@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical target, boolean auto, int asLevel) { if (!auto) return false; final Physical P = target; if (P == null) return false; if ((P instanceof Item) && (room == null)) return false; if (P.fetchEffect("Falling") == null) { final Falling F = new Falling(); F.setProficiency(proficiency()); F.invoker = null; if (P instanceof MOB) F.invoker = (MOB) P; else F.invoker = CMClass.getMOB("StdMOB"); F.setSavable(false); F.makeLongLasting(); P.addEffect(F); if (!(P instanceof MOB)) CMLib.threads().startTickDown(F, Tickable.TICKID_MOB, 1); P.recoverPhyStats(); } return true; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { timeOut = 0; if (auto) return false; final Hashtable<String, String> H = getSongs(); if (commands.size() == 0) { final Song_Ode A = (Song_Ode) mob.fetchEffect(ID()); if ((A != null) && (A.whom != null) && (A.song == null)) { final String str = L("^S<S-NAME> finish(es) composing the @x1.^?", A.songOf()); final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, this, (auto ? CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS : 0) | CMMsg.MSG_DELICATE_SMALL_HANDS_ACT, str); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); mob.delEffect(A); getSongs().put(A.whom.name(), A.composition()); whom = null; return true; } return false; } final StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(""); for (final Enumeration<String> e = H.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) str.append(e.nextElement() + " "); mob.tell(L("Compose or sing an ode about whom?")); if (str.length() > 0) mob.tell(L("You presently have odes written about: @x1.", str.toString().trim())); return false; } String name = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); for (final Enumeration<String> e = H.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String key = e.nextElement(); if (CMLib.english().containsString(key, name)) { invoker = mob; originRoom = mob.location(); commonRoomSet = getInvokerScopeRoomSet(null); name = key; song = H.get(name); benefits = null; whom = mob.location().fetchInhabitant(name); if ((whom == null) || (!whom.name().equals(name))) whom = CMLib.players().getPlayer(name); if ((whom == null) || (!whom.name().equals(name))) { whom = CMClass.getMOB("StdMOB"); whom.setName(name); whom.setLocation(mob.location()); } return super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } } final MOB target = getTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget); if (target == null) return false; if (target == mob) { mob.tell(L("You may not compose an ode about yourself!")); return false; } final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { unsingAll(mob, mob); invoker = mob; originRoom = mob.location(); commonRoomSet = getInvokerScopeRoomSet(null); whom = target; final String str = L("^S<S-NAME> begin(s) to compose an @x1.^?", songOf()); final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, this, (auto ? CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS : 0) | CMMsg.MSG_DELICATE_SMALL_HANDS_ACT, str); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); invoker = mob; final Song_Ode newOne = (Song_Ode) copyOf(); newOne.whom = target; newOne.trail = new StringBuffer(""); newOne.song = null; mob.addEffect(newOne); } } else mob.location() .show(mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_NOISE, L("<S-NAME> lose(s) <S-HIS-HER> inspiration.")); return success; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { final Physical target = getAnyTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (target == null) return false; if (target == mob) { mob.tell(L("@x1 doesn't look dead yet.", target.name(mob))); return false; } if (!(target instanceof DeadBody)) { mob.tell(L("You can't animate that.")); return false; } final DeadBody body = (DeadBody) target; if (body.isPlayerCorpse() || (body.getMobName().length() == 0) || ((body.charStats() != null) && (body.charStats().getMyRace() != null) && (body.charStats().getMyRace().racialCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("Undead")))) { mob.tell(L("You can't animate that.")); return false; } String race = "a"; if ((body.charStats() != null) && (body.charStats().getMyRace() != null)) race = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(body.charStats().getMyRace().name()).toLowerCase(); String description = body.getMobDescription(); if (description.trim().length() == 0) description = "It looks dead."; else description += "\n\rIt also looks dead."; if (body.basePhyStats().level() < 7) { mob.tell(L("This creature is too weak to create a ghast from.")); return false; } if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, target, this, verbalCastCode(mob, target, auto), auto ? "" : L("^S<S-NAME> @x1 to animate <T-NAMESELF> as a ghast.^?", prayForWord(mob))); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); int undeadLevel = this.getUndeadLevel(mob, 6, body.phyStats().level()); final MOB newMOB = CMClass.getMOB("GenUndead"); newMOB.setName(L("@x1 ghast", race)); newMOB.setDescription(description); newMOB.setDisplayText(L("@x1 ghast is here", race)); newMOB.basePhyStats().setLevel(undeadLevel); newMOB .baseCharStats() .setStat(CharStats.STAT_GENDER, body.charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_GENDER)); newMOB.baseCharStats().setMyRace(CMClass.getRace("Undead")); newMOB .baseCharStats() .setBodyPartsFromStringAfterRace(body.charStats().getBodyPartsAsString()); final Ability P = CMClass.getAbility("Prop_StatTrainer"); if (P != null) { P.setMiscText("NOTEACH STR=20 INT=10 WIS=10 CON=10 DEX=15 CHA=2"); newMOB.addNonUninvokableEffect(P); } newMOB.recoverCharStats(); newMOB.basePhyStats().setAttackAdjustment(CMLib.leveler().getLevelAttack(newMOB)); newMOB.basePhyStats().setDamage(CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBDamage(newMOB)); newMOB.basePhyStats().setSensesMask(PhyStats.CAN_SEE_DARK); CMLib.factions().setAlignment(newMOB, Faction.Align.EVIL); newMOB.baseState().setHitPoints(25 * newMOB.basePhyStats().level()); newMOB.baseState().setMovement(CMLib.leveler().getLevelMove(newMOB)); newMOB.basePhyStats().setArmor(CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBArmor(newMOB)); newMOB.baseState().setMana(100); newMOB.recoverCharStats(); newMOB.recoverPhyStats(); newMOB.recoverMaxState(); newMOB.resetToMaxState(); newMOB.addAbility(CMClass.getAbility("Paralysis")); Behavior B = CMClass.getBehavior("CombatAbilities"); if (B != null) newMOB.addBehavior(B); B = CMClass.getBehavior("Aggressive"); if (B != null) { B.setParms("+NAMES \"-" + mob.Name() + "\" -LEVEL +>" + newMOB.basePhyStats().level()); newMOB.addBehavior(B); } newMOB.addNonUninvokableEffect(CMClass.getAbility("Spell_CauseStink")); newMOB.addNonUninvokableEffect(CMClass.getAbility("Prop_ModExperience")); newMOB.text(); newMOB.bringToLife(mob.location(), true); CMLib.beanCounter().clearZeroMoney(newMOB, null); // newMOB.location().showOthers(newMOB,null,CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION,L("<S-NAME> appears!")); int it = 0; while (it < newMOB.location().numItems()) { final Item item = newMOB.location().getItem(it); if ((item != null) && (item.container() == body)) { final CMMsg msg2 = CMClass.getMsg(newMOB, body, item, CMMsg.MSG_GET, null); newMOB.location().send(newMOB, msg2); final CMMsg msg4 = CMClass.getMsg(newMOB, item, null, CMMsg.MSG_GET, null); newMOB.location().send(newMOB, msg4); final CMMsg msg3 = CMClass.getMsg(newMOB, item, null, CMMsg.MSG_WEAR, null); newMOB.location().send(newMOB, msg3); if (!newMOB.isMine(item)) it++; else it = 0; } else it++; } body.destroy(); mob.location().show(newMOB, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("<S-NAME> begin(s) to rise!")); newMOB.setStartRoom(null); beneficialAffect(mob, newMOB, 0, 0); mob.location().recoverRoomStats(); } } else return beneficialWordsFizzle( mob, target, L("<S-NAME> @x1 to animate <T-NAMESELF>, but fail(s) miserably.", prayForWord(mob))); // return whether it worked return success; }