public boolean open( MOB mob, Environmental openThis, String openableWord, int dirCode, boolean quietly) { final String openWord = (!(openThis instanceof Exit)) ? "open" : ((Exit) openThis).openWord(); final String openMsg = quietly ? null : ("<S-NAME> " + openWord + "(s) <T-NAMESELF>.") + CMLib.protocol().msp("dooropen.wav", 10); final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, openThis, null, CMMsg.MSG_OPEN, openMsg, openableWord, openMsg); if (openThis instanceof Exit) { final boolean open = ((Exit) openThis).isOpen(); if ((mob.location().okMessage(msg.source(), msg)) && (!open)) { mob.location().send(msg.source(), msg); if (dirCode < 0) for (int d = Directions.NUM_DIRECTIONS() - 1; d >= 0; d--) if (mob.location().getExitInDir(d) == openThis) { dirCode = d; break; } if ((dirCode >= 0) && (mob.location().getRoomInDir(dirCode) != null)) { final Room opR = mob.location().getRoomInDir(dirCode); final Exit opE = mob.location().getPairedExit(dirCode); if (opE != null) { final CMMsg altMsg = CMClass.getMsg( msg.source(), opE, msg.tool(), msg.sourceCode(), null, msg.targetCode(), null, msg.othersCode(), null); opE.executeMsg(msg.source(), altMsg); } final int opCode = Directions.getOpDirectionCode(dirCode); if ((opE != null) && (opE.isOpen()) && (((Exit) openThis).isOpen())) { final boolean useShipDirs = (opR instanceof BoardableShip) || (opR.getArea() instanceof BoardableShip); final String inDirName = useShipDirs ? Directions.getShipInDirectionName(opCode) : Directions.getInDirectionName(opCode); opR.showHappens(CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("@x1 @x2 opens.",, inDirName)); } return true; } } } else if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 0; super.tick(ticking, tickID); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 1; if (tickID != Tickable.TICKID_MOB) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT; return true; } if (!canFreelyBehaveNormal(ticking)) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT; return true; } final MOB mob = (MOB) ticking; // ridden things dont wander! if (ticking instanceof Rideable) if (((Rideable) ticking).numRiders() > 0) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT; return true; } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 2; if (((mob.amFollowing() != null) && (mob.location() == mob.amFollowing().location())) || (!CMLib.flags().canTaste(mob))) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT; return true; } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 3; final Room thisRoom = mob.location(); MOB victim = GoodGuardian.anyPeaceToMake(mob.location(), mob); GoodGuardian.keepPeace(mob, victim); victim = null; int dirCode = -1; tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 4; for (int d = Directions.NUM_DIRECTIONS() - 1; d >= 0; d--) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 5 + d; final Room room = thisRoom.getRoomInDir(d); final Exit exit = thisRoom.getExitInDir(d); if ((room != null) && (exit != null) && (okRoomForMe(mob, thisRoom, room, false))) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 20 + d; if (exit.isOpen()) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 40 + d; victim = GoodGuardian.anyPeaceToMake(room, mob); if (victim != null) { dirCode = d; break; } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 60 + d; } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 80 + d; } if (dirCode >= 0) break; tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 100 + d; } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 120; if ((dirCode >= 0) && (!CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.MOBILITY))) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 121; CMLib.tracking().walk(mob, dirCode, false, false); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 122; GoodGuardian.keepPeace(mob, victim); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 123; } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT; return true; }
public static int updateLotWithThisData( Room R, LandTitle T, boolean resetRoomName, boolean clearAllItems, List optPlayerList, int lastNumItems) { boolean updateItems = false; boolean updateExits = false; boolean updateRoom = false; synchronized (("SYNC" + R.roomID()).intern()) { R =; if (T.getOwnerName().length() == 0) { Item I = null; for (int i = R.numItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { I = R.getItem(i); if ((I == null) || (I.Name().equalsIgnoreCase("id"))) continue; CMLib.catalog().updateCatalogIntegrity(I); if (clearAllItems) { I.destroy(); updateItems = true; } else { if (I.expirationDate() == 0) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); now += (TimeManager.MILI_MINUTE * CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXPIRE_PLAYER_DROP)); I.setExpirationDate(now); } if ((I.phyStats().rejuv() != PhyStats.NO_REJUV) && (I.phyStats().rejuv() != 0)) { I.basePhyStats().setRejuv(PhyStats.NO_REJUV); I.recoverPhyStats(); } } } Ability A = null; if (clearAllItems) for (final Enumeration<Ability> a = R.effects(); a.hasMoreElements(); ) { A = a.nextElement(); if (((A != null) && ((A.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) != Ability.ACODE_PROPERTY))) { A.unInvoke(); R.delEffect(A); updateRoom = true; } } for (int d = Directions.NUM_DIRECTIONS() - 1; d >= 0; d--) { final Room R2 = R.rawDoors()[d]; Exit E = R.getRawExit(d); if ((E != null) && (E.hasALock()) && (E.isGeneric())) { E.setKeyName(""); E.setDoorsNLocks(E.hasADoor(), E.isOpen(), E.defaultsClosed(), false, false, false); updateExits = true; if (R2 != null) { E = R2.getRawExit(Directions.getOpDirectionCode(d)); if ((E != null) && (E.hasALock()) && (E.isGeneric())) { E.setKeyName(""); E.setDoorsNLocks(E.hasADoor(), E.isOpen(), E.defaultsClosed(), false, false, false); CMLib.database().DBUpdateExits(R2); R2.getArea().fillInAreaRoom(R2); } } } } if (updateExits) { CMLib.database().DBUpdateExits(R); R.getArea().fillInAreaRoom(R); } if (updateItems) CMLib.database().DBUpdateItems(R); if (updateRoom) CMLib.database().DBUpdateRoom(R); colorForSale(R, T.rentalProperty(), resetRoomName); return -1; } if ((lastNumItems < 0) && (!CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.PROPERTYOWNERCHECKS)) && (optPlayerList != null)) { boolean playerExists = (CMLib.players().getPlayer(T.getOwnerName()) != null); if (!playerExists) playerExists = (CMLib.clans().getClan(T.getOwnerName()) != null); if (!playerExists) playerExists = optPlayerList.contains(T.getOwnerName()); if (!playerExists) for (int i = 0; i < optPlayerList.size(); i++) if (((String) optPlayerList.get(i)).equalsIgnoreCase(T.getOwnerName())) { playerExists = true; break; } if (!playerExists) { T.setOwnerName(""); T.updateLot(null); return -1; } } int x = R.description().indexOf(SALESTR); if (x >= 0) { R.setDescription(R.description().substring(0, x)); CMLib.database().DBUpdateRoom(R); } x = R.description().indexOf(RENTSTR); if (x >= 0) { R.setDescription(R.description().substring(0, x)); CMLib.database().DBUpdateRoom(R); } // this works on the priciple that // 1. if an item has ONLY been removed, the lastNumItems will be != current # items // 2. if an item has ONLY been added, the dispossessiontime will be != null // 3. if an item has been added AND removed, the dispossession time will be != null on the // added if ((lastNumItems >= 0) && (R.numItems() != lastNumItems)) updateItems = true; for (int i = 0; i < R.numItems(); i++) { final Item I = R.getItem(i); if ((I.expirationDate() != 0) && ((I.isSavable()) || (I.Name().equalsIgnoreCase("id"))) && ((!(I instanceof DeadBody)) || (((DeadBody) I).isPlayerCorpse()))) { I.setExpirationDate(0); updateItems = true; } if ((I.phyStats().rejuv() != Integer.MAX_VALUE) && (I.phyStats().rejuv() != 0)) { I.basePhyStats().setRejuv(PhyStats.NO_REJUV); I.recoverPhyStats(); updateItems = true; } } lastNumItems = R.numItems(); if ((!CMSecurity.isSaveFlag(CMSecurity.SaveFlag.NOPROPERTYITEMS)) && (updateItems)) CMLib.database().DBUpdateItems(R); } return lastNumItems; }