/** * Test if Suppliers are preloaded. * * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void testPreloadedSuppliersExists() throws IOException, JSONException { HttpResponse resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeGetRequest( ENTITY_NAME + "?$inlinecount=allpages&$format=json", true); assertEquals( "Mismatch in the number of preloaded suppliers", 9, RequestExecutionHelper.getInlineCount(resp.getBody())); }
/** * Test Supplier Url filter Service Query option. * * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void testSupplierUrlFilter() throws IOException, JSONException { JSONObject jo; HttpResponse resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeGetRequest( ENTITY_NAME + "?$format=json&$filter=EmailAddress%20eq%20'*****@*****.**'&$top=1", true); JSONArray ja = RequestExecutionHelper.getJSONArrayofResults(resp.getBody()); assertNotNull("Unable to parse JSON response", ja); jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(0); assertEquals("Supplier not filtered Supplier Id", "100000045", jo.getString("SupplierId")); }
/** * Test if Supplier URL Skip Service Query Option. * * @throws JSONException * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testSupplierUrlSkip() throws JSONException, IOException { JSONObject jo; HttpResponse resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeGetRequest( ENTITY_NAME + "?$format=json&$orderby=SupplierId&$skip=1", true); JSONArray ja = RequestExecutionHelper.getJSONArrayofResults(resp.getBody()); assertNotNull("Unable to parse JSON response", ja); jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(0); assertEquals( "First Supplier in the ordered response not skipped", "100000042", jo.getString("SupplierId")); }
/** * Test Supplier Url Top and Orderby Service Query option. * * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void testSupplierUrlTopOrderby() throws IOException, JSONException { JSONObject jo; HttpResponse resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeGetRequest( ENTITY_NAME + "?$format=json&$orderby=SupplierId&$top=1", true); JSONArray ja = RequestExecutionHelper.getJSONArrayofResults(resp.getBody()); assertNotNull("Unable to parse JSON response", ja); jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(0); assertEquals( "Suppliers not orderedby Supplier Id in ascending order", "100000041", jo.getString("SupplierId")); }
/** * Test if Supplier URL Select Service Query Option. * * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void testSupplierUrlSelect() throws IOException, JSONException { HttpResponse resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeGetRequest( ENTITY_NAME + "?$format=json&$orderby=SupplierId&$skip=1&$top=1&$select=SupplierId,Country", true); JSONArray ja = RequestExecutionHelper.getJSONArrayofResults(resp.getBody()); assertNotNull("Unable to parse JSON response", ja); ja.get(0); assertTrue( "Selected property Country does not exist in the odata service", resp.getBody().contains("Country")); assertTrue( "Non selected property City still exists in the odata service", !resp.getBody().contains("City")); }
/** * Test Delete Supplier via URL. * * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void testDeleteSupplierViaREST() throws IOException, JSONException { String supplierXml = StreamHelper.readFromFile(FILENAME); String email = rand.nextInt(200) + "@sap.com"; supplierXml = supplierXml.replace( "<d:EmailAddress>email</d:EmailAddress>", "<d:EmailAddress>" + email + "</d:EmailAddress>"); String id = RequestExecutionHelper.createEntityViaREST(ENTITY_NAME, supplierXml, true); HttpResponse resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeGetRequest( ENTITY_NAME + "?$format=json&$filter=SupplierId%20eq%20'" + id + "'", true); assertEquals("Supplier not persisted", HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, resp.getResponseCode()); resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeDeleteRequest(ENTITY_NAME + "('" + id + "')", true); assertEquals( "Unable to delete Customer via REST or incorrect HTTP Response Code:" + resp.getResponseMessage(), HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, resp.getResponseCode()); }
/** * Test Create and Read Supplier via URL. * * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ @Test public void testCreateSupplierViaREST() throws IOException, JSONException { String supplierXml = StreamHelper.readFromFile(FILENAME); String email = rand.nextInt(200) + "@sap.com"; supplierXml = supplierXml.replace( "<d:EmailAddress>email</d:EmailAddress>", "<d:EmailAddress>" + email + "</d:EmailAddress>"); String id = RequestExecutionHelper.createEntityViaREST(ENTITY_NAME, supplierXml, true); HttpResponse resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeGetRequest( ENTITY_NAME + "?$format=json&$filter=SupplierId%20eq%20'" + id + "'", true); assertEquals("Supplier not persisted", HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, resp.getResponseCode()); JSONArray ja = RequestExecutionHelper.getJSONArrayofResults(resp.getBody()); assertNotNull("Unable to parse JSON response", ja); JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(0); assertEquals("Added Supplier via REST not persisted in db", id, jo.getString("SupplierId")); resp = RequestExecutionHelper.executeDeleteRequest(ENTITY_NAME + "('" + id + "')", true); assertEquals( "Unable to delete Supplier via REST or incorrect HTTP Response Code:" + resp.getResponseMessage(), HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, resp.getResponseCode()); }