private List getMatchingRowDataList(Map connectorMap, TableData childRt) { List filteredList = new ArrayList(); boolean allPassed = true; int size = childRt.getTableSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { RowData child = childRt.getRow(i); for (Iterator it = connectorMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); Object keyData = connectorMap.get(key); Object rowData = child.getField(key); if (rowData == null || !rowData.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(keyData.toString())) { allPassed = false; break; } } if (allPassed) { filteredList.add(child); } allPassed = true; } return filteredList; }
private void linkParentWithChild( TableData parentRt, TableData childRt, String processorName, List connectorList) { if (parentRt == null || childRt == null || childRt.getTableSize() == 0) return; int size = parentRt.getAllRows().size(); Map connectorMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { RowData parentRow = parentRt.getRow(i); populateConnectorMap(connectorMap, parentRow, connectorList); parentRow.addChildRowToMap(processorName, getMatchingRowDataList(connectorMap, childRt)); // clear the map for next row connectorMap.clear(); } }
private String populateChildInputs( int rowIndex, Map childInputs, RowData parent, String childQuery) { String newQuery = childQuery; Map newInputs = new HashMap(); Iterator it = childInputs.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); if (key.startsWith("&")) { String fkName = key.substring(1); String parentKeyName = (String) childInputs.get(key); if (parentKeyName != null) { parentKeyName = parentKeyName.toUpperCase(); String keyInQuery = "?" + fkName; if (childQuery.indexOf(keyInQuery) != -1) { Object parentData = parent.getField(parentKeyName); String newKeyName = fkName + "_" + rowIndex; newInputs.put(newKeyName, parentData); newQuery = StringUtil.replace(newQuery, keyInQuery, "?" + newKeyName); } } } } childInputs.putAll(newInputs); return newQuery; }
private String getColumnSqlDataTypeName(String parentKeyName, RowData parent) { String sqlDataTypeName = ""; RowInfo ri = parent.getRowInfo(); if (ri != null) { sqlDataTypeName = ri.getColmnDataTypeName(ri.getColumnPositionIndex(parentKeyName)); } if (sqlDataTypeName != null && !sqlDataTypeName.equals("")) sqlDataTypeName = ":" + sqlDataTypeName; return sqlDataTypeName; }
// return a string liek this: (?fkName1_rowIndex1, ?fkName2_rowIndex2, ...) private String populateConditionPart2(int rowIndex, InputInfo childIp, RowData parent) { String part = "("; List fkNames = childIp.getFKs(); if (fkNames != null && fkNames.size() > 0) { Map newInputs = new HashMap(); Map childInputs = childIp.getInputs(); Iterator it = fkNames.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String fkName = (String); String parentKeyName = (String) childInputs.get("&" + fkName); Object parentData = parent.getField(parentKeyName); String newKeyName = fkName + "_" + rowIndex; newInputs.put(newKeyName, parentData); part = part + "?" + newKeyName + getColumnSqlDataTypeName(parentKeyName, parent) + ","; } childInputs.putAll(newInputs); // remove the last comma if (part.endsWith(",")) part = part.substring(0, part.lastIndexOf(',')); part = part + ")"; } return part; }
private void populateConnectorMap(Map connectorMap, RowData parentRow, List connectorList) { for (Iterator it = connectorList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); connectorMap.put(key, parentRow.getField(key)); } }