/* * Gets a specific tag tuple from the database as specified by the tags ID. */ public RESTTagV1 getTagById(final int id) { try { if (entityCache.containsKeyValue(RESTTagV1.class, id)) { return entityCache.get(RESTTagV1.class, id); } else { /* * We need to expand the Categories collection in most cases so * expand it anyway */ final ExpandDataTrunk expand = new ExpandDataTrunk(); expand.setBranches( CollectionUtilities.toArrayList( new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("categories")), new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("properties")))); final String expandString = mapper.writeValueAsString(expand); // final String expandEncodedString = URLEncoder.encode(expandString, "UTF-8"); final RESTTagV1 tag = client.getJSONTag(id, expandString); entityCache.add(tag); return tag; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(ExceptionUtilities.getStackTrace(e)); } return null; }
/* * Gets a List of TopicSourceUrl tuples for a specified its TopicID * relationship through TopicToTopicSourceUrl. */ public List<RESTTopicSourceUrlV1> getSourceUrlsByTopicId(final int topicId) { final RESTTopicV1 topic; if (entityCache.containsKeyValue(RESTTopicV1.class, topicId)) { topic = entityCache.get(RESTTopicV1.class, topicId); } else { topic = getTopicById(topicId, null); } return topic == null ? null : topic.getSourceUrls_OTM().getItems(); }
/* * Gets a specific User tuple from the database as specified by the tags ID. */ public RESTUserV1 getUserById(final int id) { try { if (entityCache.containsKeyValue(RESTUserV1.class, id)) { return entityCache.get(RESTUserV1.class, id); } else { final RESTUserV1 user = client.getJSONUser(id, null); entityCache.add(user); return user; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(ExceptionUtilities.getStackTrace(e)); } return null; }
/* * Gets a specific category tuple from the database as specified by the * categories ID. */ public RESTCategoryV1 getCategoryById(final int id) { try { if (entityCache.containsKeyValue(RESTCategoryV1.class, id)) { return entityCache.get(RESTCategoryV1.class, id); } else { final RESTCategoryV1 category = client.getJSONCategory(id, null); entityCache.add(category); return category; } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/* * Gets a specific tag tuple from the database as specified by the tags ID. */ public RESTTopicV1 getTopicById( final int id, final Integer rev, final boolean expandTranslations) { try { final RESTTopicV1 topic; if (entityCache.containsKeyValue(RESTTopicV1.class, id, rev)) { topic = entityCache.get(RESTTopicV1.class, id, rev); } else { /* We need to expand the all the items in the topic collection */ final ExpandDataTrunk expand = new ExpandDataTrunk(); final ExpandDataTrunk expandTags = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("tags")); final ExpandDataTrunk expandTopicTranslations = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails(RESTTopicV1.TRANSLATEDTOPICS_NAME)); expandTags.setBranches( CollectionUtilities.toArrayList( new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("categories")), new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("properties")))); expand.setBranches( CollectionUtilities.toArrayList( expandTags, new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("sourceUrls")), new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("properties")), new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("outgoingRelationships")), new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("incomingRelationships")))); if (expandTranslations) { expand.getBranches().add(expandTopicTranslations); } final String expandString = mapper.writeValueAsString(expand); // final String expandEncodedString = URLEncoder.encode(expandString, "UTF-8"); if (rev == null) { topic = client.getJSONTopic(id, expandString); entityCache.add(topic); } else { topic = client.getJSONTopicRevision(id, rev, expandString); entityCache.add(topic, true); } } return topic; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(ExceptionUtilities.getStackTrace(e)); } return null; }
/* * Gets a collection of translated topics based on the list of topic ids * passed. */ public RESTTranslatedTopicCollectionV1 getTranslatedTopicsByZanataIds( final List<Integer> ids, final String locale) { if (ids.isEmpty()) return null; try { final RESTTranslatedTopicCollectionV1 topics = new RESTTranslatedTopicCollectionV1(); final StringBuffer urlVars = new StringBuffer("query;latestTranslations=true;zanataIds="); final String encodedComma = URLEncoder.encode(",", "UTF-8"); for (Integer id : ids) { if (!entityCache.containsKeyValue(RESTTranslatedTopicV1.class, id)) { urlVars.append(id + encodedComma); } else { topics.addItem(entityCache.get(RESTTranslatedTopicV1.class, id)); } } String query = urlVars.toString(); if (query.length() != "query;latestTranslations=true;zanataIds=".length()) { query = query.substring(0, query.length() - encodedComma.length()); /* Add the locale to the query if one was passed */ if (locale != null && !locale.isEmpty()) query += ";locale1=" + locale + "1"; PathSegment path = new PathSegmentImpl(query, false); /* * We need to expand the all the items in the translatedtopic * collection */ final ExpandDataTrunk expand = new ExpandDataTrunk(); final ExpandDataTrunk translatedTopicsExpand = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("translatedtopics")); final ExpandDataTrunk topicExpandTranslatedTopics = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails(RESTTopicV1.TRANSLATEDTOPICS_NAME)); final ExpandDataTrunk tags = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("tags")); final ExpandDataTrunk properties = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails(RESTBaseTopicV1.PROPERTIES_NAME)); final ExpandDataTrunk categories = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("categories")); final ExpandDataTrunk parentTags = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("parenttags")); final ExpandDataTrunk outgoingRelationships = new ExpandDataTrunk( new ExpandDataDetails(RESTTranslatedTopicV1.ALL_LATEST_OUTGOING_NAME)); final ExpandDataTrunk topicsExpand = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails(RESTTranslatedTopicV1.TOPIC_NAME)); /* We need to expand the categories collection on the topic tags */ tags.setBranches(CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(categories, parentTags, properties)); outgoingRelationships.setBranches( CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(tags, properties, topicsExpand)); topicsExpand.setBranches(CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(topicExpandTranslatedTopics)); translatedTopicsExpand.setBranches( CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(tags, outgoingRelationships, properties, topicsExpand)); expand.setBranches(CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(translatedTopicsExpand)); final String expandString = mapper.writeValueAsString(expand); // final String expandEncodedString = URLEncoder.encode(expandString, "UTF-8"); final RESTTranslatedTopicCollectionV1 downloadedTopics = client.getJSONTranslatedTopicsWithQuery(path, expandString); entityCache.add(downloadedTopics); /* Transfer the downloaded data to the current topic list */ if (downloadedTopics != null && downloadedTopics.getItems() != null) { for (final RESTTranslatedTopicV1 item : downloadedTopics.getItems()) { entityCache.add(item, ComponentTranslatedTopicV1.returnZanataId(item), false); topics.addItem(item); } } } return topics; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(ExceptionUtilities.getStackTrace(e)); } return null; }
/* * Gets a collection of topics based on the list of ids passed. */ public RESTTopicCollectionV1 getTopicsByIds( final List<Integer> ids, final boolean expandTranslations) { if (ids.isEmpty()) return null; try { final RESTTopicCollectionV1 topics = new RESTTopicCollectionV1(); final StringBuffer urlVars = new StringBuffer("query;topicIds="); // final String encodedComma = URLEncoder.encode(",", "UTF-8"); for (Integer id : ids) { if (!entityCache.containsKeyValue(RESTTopicV1.class, id)) { urlVars.append(id + ","); } else { topics.addItem(entityCache.get(RESTTopicV1.class, id)); } } String query = urlVars.toString(); /* Get the missing topics from the REST interface */ if (query.length() != "query;topicIds=".length()) { query = query.substring(0, query.length() - 1); PathSegment path = new PathSegmentImpl(query, false); final ExpandDataDetails expandDetails = new ExpandDataDetails("topics"); expandDetails.setShowSize(true); expandDetails.setEnd(0); final ExpandDataTrunk topicsExpandSize = new ExpandDataTrunk(expandDetails); final ExpandDataTrunk expandSize = new ExpandDataTrunk(); expandSize.setBranches(CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(topicsExpandSize)); final String expandDetailsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(expandSize); final RESTTopicCollectionV1 downloadedTopicsSize = client.getJSONTopicsWithQuery(path, expandDetailsString); /* Load the topics in groups to save memory when unmarshalling */ final int numTopics = downloadedTopicsSize.getSize(); for (int i = 0; i <= numTopics; i = i + 100) { /* We need to expand the all the items in the topic collection */ final ExpandDataTrunk expand = new ExpandDataTrunk(); final ExpandDataDetails expandTopicDetails = new ExpandDataDetails("topics"); expandTopicDetails.setStart(i); expandTopicDetails.setEnd(i + 100); final ExpandDataTrunk topicsExpand = new ExpandDataTrunk(expandTopicDetails); final ExpandDataTrunk tags = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("tags")); final ExpandDataTrunk properties = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails(RESTBaseTopicV1.PROPERTIES_NAME)); final ExpandDataTrunk categories = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("categories")); final ExpandDataTrunk parentTags = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("parenttags")); final ExpandDataTrunk outgoingRelationships = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("outgoingRelationships")); final ExpandDataTrunk expandTranslatedTopics = new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails(RESTTopicV1.TRANSLATEDTOPICS_NAME)); /* We need to expand the categories collection on the topic tags */ tags.setBranches(CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(categories, parentTags, properties)); if (expandTranslations) { outgoingRelationships.setBranches( CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(tags, properties, expandTranslatedTopics)); topicsExpand.setBranches( CollectionUtilities.toArrayList( tags, outgoingRelationships, properties, new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("sourceUrls")), expandTranslatedTopics)); } else { outgoingRelationships.setBranches(CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(tags, properties)); topicsExpand.setBranches( CollectionUtilities.toArrayList( tags, outgoingRelationships, properties, new ExpandDataTrunk(new ExpandDataDetails("sourceUrls")))); } expand.setBranches(CollectionUtilities.toArrayList(topicsExpand)); final String expandString = mapper.writeValueAsString(expand); // final String expandEncodedString = URLEncoder.encode(expandString, "UTF-8"); final RESTTopicCollectionV1 downloadedTopics = client.getJSONTopicsWithQuery(path, expandString); entityCache.add(downloadedTopics); /* Transfer the downloaded data to the current topic list */ if (downloadedTopics != null && downloadedTopics.getItems() != null) { for (final RESTTopicV1 item : downloadedTopics.getItems()) { topics.addItem(item); } } } } return topics; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(ExceptionUtilities.getStackTrace(e)); } return null; }