private String getValueOfField(XMLField xmlField, String language) { String fieldValue = xmlField.getValue(); if (fieldValue == null) { fieldValue = ""; } else { if (fieldValue.startsWith("image_") || fieldValue.startsWith("file_")) { String attachmentId = fieldValue.substring(fieldValue.indexOf("_") + 1, fieldValue.length()); if (StringUtil.isDefined(attachmentId)) { if (attachmentId.startsWith("/")) { // case of an image provided by a gallery fieldValue = attachmentId; } else { SimpleDocument attachment = AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService() .searchDocumentById( new SimpleDocumentPK(attachmentId, getPK().getInstanceId()), language); if (attachment != null) { fieldValue = attachment.getAttachmentURL(); } } } else { fieldValue = ""; } } else if (fieldValue.startsWith(WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.dbKey)) { fieldValue = WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.getContentFromFile( getPK().getInstanceId(), getPK().getId(), xmlField.getName(), language); } else { fieldValue = EncodeHelper.javaStringToHtmlParagraphe(fieldValue); } } return fieldValue; }
public static void printSuggestionsScripts( PagesContext pageContext, String fieldName, List<String> suggestions, PrintWriter out) { out.println("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); out.println("listArray" + fieldName + " = [\n"); Iterator<String> itRes = suggestions.iterator(); String val; while (itRes.hasNext()) { val =; out.println("\"" + EncodeHelper.javaStringToJsString(val) + "\""); if (itRes.hasNext()) out.println(","); } out.println("];\n"); out.println("</script>\n"); out.println("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); out.println( " this.oACDS" + fieldName + " = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource(listArray" + fieldName + ");\n"); out.println( " this.oAutoComp" + fieldName + " = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete('" + fieldName + "','container" + fieldName + "', this.oACDS" + fieldName + ");\n"); out.println( " this.oAutoComp" + fieldName + ".prehighlightClassName = \"yui-ac-prehighlight\";\n"); out.println(" this.oAutoComp" + fieldName + ".typeAhead = true;\n"); out.println(" this.oAutoComp" + fieldName + ".useShadow = true;\n"); out.println(" this.oAutoComp" + fieldName + ".minQueryLength = 0;\n"); out.println(" this.oAutoComp" + fieldName + ".textboxFocusEvent.subscribe(function(){\n"); out.println(" var sInputValue = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('" + fieldName + "').value;\n"); out.println(" if(sInputValue.length == 0) {\n"); out.println(" var oSelf = this;\n"); out.println(" setTimeout(function(){oSelf.sendQuery(sInputValue);},0);\n"); out.println(" }\n"); out.println(" });\n"); out.println("</script>\n"); }
@Override public void displayScripts( final PrintWriter out, final FieldTemplate template, final PagesContext pageContext) throws IOException { checkFieldType(template.getTypeName(), "VideoFieldDisplayer.displayScripts"); String language = pageContext.getLanguage(); String fieldName = template.getFieldName(); if (template.isMandatory() && pageContext.useMandatory()) { out.append(" if (isWhitespace(stripInitialWhitespace(field.value))) {\n") .append(" var ") .append(fieldName) .append("Value = document.getElementById('") .append(fieldName) .append(Field.FILE_PARAM_NAME_SUFFIX) .append("').value;\n") .append(" var ") .append(fieldName) .append("Operation = document.") .append(pageContext.getFormName()) .append(".") .append(fieldName) .append(OPERATION_KEY) .append(".value;\n") .append(" if (") .append(fieldName) .append("Value=='' || ") .append(fieldName) .append("Operation=='") .append( .append("') {\n") .append(" errorMsg+=\" - '") .append(EncodeHelper.javaStringToJsString(template.getLabel(language))) .append("' ") .append(Util.getString("GML.MustBeFilled", language)) .append("\\n \";\n") .append(" errorNb++;\n") .append(" }\n") .append(" }\n"); } Util.includeFileNameLengthChecker(template, pageContext, out); Util.getJavascriptChecker(template.getFieldName(), pageContext, out); }
public String getContent(String language) { "notificationManager", "NotificationMetaData.getContent()", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "language = " + language); String result = ""; if (templates != null && !templates.isEmpty()) { SilverpeasTemplate template = templates.get(language); if (template != null) { result = template.applyFileTemplate(fileName + '_' + language); } } else { result = contents.get(language); } "notificationManager", "NotificationMetaData.getContent()", "root.MSG_GEN_EXIT_METHOD", "result = " + result); return EncodeHelper.convertWhiteSpacesForHTMLDisplay(result); }
/** * Prints the HTML value of the field. The displayed value must be updatable by the end user. The * value format may be adapted to a local language. The fieldName must be used to name the html * form input. Never throws an Exception but log a silvertrace and writes an empty string when : * * <UL> * <LI>the field type is not a managed type. * </UL> * * @param out * @param field * @param template * @param pageContext * @throws FormException */ @Override public void display( PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pageContext) throws FormException { String value = ""; String html = ""; String fieldName = template.getFieldName(); "form", "TimeFieldDisplayer.display", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "fieldName=" + fieldName); Map<String, String> parameters = template.getParameters(pageContext.getLanguage()); if (field == null) { return; } if (!field.getTypeName().equals(TextField.TYPE)) { "form", "TimeFieldDisplayer.display", "form.INFO_NOT_CORRECT_TYPE", TextField.TYPE); } String defaultParam = (parameters.containsKey("default") ? parameters.get("default") : ""); String defaultValue = ""; if ("now".equalsIgnoreCase(defaultParam) && !pageContext.isIgnoreDefaultValues()) { defaultValue = DateUtil.formatTime(new Date()); } value = (!field.isNull() ? field.getValue(pageContext.getLanguage()) : defaultValue); if (pageContext.isBlankFieldsUse()) { value = ""; } if (template.isReadOnly() && !template.isHidden()) { html = value; } else { input inputField = new input(); inputField.setName(template.getFieldName()); inputField.setID(template.getFieldName()); inputField.setValue(EncodeHelper.javaStringToHtmlString(value)); inputField.setType(template.isHidden() ? input.hidden : input.text); inputField.setMaxlength("5"); inputField.setSize("10"); if (template.isDisabled()) { inputField.setDisabled(true); } else if (template.isReadOnly()) { inputField.setReadOnly(true); } img image = null; if (template.isMandatory() && !template.isDisabled() && !template.isReadOnly() && !template.isHidden() && pageContext.useMandatory()) { image = new img(); image.setSrc(Util.getIcon("mandatoryField")); image.setWidth(5); image.setHeight(5); image.setBorder(0); } // print field if (image != null) { ElementContainer container = new ElementContainer(); container.addElement(inputField); container.addElement(" "); container.addElement(image); out.println(container.toString()); } else { out.println(inputField.toString()); } } out.println(html); }
@Override public int doStartTag() throws JspException { if (pdcBm == null) { pdcBm = (PdcBm) new PdcBmImpl(); } List<SearchAxis> primaryAxis = null; List daughters = null; try { if (StringUtil.isDefined(m_spaceOrSubSpace)) { List<String> availableComponentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); SearchContext searchContext = new SearchContext(); if (StringUtil.isDefined(componentId)) { primaryAxis = pdcBm.getPertinentAxisByInstanceId(searchContext, "P", componentId); } else { String a[] = oganisationController.getAvailCompoIds( m_spaceOrSubSpace, mainSessionController.getUserId()); availableComponentIds = Arrays.asList(a); if (!availableComponentIds.isEmpty()) { primaryAxis = pdcBm.getPertinentAxisByInstanceIds(searchContext, "P", availableComponentIds); } } if (primaryAxis != null && !primaryAxis.isEmpty()) { if (!"".equals(selectedAxisId)) { if (StringUtil.isDefined(componentId)) { daughters = pdcBm.getPertinentDaughterValuesByInstanceId( searchContext, selectedAxisId, selectedAxisPath, componentId); } else { daughters = pdcBm.getPertinentDaughterValuesByInstanceIds( searchContext, selectedAxisId, selectedAxisPath, availableComponentIds); } } else { SearchAxis searchAxis = primaryAxis.get(0); String axisId = new Integer(searchAxis.getAxisId()).toString(); daughters = pdcBm.getPertinentDaughterValuesByInstanceIds( searchContext, axisId, "", availableComponentIds); } } } // end if } catch (PdcException e) { throw new JspTagException("PdcException occured : " + e.toString()); } try { pageContext.getOut().println("<tr class='intfdcolor51'>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" <td width='100%'>"); pageContext .getOut() .println(" <table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" <tr>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" <td> </td>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" <td width='100%'><span class='txtnote'>"); pageContext .getOut() .println(" <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width='100%'>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" <tr><td>"); // il peut y avoir aucun axe primaire dans un 1er temps if ((primaryAxis != null) && !primaryAxis.isEmpty()) { String text_link = ""; for (SearchAxis searchAxis : primaryAxis) { String axisId = new Integer(searchAxis.getAxisId()).toString(); String axisRootId = new Integer(searchAxis.getAxisRootId()).toString(); String axisName = EncodeHelper.javaStringToHtmlString(searchAxis.getAxisName()); int nbPositions = searchAxis.getNbObjects(); if (nbPositions == 0 && componentId != null) { continue; } String objectLinked = ""; String link = "javascript:top.scriptFrame.axisClick('" + axisId + "','');"; text_link = webContext + "/RpdcSearch/jsp/showaxishfromhomepage?query=&AxisId=" + axisId + "&ValueId=/" + axisRootId + "/&SearchContext=isNotEmpty&component_id=" + componentId + "&space_id=" + m_spaceOrSubSpace; if (axisId.equals(selectedAxisId)) { if (daughters != null) { if ("".equals(selectedAxisPath)) { if ("off".equals(state)) { pageContext .getOut() .println( HomePageFunctions.urlFactory( link, text_link, axisId, "", objectLinked, axisName, " (" + nbPositions + ")", HomePageFunctions.AXIS, HomePageFunctions.AXIS_COLLAPSED, "", webContext)); continue; } } pageContext .getOut() .println( HomePageFunctions.urlFactory( link, text_link, axisId, "", objectLinked, axisName, " (" + nbPositions + ")", HomePageFunctions.AXIS, HomePageFunctions.AXIS_EXPANDED, "", webContext)); // **************Begin daughters int d_size = daughters.size(); int[][] tree_gui_represintation = new int[d_size][d_size]; int selected_x = -1; int selected_y = 0; for (int j = 0; j < d_size; j++) { Value value = (Value) daughters.get(j); int valueLevel = value.getLevelNumber(); String path = value.getFullPath(); HomePageFunctions.setTreeNode(tree_gui_represintation, valueLevel, j, d_size); if (selectedAxisPath.equals(path)) { selected_x = valueLevel; selected_y = j; } } HomePageFunctions.closeTreeNodes(tree_gui_represintation, 0, d_size, d_size); if (selected_x >= 0) { if (state.equals("on")) { selected_x++; selected_y++; } HomePageFunctions.collapseTree( tree_gui_represintation, selected_x, selected_y, d_size); } for (int j = 1; j < d_size; j++) { Value value = (Value) daughters.get(j); String valueName = EncodeHelper.javaStringToHtmlString(value.getName()); int valueLevel = value.getLevelNumber(); int valueNbObjects = value.getNbObjects(); if (valueNbObjects == 0 && componentId != null) { continue; } String valueFullPath = value.getFullPath(); link = "javascript:top.scriptFrame.axisClick('" + axisId + "','" + valueFullPath + "');"; text_link = webContext + "/RpdcSearch/jsp/showaxishfromhomepage?query=&AxisId=" + axisId + "&ValueId=" + valueFullPath + "&SearchContext=isNotEmpty&component_id=" + componentId + "&space_id=" + m_spaceOrSubSpace; if (tree_gui_represintation[0][j] == HomePageFunctions.T_HIDED_NODE) { continue; } String offset = HomePageFunctions.getTreeNodeOffset( tree_gui_represintation, j, d_size, webContext); int node_type; if (tree_gui_represintation[valueLevel][j] == HomePageFunctions.T_OPENED_NODE) { node_type = HomePageFunctions.AXIS_EXPANDED; } else { node_type = HomePageFunctions.AXIS_COLLAPSED; } if (selectedAxisPath.equals("")) { if (valueLevel == 1) { pageContext .getOut() .println( HomePageFunctions.urlFactory( link, text_link, valueFullPath, "", objectLinked, valueName, " (" + valueNbObjects + ")", HomePageFunctions.AXIS_LAST, HomePageFunctions.AXIS_COLLAPSED, offset, webContext)); } continue; } else { pageContext .getOut() .println( HomePageFunctions.urlFactory( link, text_link, valueFullPath, "", objectLinked, valueName, " (" + valueNbObjects + ")", HomePageFunctions.AXIS_LAST, node_type, offset, webContext)); } } } } else { pageContext .getOut() .println( HomePageFunctions.urlFactory( link, text_link, axisId, "", objectLinked, axisName, " (" + nbPositions + ")", HomePageFunctions.AXIS, HomePageFunctions.AXIS_COLLAPSED, "", webContext)); } } // fin du for } pageContext.getOut().println(" </td></tr>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" </table>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" </span></td>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" </tr>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" </table>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" </td>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" <td><img src='icons/1px.gif'></td>"); pageContext.getOut().println(" <td class='intfdcolor'><img src='icons/1px.gif'></td>"); pageContext.getOut().println("</tr>"); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new JspTagException("IO_ERROR"); } return SKIP_BODY; }