock(player, args.getString(0)); } Region region = session.getSelection(world); Vector min = region.getMinimumPoint(); Vector max = region.getMaximumPoint(); Vector pos = session.getPlacementPosition(player); CuboidClipboard clipboard = new CuboidClipboard(max.subtract(min).add(new Vector(1, 1, 1)), min, min.subtract(pos)); clipboard.copy(editSession); if (args.hasFlag('e')) { LocalEntity[] entities = world.getEntities(region); for (LocalEntity entity : entities) { clipboard.storeEntity(entity); } world.killEntities(entities); } session.setClipboard(clipboard); int affected = editSession.setBlocks(session.getSelection(world), block); player.print( affected + " " + StringUtil.plural(affected, "блок вырезан", "блока вырезано", "блоков вырезано") + "."); }
@Command( aliases = {"/move"}, usage = "[count] [direction] [leave-id]", flags = "s", desc = "Move the contents of the selection", min = 0, max = 3) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.region.move") @Logging(ORIENTATION_REGION) public static void move( CommandContext args, WorldEdit we, LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession) throws WorldEditException { int count = args.argsLength() > 0 ? Math.max(1, args.getInteger(0)) : 1; Vector dir = we.getDirection(player, args.argsLength() > 1 ? args.getString(1).toLowerCase() : "me"); BaseBlock replace; // Replacement block argument if (args.argsLength() > 2) { replace = we.getBlock(player, args.getString(2)); } else { replace = new BaseBlock(BlockID.AIR); } int affected = editSession.moveCuboidRegion( session.getSelection(player.getWorld()), dir, count, true, replace); if (args.hasFlag('s')) { try { Region region = session.getSelection(player.getWorld()); region.expand(dir.multiply(count)); region.contract(dir.multiply(count)); session.getRegionSelector().learnChanges(); session.getRegionSelector().explainRegionAdjust(player, session); } catch (RegionOperationException e) { player.printError(e.getMessage()); } } player.print(affected + " blocks moved."); }
@Command( aliases = {"/stack"}, usage = "[count] [direction]", flags = "sa", desc = "Repeat the contents of the selection", min = 0, max = 2) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.region.stack") @Logging(ORIENTATION_REGION) public static void stack( CommandContext args, WorldEdit we, LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession) throws WorldEditException { int count = args.argsLength() > 0 ? Math.max(1, args.getInteger(0)) : 1; Vector dir = we.getDiagonalDirection( player, args.argsLength() > 1 ? args.getString(1).toLowerCase() : "me"); int affected = editSession.stackCuboidRegion( session.getSelection(player.getWorld()), dir, count, !args.hasFlag('a')); if (args.hasFlag('s')) { try { Region region = session.getSelection(player.getWorld()); region.expand(dir.multiply(count)); region.contract(dir.multiply(count)); session.getRegionSelector().learnChanges(); session.getRegionSelector().explainRegionAdjust(player, session); } catch (RegionOperationException e) { player.printError(e.getMessage()); } } player.print(affected + " blocks changed. Undo with //undo"); }