private void generateDivHtml(PrintWriter p, int rowNo) throws DataStoreException { if (!_showDescription) return; if (_editDescription) return; p.print(_fontStartTag); p.print("<span id=\"div"); p.print(getFullName()); if (rowNo != -1) p.print("_" + rowNo); p.print("\">"); if (_descriptionEval != null) { if (rowNo == -1) rowNo = _descriptionEval.getDataStore().getRow(); Object o = _descriptionEval.evaluateRow(rowNo); if (o != null) { p.print(o); _hiddenDescriptionHandle.setValue(o.toString()); } else { _hiddenDescriptionHandle.setValue(null); } } else { // Take the description from the hidden field value p.print( _hiddenDescriptionHandle.getValue() == null ? "" : _hiddenDescriptionHandle.getValue()); } p.print("</span>"); p.print(_fontEndTag); }
public void pageRequested(PageEvent p) throws Exception { HttpServletRequest req = p.getPage().getCurrentRequest(); String returnVal[] = req.getParameterValues(getFullName()); if (returnVal != null) { if (_editDescription) _hiddenKeyHandle.setValue(returnVal[0], _rowNo); else getEditField().setValue(returnVal[0], _rowNo); } HtmlPage pg = getPage(); if (pg instanceof JspController) ((JspController) pg).setRemoveFromQueryString(getFullName()); if (returnVal != null) { returnVal = req.getParameterValues("descReturn"); if (returnVal != null) { if (_editDescription) getEditField().setValue(returnVal[0], _rowNo); if (_descDs != null && _descriptionColumn != -1) { if (_descDs.getColumnDataType(_descriptionColumn) == DataStoreBuffer.DATATYPE_STRING) { if (_rowNo == -1) _rowNo = _descDs.getRow(); _descDs.setString(_rowNo, _descriptionColumn, returnVal[0]); } } if (pg instanceof JspController) ((JspController) pg).setRemoveFromQueryString("descReturn"); } } }