public void forcePointRead(int dataPointId) { DataPointRT dataPoint = dataPoints.get(dataPointId); if (dataPoint == null) throw new RTException("Point is not enabled"); // Tell the data source to read the point value; DataSourceRT ds = getRunningDataSource(dataPoint.getDataSourceId()); if (ds != null) // The data source may have been disabled. Just make sure. ds.forcePointRead(dataPoint); }
public void setDataPointValue(int dataPointId, PointValueTime valueTime, SetPointSource source) { DataPointRT dataPoint = dataPoints.get(dataPointId); if (dataPoint == null) throw new RTException("Point is not enabled"); if (!dataPoint.getPointLocator().isSettable()) throw new RTException("Point is not settable"); // Tell the data source to set the value of the point. DataSourceRT ds = getRunningDataSource(dataPoint.getDataSourceId()); // The data source may have been disabled. Just make sure. if (ds != null) ds.setPointValue(dataPoint, valueTime, source); }
public void relinquish(int dataPointId) { DataPointRT dataPoint = dataPoints.get(dataPointId); if (dataPoint == null) throw new RTException("Point is not enabled"); if (!dataPoint.getPointLocator().isSettable()) throw new RTException("Point is not settable"); if (!dataPoint.getPointLocator().isRelinquishable()) throw new RTException("Point is not relinquishable"); // Tell the data source to relinquish value of the point. DataSourceRT ds = getRunningDataSource(dataPoint.getDataSourceId()); // The data source may have been disabled. Just make sure. if (ds != null) ds.relinquish(dataPoint); }
private void stopDataPoint(int dataPointId) { synchronized (dataPoints) { // Remove this point from the data image if it is there. If not, just quit. DataPointRT p = dataPoints.remove(dataPointId); // Remove it from the data source, and terminate it. if (p != null) { getRunningDataSource(p.getDataSourceId()).removeDataPoint(p); DataPointListener l = getDataPointListeners(dataPointId); if (l != null) l.pointTerminated(); p.terminate(); } } }
private void stopDataSource(int id) { synchronized (runningDataSources) { DataSourceRT dataSource = getRunningDataSource(id); if (dataSource == null) return; // Stop the data points. for (DataPointRT p : dataPoints.values()) { if (p.getDataSourceId() == id) stopDataPoint(p.getId()); } runningDataSources.remove(dataSource); dataSource.terminate(); dataSource.joinTermination();"Data source '" + dataSource.getName() + "' stopped"); } }
protected void createStateImpl( RuntimeManager rtm, HttpServletRequest request, JspComponentState state) { DataPointRT dataPointRT = rtm.getDataPoint(this.dataPointVO.getId()); String value; if (dataPointRT == null) { value = this.disabledValue; } else { PointValueTime pvt = dataPointRT.getPointValue(); if ((pvt != null) && ((pvt.getValue() instanceof ImageValue))) { Map model = new HashMap(); model.put("point", this.dataPointVO); model.put("pointValue", pvt); value = BaseDwr.generateContent(request, "imageValueThumbnail.jsp", model); } else { int hint = this.raw ? 1 : 2; value = this.dataPointVO.getTextRenderer().getText(pvt, hint); if ((pvt != null) && (this.time)) state.setTime(Long.valueOf(pvt.getTime())); } } state.setValue(value); }
@Override protected void createStateImpl( RuntimeManager rtm, HttpServletRequest request, JspComponentState state) { String value; DataPointRT dataPointRT = rtm.getDataPoint(dataPointVO.getId()); if (dataPointRT == null) value = disabledValue; else { PointValueTime pvt = dataPointRT.getPointValue(); if (pvt != null && pvt.getValue() instanceof ImageValue) { // Text renderers don't help here. Create a thumbnail. Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put("point", dataPointVO); model.put("pointValue", pvt); value = BaseDwr.generateContent(request, "imageValueThumbnail.jsp", model); } else { int hint = raw ? TextRenderer.HINT_RAW : TextRenderer.HINT_FULL; value = dataPointVO.getTextRenderer().getText(pvt, hint); if (pvt != null && time) state.setTime(pvt.getTime()); } } state.setValue(value); }
private void startDataPoint(DataPointVO vo) { synchronized (dataPoints) { Assert.isTrue(vo.isEnabled()); // Only add the data point if its data source is enabled. DataSourceRT ds = getRunningDataSource(vo.getDataSourceId()); if (ds != null) { // Change the VO into a data point implementation. DataPointRT dataPoint = new DataPointRT(vo, vo.getPointLocator().createRuntime()); // Add/update it in the data image. dataPoints.put(dataPoint.getId(), dataPoint); // Initialize it. dataPoint.initialize(); DataPointListener l = getDataPointListeners(vo.getId()); if (l != null) l.pointInitialized(); // Add/update it in the data source. ds.addDataPoint(dataPoint); } } }
private void updateDataPointValuesRT(int dataPointId) { DataPointRT dataPoint = dataPoints.get(dataPointId); if (dataPoint != null) // Enabled. Reset the point's cache. dataPoint.resetValues(); }