   * given some url arguments (ar123, al456, etc...) queries for the tracks that belong to these
   * items
   * @throws java.io.IOException
   * @throws java.sql.SQLException
   * @throws com.pugh.sockso.web.BadRequestException
  protected void tracks() throws IOException, SQLException, BadRequestException {

    final Request req = getRequest();
    final List<Track> tracks = Track.getTracksFromPlayArgs(getDatabase(), req.getPlayParams(true));

   * saves a playlist to the database for the current user. outputs a single integer which is the
   * playlist ID if all goes well, otherwise you'll get a description of the problem.
   * @throws IOException
  protected void savePlaylist() throws IOException, SQLException, BadRequestException {

    final Request req = getRequest();
    final User user = getUser();
    final Locale locale = getLocale();
    final String name = req.getUrlParam(2).trim();
    final String[] args = req.getPlayParams(2);

    String result = locale.getString("www.json.error.unknown");

    // make sure data is ok first
    if (name.equals("")) result = locale.getString("www.json.error.noName");
    else if (args.length == 0) result = locale.getString("www.json.error.noArguments");
    else if (user == null) result = locale.getString("www.json.error.notLoggedIn");
    else {

      final Database db = getDatabase();
      final List<Track> vTracks = Track.getTracksFromPlayArgs(db, args);
      final Track[] tracks = new Track[vTracks.size()];

      for (int i = 0; i < vTracks.size(); i++) tracks[i] = vTracks.get(i);

      result = Integer.toString(cm.savePlaylist(name, tracks, user));

    final TString tpl = new TString();