/** * saves a playlist to the database for the current user. outputs a single integer which is the * playlist ID if all goes well, otherwise you'll get a description of the problem. * * @throws IOException */ protected void savePlaylist() throws IOException, SQLException, BadRequestException { final Request req = getRequest(); final User user = getUser(); final Locale locale = getLocale(); final String name = req.getUrlParam(2).trim(); final String[] args = req.getPlayParams(2); String result = locale.getString("www.json.error.unknown"); // make sure data is ok first if (name.equals("")) result = locale.getString("www.json.error.noName"); else if (args.length == 0) result = locale.getString("www.json.error.noArguments"); else if (user == null) result = locale.getString("www.json.error.notLoggedIn"); else { final Database db = getDatabase(); final List<Track> vTracks = Track.getTracksFromPlayArgs(db, args); final Track[] tracks = new Track[vTracks.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < vTracks.size(); i++) tracks[i] = vTracks.get(i); result = Integer.toString(cm.savePlaylist(name, tracks, user)); } final TString tpl = new TString(); tpl.setResult(result); getResponse().showJson(tpl.makeRenderer()); }
/** the panel across the bottom of the window */ private JPanel getBottomPane() { final JButton exit = new JButton( locale.getString("gui.label.exit"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/22x22/exit.png"))); exit.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { AppFrame.this.exit(); } }); final JButton hide = new JButton( locale.getString("gui.label.hide"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/22x22/hide.png"))); hide.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { AppFrame.this.setVisible(false); } }); final JButton console = new JButton( locale.getString("gui.label.showConsoleWindow"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/22x22/console.png"))); console.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (consoleFrame == null) { consoleFrame = injector.getInstance(ConsoleFrame.class); consoleFrame.setBounds(100, 100, 600, 500); } consoleFrame.setVisible(true); } }); // in admin mode we won't have a server if (sv != null) { urlLabel.setText(locale.getString("gui.label.gettingIPAddress")); urlLabel.addMouseListener(injector.getInstance(UrlLabelMouseAdapter.class)); urlLabel.setToolTipText("Click to open Sockso in your browser."); updateUrlLabel(); } final JPanel buttons = new JPanel(); buttons.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); buttons.add(console); buttons.add(exit); if (tray.isActive()) buttons.add(hide); final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(buttons, BorderLayout.EAST); panel.add(urlLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); return panel; }
/** * this action allows you to give the path of a track on disk, and it will be resolved to the * tracks internal ID. this can then be used normally for playing music. the path coming in is * assumed to have forward slashes to delimit path components, but this needs to be converted to * whatever the actual path separator is for the current system BEFORE we try and query the * database, otherwise, well, it just won't work. * * <p>NB! ATM, this feature is only here for the the folder browsing stuff, so if that's not * turned on this this won't work. */ protected void resolvePath() throws BadRequestException, SQLException, IOException { // check folder browsing is enabled Utils.checkFeatureEnabled(getProperties(), "browse.folders.enabled"); ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement st = null; try { final Database db = getDatabase(); final Locale locale = getLocale(); final Request req = getRequest(); final String path = convertPath(req.getArgument("path")); final String sql = Track.getSelectFromSql() + " where t.path = ? "; st = db.prepare(sql); st.setString(1, path); rs = st.executeQuery(); if (!rs.next()) throw new BadRequestException(locale.getString("www.error.trackNotFound"), 404); final Track track = Track.createFromResultSet(rs); final TResolvePath tpl = new TResolvePath(); tpl.setTrack(track); getResponse().showJson(tpl.makeRenderer()); } finally { Utils.close(rs); Utils.close(st); } }
/** * handles the CMD_PROPSET command to set a particular application property * * @param args command arguments */ public String execute(final String[] args) { final String name = args[1]; final String value = Utils.joinArray(args, " ", 2, args.length - 1); p.set(name, value); p.save(); return locale.getString("con.msg.propertySaved"); }
/** the main tab control */ private JTabbedPane getMainPane() { final JTabbedPane pane = new JTabbedPane(); final MusicPanel musicPanel = injector.getInstance(MusicPanel.class); musicPanel.init(); final UsersPanel usersPanel = injector.getInstance(UsersPanel.class); usersPanel.init(); pane.addTab( locale.getString("gui.label.music"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/22x22/music.png")), musicPanel, locale.getString("gui.tooltip.music")); pane.addTab( locale.getString("gui.label.collection"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/22x22/collection.png")), injector.getInstance(CollectionPanel.class), locale.getString("gui.tooltip.collection")); pane.addTab( locale.getString("gui.label.users"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/22x22/users.png")), usersPanel, locale.getString("gui.tooltip.users")); pane.addTab( locale.getString("gui.label.general"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/22x22/general.png")), injector.getInstance(GeneralPanel.class), locale.getString("gui.tooltip.general")); pane.addTab( locale.getString("gui.label.encoders"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/22x22/encoders.png")), injector.getInstance(EncodersPanel.class), locale.getString("gui.tooltip.encoders")); return pane; }
/** * creates and returns a popup menu for this component * * @return a popup menu */ private JPopupMenu createPopupMenu() { final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); final JMenuItem inet = new JMenuItem(locale.getString("gui.label.internetAddress")); inet.setFont(inet.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); inet.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { openUrl(sv.getProtocol() + "://" + sv.getHost()); } }); final JMenuItem local = new JMenuItem(locale.getString("gui.label.myComputer")); local.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { openUrl(sv.getProtocol() + "://" + sv.getPort()); } }); final JMenuItem refresh = new JMenuItem( locale.getString("gui.label.refresh"), new ImageIcon(r.getImage("icons/16x16/refresh.png"))); refresh.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { ipFinder.refresh(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, "IP Updated!"); } }); popup.add(inet); popup.add(local); popup.addSeparator(); popup.add(refresh); return popup; }
/** checks for a newer version */ public void latestVersionReceived(final LatestVersionEvent evt) { final String latestVersion = evt.getVersion(); if (latestVersion != null && !latestVersion.equals(Sockso.VERSION)) { Splash.closeNow(); final String message = locale.getString("misc.msg.updateAvailable", new String[] {latestVersion}); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, message, "Sockso", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }
/** updates the URL label to our current address */ protected void updateUrlLabel() { final String myurl = sv.getProtocol() + "://" + sv.getHost(); urlLabel.setText( "<html><head><title></title></head><body>" + " " + locale.getString("gui.label.yourAddress") + ": <a href='" + myurl + "'>" + myurl + "</a>" + "</body></html>"); }
/** Creates a new instance of AppFrame */ @Inject public AppFrame( final Injector injector, final Properties p, final Server sv, final Resources r, final Locale locale) { super(locale == null ? "" : locale.getString("gui.window.main") + " (" + Sockso.VERSION + ")"); this.injector = injector; this.p = p; this.sv = sv; this.r = r; this.locale = locale; urlLabel = new JLabel(); tray = new TrayIcon(this, r); }
/** * this method extracts the full path in the request where the relative path after the json action * name is prefixed by the collection path specified in the query string. * * <p>e.g. /json/action/File/System/Path?collectionId=2 * * <p>Will return /home/rod/File/System/Path because the collection with id = 2 is rooted at * /home/rod * * @return String */ private String getPathFromRequest() throws SQLException, BadRequestException { final Request req = getRequest(); final Locale locale = getLocale(); final int collectionId = Integer.parseInt(req.getArgument("collectionId")); String path = ""; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement st = null; for (int i = 2; i < req.getParamCount(); i++) { final String pathElement = req.getUrlParam(i); // don't allow going up directories if (!pathElement.equals("..")) path += "/" + req.getUrlParam(i); } try { final Database db = getDatabase(); final String sql = " select c.path " + " from collection c " + " where c.id = ? "; st = db.prepare(sql); st.setInt(1, collectionId); rs = st.executeQuery(); // check the collection exists and we got it's root path if (rs.next()) { // we need to trim the trailing slash off the collection path final String collPath = rs.getString("path"); path = collPath.substring(0, collPath.length() - 1) + path; } else throw new BadRequestException(locale.getString("www.error.invalidCollectionId"), 404); path = path.replaceAll("\\/\\/", "\\/"); } finally { Utils.close(rs); Utils.close(st); } log.debug("pathFromRequest: " + path); return path; }
/** * tries to delete a users playlist. needs to check things like did they create it, etc... if all * goes ok then sends back the ID so that the javascript handler can do whatever... * * @throws BadRequestException * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException */ protected void deletePlaylist() throws BadRequestException, SQLException, IOException { final Request req = getRequest(); final User user = getUser(); final Locale locale = getLocale(); if (user == null) throw new BadRequestException(locale.getString("www.json.error.notLoggedIn"), 403); final Database db = getDatabase(); final int id = Integer.parseInt(req.getUrlParam(2)); final String sql = " select 1 " + " from playlists p " + " where p.id = ? " + " and p.user_id = ? "; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement st = null; try { // check user owns playlist before deleting it st = db.prepare(sql); st.setInt(1, id); st.setInt(2, user.getId()); rs = st.executeQuery(); if (!rs.next()) throw new BadRequestException("You don't own that playlist", 403); cm.removePlaylist(id); // done, send success response final TString tpl = new TString(); tpl.setResult(Integer.toString(id)); getResponse().showJson(tpl.makeRenderer()); } finally { Utils.close(rs); Utils.close(st); } }