public XQValue eval(Focus focus, EvalContext context) throws EvaluationException {; try { return SingleMoment.dateTime(new DateTime(context.getCurrentDate())); } catch (DateTimeException e) { return XQValue.empty; } }
public BasicNode evalAsNode(Focus focus, EvalContext context) throws EvaluationException { BasicStaticContext staticContext = context.getStaticContext(); // we arrive here if building nodes is really wanted CorePushBuilder builder = new CorePushBuilder(staticContext.getBaseURI(), staticContext.getInScopeNS()); // for dynamic qname evaluation: make inscope ns visible context.setInScopeNS(builder.getNamespaceContext()); evalAsEvents(builder, focus, context); return builder.harvest(); }
public XQValue eval(Focus focus, EvalContext context) throws EvaluationException {; try { XQValue res = caught.eval(focus, context); // it is crucial to expand the sequence here, so that // eval errors are actually caught ArraySequence expanded = new ArraySequence(4, res); for (;; ) expanded.addItem(res.getItem()); return expanded; } catch (EvaluationException e) { Catch catcher = null; for (int i = 0; i < catches.length; i++) { if (catches[i].catches(e.getErrorCode())) { catcher = catches[i]; break; } } if (catcher == null) throw e; if (compatibility) { // feature: show error as a node whose name is the error code // and whose content the message CorePushBuilder builder = new CorePushBuilder(""); QName errName = IQName.get(e.getErrorCode()); try { builder.putElementStart(errName); // cant be attr value builder.putText(e.getMessage()); builder.putElementEnd(errName); } catch (QizxException e1) {; } context.storeLocal( catcher.valueVar.address, new SingleNode(builder.harvest()), false /* current */, null); } else { // 1.1 if (catcher.codeVar != null) { context.storeLocal( catcher.codeVar.address, new SingleQName(e.getErrorCode()), false /* current */, null); } if (catcher.descVar != null) { context.storeLocal( catcher.descVar.address, new SingleString(e.getMessage()), false /* current */, null); } if (catcher.valueVar != null) { XQValue v = e.getValue(); if (v == null) v = XQValue.empty; context.storeLocal(catcher.valueVar.address, v, false /* current */, null); } } // execute the handler with bound variables (if any) return catcher.handler.eval(focus, context); } }
public long evalAsInteger(Focus focus, EvalContext context) throws EvaluationException {; String s1 = args[0].evalAsOptString(focus, context); String s2 = args[1].evalAsOptString(focus, context); if (s1 == null || s2 == null) throw EmptyException.instance(); Collator coll = getCollator(args.length <= 2 ? null : args[2], focus, context);; // use Comparison.of to obtain EQ LT GT etc return Comparison.of(coll != null ?, s2) : s1.compareTo(s2), 0); }
public XQValue eval(Focus focus, EvalContext context) throws EvaluationException {; while (cond.evalEffectiveBooleanValue(focus, context)) { block.eval(focus, context); } return XQValue.empty; }
public void evalAsEvents(XMLPushStreamBase output, Focus focus, EvalContext context) throws EvaluationException {; QName qname = evalName(output, focus, context); try { output.putElementStart(qname); for (int a = 0; a < attributes.size(); a++) { try { getAttribute(a).evalAsEvents(output, focus, context); } catch (EvaluationException e) { if ((getFlags() & DIRECT) != 0) e.substituteCode("XQDY0025", "XQST0040"); throw e; } } for (int c = 0; c < contents.length; c++) { contents[c].evalAsEvents(output, focus, context); output.noSpace(); } output.putElementEnd(qname); } catch (DataModelException e) { dmError(context, e); } }
public double evalAsDouble(Focus focus, EvalContext context) throws EvaluationException {; XQItem v = args[0].evalAsOptItem(focus, context); if (v == null) throw EmptyException.instance(); if (v instanceof MomentValue) { MomentValue mv = (MomentValue) v; return mv.getValue().getSecond(); } try { DateTime dt = DateTime.parseDateTime(v.getString()); return dt.getSecond(); } catch (DateTimeException e) { context.error(Conversion.ERR_CAST, this, "cannot cast to xs:dateTime : " + e.getMessage()); return 0; } }
public void evalAsEvents(XMLPushStreamBase output, Focus focus, EvalContext context) throws EvaluationException {; String code = args[0].evalAsString(focus, context); code = code.replace('\r', ' '); Node options = (args.length < 2) ? null : args[1].evalAsOptNode(focus, context); LexicalTokenizer scolo = new LexicalTokenizer(code); QName wrapperElem = IQName.get("pre"); QName spanElem = IQName.get("span"); QName classAttr = IQName.get("class"); try { if (options != null) { Node[] attrs = options.getAttributes(); if (attrs != null) for (int a = 0; a < attrs.length; a++) { Node attr = attrs[a]; String option = attr.getNodeName().getLocalPart(); // TODO specify span element? } } output.putElementStart(wrapperElem); int prevToken = -1; for (int token = scolo.nextToken(); token > 0; token = scolo.nextToken()) { String space = scolo.getSpace(); if (space != null) output.putText(space); if (token != prevToken) { if (prevToken >= 0) output.putElementEnd(spanElem); output.putElementStart(spanElem); output.putAttribute(classAttr, "xq_" + tokenTypes[token], null); prevToken = token; } String value = scolo.getTokenValue(); output.putText(value); } output.putElementEnd(spanElem); output.putElementEnd(wrapperElem); } catch (DataModelException e) { // should not happen } catch (CompilationException e) { // ignore and stop } }