public Connection getConexionTango() throws DataStoreException { if (_connTango == null) { _p = Props.getProps("partesMO", null); _driverTango = _p.getProperty("driverTango", "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); _urlTango = _p.getProperty("urlTango", "jdbc:odbc:tango"); _userTango = _p.getProperty("userTango", "tango"); _passWordTango = _p.getProperty("passWordTango", "tango"); try { // Se carga el driver JDBC-ODBC Class.forName(_driverTango); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage(e, null); throw new DataStoreException("Imposible cargar el driver para Tango: " + e.getMessage()); } try { // Se establece la conexión con la base de datos _connTango = DriverManager.getConnection(_urlTango, _userTango, _passWordTango); } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage(e, null); throw new DataStoreException( "imposible establecer conexión con la base tango: " + e.getMessage()); } } return _connTango; }
/** This method generates the html used by the tag. */ public void generateComponentHTML(JspWriter p) throws IOException { try { HtmlTreeControl tree = (HtmlTreeControl) getHelper().getController().getComponent(getName()); if (tree == null) return; tree.generateHTML(new PrintWriter(p), -1); } catch (IOException ioe) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("generateComponentHTML", ioe, this); throw ioe; } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("generateComponentHTML", e, this); } }
/** * Replaces the default browse image with one you specify * * @param comp - component that is replacing the browse image * @param dataType - data type of the component being replaced ( use DataStore.DATATYPE_*) * @param bound - flag that signifies if the component is bound to a datastore column * @param table - table component is bound to * @param column - column component is bound to */ public void replaceBrowseImage( HtmlComponent comp, int dataType, boolean bound, String table, String column) { try { /** get the index of the edit field so we can replace it */ if (_usePopup) { int browseIndex = _componentsVec.indexOf(_browsePopupImageHandle); if (browseIndex != -1) { replaceCompositeComponent(comp, _browsePopupImageHandle, dataType, bound, table, column); _componentsVec.setElementAt(comp, browseIndex); comp.setParent(this); _browsePopupImageHandle = comp; } } else { int browseIndex = _componentsVec.indexOf(_browseImageHandle); if (browseIndex != -1) { replaceCompositeComponent(comp, _browseImageHandle, dataType, bound, table, column); _componentsVec.setElementAt(comp, browseIndex); comp.setParent(this); _browseImageHandle = comp; } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("replaceBrowseImage", e, this); } }
/** Do not use this method in this class. */ public void add(HtmlComponent comp) { try { throw new Exception(" DO NOT USE: HtmlLookUpComponent.add. Use addLookupComp instead"); } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage( " DO NOT USE: HtmlLookUpComponent.add. Use addLookupComp instead", e, this); } }
/** * JspCookieCrumble constructor comment. * * @param name java.lang.String * @param p com.salmonllc.html.HtmlPage */ public JspCookieCrumble(String name, HtmlPage p) { super("CookieCrumbleComp" + name, p); try { _cont = new HtmlContainer("crumble_cont", p); _fSeparator = " : "; } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("CookieCrumbleComp", e, this); } }
/** * Adds a hit to a particular activity. The average time for each named time can be seen in the * connection monitor servlet */ public static synchronized void recordTimerActivity( String name, long time, Object o, boolean writeToMessageLog) { Timer t = (Timer) _timers.get(name); if (t == null) { t = new Timer(); _timers.put(name, t); } t.count++; t.totalTime += time; if (writeToMessageLog) MessageLog.writeDebugMessage("Timer:" + name + " elapsed time (ms):" + time, o); }
public static void setUpApplicationContext(ServletContext sContext) { ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContext.getContext(); if (context == null) { context = new ApplicationContext(); ApplicationContext.setContext(context); } context.setAppDocumentRoot(sContext.getRealPath("/")); String webAppName; try { webAppName = sContext.getResource("/").toString(); if (webAppName.endsWith("/")) webAppName = webAppName.substring(0, webAppName.length() - 1); int pos = webAppName.lastIndexOf("/"); if (pos > -1) webAppName = webAppName.substring(pos + 1); if (webAppName == null) webAppName = ""; context.setAppID(webAppName); context.setLogger(MessageLog.getLoggerForApplication(webAppName)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("setUpApplicationContext", e, null); } }
/** * This method returns the hidden description filed * * @return HtmlTextEdit */ public HtmlHiddenField getHiddenDescrField() { try { /** get the index of the edit field so we can replace it */ int editIndex = _componentsVec.indexOf(_hiddenDescriptionHandle); if (editIndex != -1) { return (HtmlHiddenField) _componentsVec.elementAt(editIndex); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("getHiddenDescrField", e, this); } return null; }
public static void setUpApplicationContext(ServletContext sContext, HttpServletRequest req) { ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContext.getContext(); if (context == null) { context = new ApplicationContext(); ApplicationContext.setContext(context); } String webAppName = URLGenerator.generateServletBaseURL(req); int pos = webAppName.indexOf("/"); if (pos > -1) webAppName = webAppName.substring(0, pos); context.setAppDocumentRoot(sContext.getRealPath("/")); if (webAppName == null) webAppName = ""; context.setAppID(webAppName); context.setLogger(MessageLog.getLoggerForApplication(webAppName)); }
/** * Replaces the default edit field with one you specify * * @param comp - component that is replacing the edit field * @param dataType - data type of the component being replaced ( use DataStore.DATATYPE_*) * @param bound - flag that signifies if the component is bound to a datastore column * @param table - table component is bound to * @param column - column component is bound to */ public void replaceEdit( HtmlComponent comp, int dataType, boolean bound, String table, String column) { try { /** get the index of the edit field so we can replace it */ int editIndex = _componentsVec.indexOf(_editHandle); if (editIndex != -1) { replaceCompositeComponent(comp, _editHandle, dataType, bound, table, column); comp.setParent(this); _editHandle = comp; } } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("replaceEdit", e, this); } }
private void createPage( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, HttpSession sess, String url, String sessID) { try { String contextToken = "$contextToken$" + _reqCount++; URL u = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection(); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setUseCaches(false); HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(false); Enumeration e = req.getHeaderNames(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) e.nextElement(); String value = req.getHeader(name); conn.setRequestProperty(name, value); } conn.setRequestProperty( "Cookie", "sesessionid=" + sessID + ";session=" + sessID + ";sessionid=" + sessID + ";JSESSIONID=" + sessID); conn.setRequestProperty(SALMON_CREATE_PAGE_HEADER, "true"); conn.setRequestProperty(SALMON_CONTEXT_TOKEN, contextToken); InputStream in = conn.getInputStream(); while ( > -1) ; in.close(); conn.disconnect(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie("JSESSIONID", sessID); cookie.setMaxAge(-1); res.addCookie(cookie); TagContext tc = (TagContext) sess.getAttribute(contextToken); if (tc != null) { sess.removeAttribute(contextToken); req.setAttribute(TagContext.TAG_CONTEXT_REQ_KEY, tc); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("Error creating page", e, this); } }
private void loadCachedController(String key, HttpSession sess) { if (!_cacheControllers) return; if (sess.getAttribute(key) != null) return; byte[] b = (byte[]) _controllerCache.get(key); if (b == null) return; try { JspServletObjectInputStream in = new JspServletObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(b), Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); Object o = in.readObject(); sess.setAttribute(key, o); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("Error reading cached controller for:" + key, e, this); } }
/** This method was created in VisualAge. */ public void initialize() throws Exception { try { super.initialize(); addPageListener(this); // Assigning to main cont Enumeration e = getComponentTable().elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { HtmlComponent comp = (HtmlComponent) e.nextElement(); if (comp instanceof JspListForm) { _mainCont = (JspListForm) comp; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("initialize", e, this); } }
private void cacheController(String key, JspController cont) { try { if (!_cacheControllers) return; if (cont == null) return; synchronized (_controllerCache) { if (_controllerCache.containsKey(key)) return; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream p = new ObjectOutputStream(out); p.writeObject(cont); p.flush(); byte b[] = out.toByteArray(); _controllerCache.put(key, b); out.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage( "Error caching controller:" + cont.getClass().getName(), e, this); } }
public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { setUpApplicationContext(getServletConfig().getServletContext(), (HttpServletRequest) request); JspController cont = null; boolean sessionKeepAlive = true; try { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); request.setAttribute(SALMON_SERVLET_KEY, this); sessionKeepAlive = request.getParameter("sessionKeepAlive") != null; if (!_replaceFactoryInit) { Props p = Props.getSystemProps(); _replaceFactoryInit = true; _replaceFactory = p.getBooleanProperty(Props.SYS_REPLACE_JSP_FACTORY, true); _cacheControllers = p.getBooleanProperty(Props.SYS_CACHE_CONTROLLERS, false); MessageLog.writeInfoMessage( "***JspServlet initialized with properties: " + Props.SYS_REPLACE_JSP_FACTORY + "=" + _replaceFactory + ", " + Props.SYS_CACHE_CONTROLLERS + "=" + _cacheControllers + ". To reset, change the file and restart the server.***", this); } // if (_replaceFactory) { // JspFactory fact = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); // if (fact == null || // !fact.getClass().getName().equals("com.salmonllc.jsp.engine.JspFactoryImpl")) // JspFactory.setDefaultFactory(new com.salmonllc.jsp.engine.JspFactoryImpl(fact)); // } HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) response; if (sessionKeepAlive) com.salmonllc.util.MessageLog.writeInfoMessage( "JspServlet.service() keepAlive - URI=" + req.getRequestURI(), Props.LOG_LEVEL_10, this); else { notifyListeners((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response, true); com.salmonllc.util.MessageLog.writeInfoMessage( "JspServlet.service() start - URI=" + req.getRequestURI(), Props.LOG_LEVEL_10, this); } String sessID = req.getParameter(PageTag.getSessionIdentifier()); HttpSession sess = PageTag.getSession(sessID); boolean sessValid = true; if (sess == null) { sessID = req.getRequestedSessionId(); sessValid = req.isRequestedSessionIdValid(); if (!sessValid && sessionKeepAlive) return; sess = req.getSession(true); } boolean onSession = false; boolean sessExp = false; if (sessID != null && !sessValid) sess.setAttribute("AppServer_SessExp", new Boolean(true)); boolean createPage = (req.getHeader(SALMON_CREATE_PAGE_HEADER) != null); if (_replaceFactory) { Object sessToken = sess.getAttribute("AppServer_SessionToken"); if (sessToken == null) { sess.setAttribute("AppServer_SessionToken", new String("tok")); sessToken = sess.getAttribute("AppServer_SessionToken"); } synchronized (sessToken) { String sessName = "$jsp$" + com.salmonllc.jsp.tags.PageTag.generateSessionName(req); loadCachedController(sessName, sess); onSession = sess.getAttribute(sessName) != null; if (!onSession) _jspService(req, new HttpServletResponseDummy(res, null)); cont = (JspController) sess.getAttribute(sessName); generateExpireResponseHeaders(res, cont.getAddExpireHeaders()); cacheController(sessName, cont); cont.setSessionExpired(sessExp); cont.setDoPostRedirected(false); _jspService(req, res); } } else { String sessName = "$jsp$" + com.salmonllc.jsp.tags.PageTag.generateSessionName(req); String token = sessName + "$pageToken$"; try { if (!createPage) { if (sess.getAttribute(token) != null) { /* * srufle : Jun 25, 2004 4 : 26 : 38 PM * This was put in to solve a thread deadlocking issue is was encountering * * Possible enhancements include * - making vars get their values from system parameters */ int index = 0; int indexLimit = 1024; int sleepCount = 0; int sleepCountLimit = 4096; int sleepTime = 10; while (sess.getAttribute(token) != null) { index++; Thread.yield(); if (index >= (indexLimit)) { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); index = 0; sleepCount++; if (sleepCount >= sleepCountLimit) { throw (new ServletException("Thread Locked:Throwing to unlock")); } } } } sess.setAttribute(token, token); } loadCachedController(sessName, sess); onSession = sess.getAttribute(sessName) != null; if (!onSession && !createPage) { createPage(req, res, sess, getPageURL(req, res), sess.getId()); cont = (JspController) sess.getAttribute(sessName); cacheController(sessName, cont); } else cont = (JspController) sess.getAttribute(sessName); if (cont != null) { generateExpireResponseHeaders(res, cont.getAddExpireHeaders()); cont.setSessionExpired(sessExp); cont.setDoPostRedirected(false); synchronized (cont) { _jspService(req, res); } } else { String contextToken = req.getHeader(SALMON_CONTEXT_TOKEN); _jspService(req, res); if (contextToken != null) { TagContext t = (TagContext) req.getAttribute(TagContext.TAG_CONTEXT_REQ_KEY); if (t != null) sess.setAttribute(contextToken, t); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (cont == null || cont.getPortletException() == null) { if (e instanceof SocketException) { // ignore MessageLog.writeInfoMessage("SocketException would have been thrown", this); } else { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("service", e, this); throw (new ServletException(e.getMessage())); } } } finally { if (!createPage) sess.removeAttribute(token); } } if (!sessionKeepAlive) { time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time); if (!createPage) addPageHit(time); if (Props.getSystemProps().getBooleanProperty(Props.SYS_RECORD_PAGE_TIMERS)) recordTimerActivity(req.getRequestURI(), time, this, false); com.salmonllc.util.MessageLog.writeInfoMessage( "JspServlet.service() end - URI=" + req.getRequestURI() + " Time=" + time + " Init=" + (!onSession), Props.LOG_LEVEL_10, this); } } catch ( e) { // ignore MessageLog.writeInfoMessage("SocketException would have been thrown", this); } catch (ServletException e) { if (cont == null || cont.getPortletException() == null) { com.salmonllc.util.MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("JspServlet.service()", e, this); throw (e); } } catch (IOException e) { com.salmonllc.util.MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("JspServlet.service()", e, this); throw (e); } catch (Exception e) { com.salmonllc.util.MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("JspServlet.service()", e, this); throw (new ServletException(e)); } finally { try { if (!sessionKeepAlive) notifyListeners((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response, false); } catch (Exception e) { com.salmonllc.util.MessageLog.writeErrorMessage("JspServlet.service()", e, this); throw (new ServletException(e)); } } }
public boolean controlaLegajoTango() throws DataStoreException { Connection connTango; Statement st = null; ResultSet r = null; int personal_id; int nro_legajo = -1; String apeynom = null; String nombre = null; String apellido = null; java.sql.Date fechaingreso = null; String SQL = null; boolean hubo_errores = false; // realiza las tareas de lookup sobre los datos de tango y completa información for (int i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++) { // verifico lookup y actualiza los datos automáticos en caso de insertar if (getRowStatus(i) == STATUS_NEW_MODIFIED || getRowStatus(i) == STATUS_MODIFIED) { // recupera la conexión a tango connTango = getConexionTango(); nro_legajo = getSupervisoresNroLegajo(i); try { // Legajos que tengan un periodo de vigencia actual SQL = "select L.ID_LEGAJO, L.NOMBRE, L.APELLIDO, I.FECHA_INGRESO " + " from LEGAJO L inner join INGRESO_EGRESO I " + " on L.ID_LEGAJO = I.ID_LEGAJO and I.FECHA_EGRESO IS NULL" + " where L.NRO_LEGAJO = " + Integer.toString(nro_legajo); st = connTango.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); r = st.executeQuery(SQL); if (r.first()) { personal_id = r.getInt(1); // ID_LEGAJO nombre = r.getString(2); // NOMBRE apellido = r.getString(3); // APELLIDO fechaingreso = r.getDate(4); // FECHA_INGRESO } else { // no es por el numero de legajo, busco por el id r.close(); st.close(); personal_id = getSupervisoresPersonalId(i); // Legajos que tengan un periodo de vigencia actual SQL = "select L.NRO_LEGAJO, L.NOMBRE, L.APELLIDO, I.FECHA_INGRESO " + " from LEGAJO L inner join INGRESO_EGRESO I " + " on L.ID_LEGAJO = I.ID_LEGAJO and I.FECHA_EGRESO IS NULL" + " where L.ID_LEGAJO = " + Integer.toString(personal_id); st = connTango.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); r = st.executeQuery(SQL); if (r.first()) { nro_legajo = r.getInt(1); // NRO_LEGAJO nombre = r.getString(2); // NOMBRE apellido = r.getString(3); // APELLIDO fechaingreso = r.getDate(4); // FECHA_INGRESO } else { // no existe el legajo, setea el error y marca el // procesamiento con error throw new DataStoreException("Legajo inexistente en tango"); } } apeynom = apellido + ", " + nombre; } catch (SQLException e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage(e, null); // además de escribir en el log mando mensaje a la página throw new DataStoreException("Error determinando legajo en tango: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (r != null) { try { r.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (st != null) try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // si la fecha de inicio como supervisor es anterior al ingreso de legajo if (getSupervisoresFechaDesde(i).before(fechaingreso)) { throw new DataStoreException( "La fecha de inicio es anterior a la fecha de ingreso del legajo"); } else { // setea los datos recuperados setSupervisoresApeynom(i, apeynom); setSupervisoresNroLegajo(i, nro_legajo); setSupervisoresPersonalId(i, personal_id); } } } return hubo_errores; }
public void completaCategorias() throws DataStoreException { Props p; String driverTango = null; String urlTango = null; String userTango = null; String passWordTango = null; Connection connTango; Statement st = null; ResultSet r = null; String SQL = null; String cod_categoria = null; String desc_categoria = null; p = Props.getProps("partesMO", null); driverTango = p.getProperty("driverTango", "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); urlTango = p.getProperty("urlTango", "jdbc:odbc:tango"); userTango = p.getProperty("userTango", "tango"); passWordTango = p.getProperty("passWordTango", "tango"); // realiza una búsqueda custom de los legajos try { // Se carga el driver Class.forName(driverTango); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage(e, null); throw new DataStoreException("Imposible cargar el driver para Tango: " + e.getMessage()); } try { // Se establece la conexión con la base de datos connTango = DriverManager.getConnection(urlTango, userTango, passWordTango); } catch (Exception e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage(e, null); throw new DataStoreException( "imposible establecer conexión con la base tango: " + e.getMessage()); } try { SQL = "select COD_CATEGORIA,DESC_CATEGORIA from CATEGORIA order by COD_CATEGORIA"; st = connTango.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); r = st.executeQuery(SQL); MessageLog.writeErrorMessage(SQL, 1, null, null); _categoriaTE2.resetOptions(); _categoriaTE2.addOption("", ""); while ( { cod_categoria = r.getString("COD_CATEGORIA"); desc_categoria = r.getString("DESC_CATEGORIA"); _categoriaTE2.addOption(cod_categoria, desc_categoria); } } catch (SQLException e) { MessageLog.writeErrorMessage(e, null); // adem�s de escribir en el log mando mensaje a la p�gina throw new DataStoreException("Error determinando categorías en tango: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (r != null) { try { r.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (st != null) try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }