@Override public boolean execute(MOB mob, Vector commands, int metaFlags) throws java.io.IOException { final Room R = mob.location(); boolean quiet = false; if ((commands != null) && (commands.size() > 1) && (((String) commands.lastElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("UNOBTRUSIVELY"))) { commands.remove(commands.size() - 1); quiet = true; } final String textMsg = "<S-NAME> look(s) "; if (R == null) return false; if ((commands != null) && (commands.size() > 1)) { Environmental thisThang = null; if ((commands.size() > 2) && (((String) commands.get(1)).equalsIgnoreCase("at"))) commands.remove(1); else if ((commands.size() > 2) && (((String) commands.get(1)).equalsIgnoreCase("to"))) commands.remove(1); final String ID = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); if ((ID.toUpperCase().startsWith("EXIT") && (commands.size() == 2)) && (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) != 1)) { final CMMsg exitMsg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, R, null, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK_EXITS, null); if ((CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) >= 2) != mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.BRIEF)) exitMsg.setValue(CMMsg.MASK_OPTIMIZE); if (R.okMessage(mob, exitMsg)) R.send(mob, exitMsg); return false; } if (ID.equalsIgnoreCase("SELF") || ID.equalsIgnoreCase("ME")) thisThang = mob; if (thisThang == null) thisThang = R.fetchFromMOBRoomFavorsItems(mob, null, ID, noCoinFilter); if (thisThang == null) thisThang = R.fetchFromMOBRoomFavorsItems(mob, null, ID, Wearable.FILTER_ANY); if ((thisThang == null) && (commands.size() > 2) && (((String) commands.get(1)).equalsIgnoreCase("in"))) { commands.remove(1); final String ID2 = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); thisThang = R.fetchFromMOBRoomFavorsItems(mob, null, ID2, Wearable.FILTER_ANY); if ((thisThang != null) && ((!(thisThang instanceof Container)) || (((Container) thisThang).capacity() == 0))) { mob.tell(L("That's not a container.")); return false; } } int dirCode = -1; Environmental lookingTool = null; if (thisThang == null) { dirCode = Directions.getGoodDirectionCode(ID); if (dirCode >= 0) { final Room room = R.getRoomInDir(dirCode); final Exit exit = R.getExitInDir(dirCode); if ((room != null) && (exit != null)) { thisThang = exit; lookingTool = room; } else { mob.tell(L("You don't see anything that way.")); return false; } } } if (thisThang != null) { String name = "at <T-NAMESELF>"; if ((thisThang instanceof Room) || (thisThang instanceof Exit)) { if (thisThang == R) name = "around"; else if (dirCode >= 0) name = ((R instanceof BoardableShip) || (R.getArea() instanceof BoardableShip)) ? Directions.getShipDirectionName(dirCode) : Directions.getDirectionName(dirCode); } final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, thisThang, lookingTool, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, textMsg + name + "."); if ((thisThang instanceof Room) && (mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.AUTOEXITS)) && (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) != 1)) { final CMMsg exitMsg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, thisThang, lookingTool, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK_EXITS, null); if ((CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) >= 2) != mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.BRIEF)) exitMsg.setValue(CMMsg.MASK_OPTIMIZE); msg.addTrailerMsg(exitMsg); } if (R.okMessage(mob, msg)) R.send(mob, msg); } else mob.tell(L("You don't see that here!")); } else { if ((commands != null) && (commands.size() > 0)) if (((String) commands.get(0)).toUpperCase().startsWith("E")) { mob.tell(L("Examine what?")); return false; } final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, R, null, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, (quiet ? null : textMsg + "around."), CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, (quiet ? null : textMsg + "at you."), CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, (quiet ? null : textMsg + "around.")); if ((mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.AUTOEXITS)) && (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) != 1) && (CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(R, mob))) { final CMMsg exitMsg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, R, null, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK_EXITS, null); if ((CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) >= 2) != mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.BRIEF)) exitMsg.setValue(CMMsg.MASK_OPTIMIZE); msg.addTrailerMsg(exitMsg); } if (R.okMessage(mob, msg)) R.send(mob, msg); } return false; }
public StringBuffer deviations(MOB mob, String rest) { final Vector<String> V = CMParms.parse(rest); if ((V.size() == 0) || ((!V.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("mobs")) && (!V.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("items")) && (!V.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("both")))) return new StringBuffer( "You must specify whether you want deviations on MOBS, ITEMS, or BOTH."); final String type = V.get(0).toLowerCase(); if (V.size() == 1) return new StringBuffer( "You must also specify a mob or item name, or the word room, or the word area."); final Room mobR = mob.location(); Faction useFaction = null; for (final Enumeration<Faction> e = CMLib.factions().factions(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Faction F = e.nextElement(); if (F.showInSpecialReported()) useFaction = F; } final String where = V.get(1).toLowerCase(); final Environmental E = mobR.fetchFromMOBRoomFavorsItems(mob, null, where, Wearable.FILTER_ANY); final Vector<Environmental> check = new Vector<Environmental>(); if (where.equalsIgnoreCase("room")) fillCheckDeviations(mobR, type, check); else if (where.equalsIgnoreCase("area")) { for (final Enumeration<Room> r = mobR.getArea().getFilledCompleteMap(); r.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Room R = r.nextElement(); fillCheckDeviations(R, type, check); } } else if (where.equalsIgnoreCase("world")) { for (final Enumeration<Room> r = CMLib.map().roomsFilled(); r.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Room R = r.nextElement(); fillCheckDeviations(R, type, check); } } else if (E == null) return new StringBuffer("'" + where + "' is an unknown item or mob name."); else if (type.equals("items") && (!(E instanceof Weapon)) && (!(E instanceof Armor))) return new StringBuffer("'" + where + "' is not a weapon or armor item."); else if (type.equals("mobs") && (!(E instanceof MOB))) return new StringBuffer("'" + where + "' is not a MOB."); else if ((!(E instanceof Weapon)) && (!(E instanceof Armor)) && (!(E instanceof MOB))) return new StringBuffer("'" + where + "' is not a MOB, or Weapon, or Item."); else check.add(E); final StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(""); str.append(L("Deviations Report:\n\r")); final StringBuffer itemResults = new StringBuffer(); final StringBuffer mobResults = new StringBuffer(); for (int c = 0; c < check.size(); c++) { if (check.get(c) instanceof Item) { final Item I = (Item) check.get(c); Weapon W = null; if (I instanceof Weapon) W = (Weapon) I; final Map<String, String> vals = CMLib.itemBuilder() .timsItemAdjustments( I, I.phyStats().level(), I.material(), I.rawLogicalAnd() ? 2 : 1, (W == null) ? 0 : W.weaponClassification(), I.maxRange(), I.rawProperLocationBitmap()); itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight(I.name(), 20) + " "); itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight(I.ID(), 10) + " "); itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + I.phyStats().level(), 4) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation(I.basePhyStats().attackAdjustment(), vals, "ATTACK"), 5) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(I.basePhyStats().damage(), vals, "DAMAGE"), 5) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(I.basePhyStats().damage(), vals, "ARMOR"), 5) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(I.baseGoldValue(), vals, "VALUE"), 5) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + ((I.phyStats().rejuv() == PhyStats.NO_REJUV) ? " MAX" : "" + I.phyStats().rejuv()), 5) + " "); if (I instanceof Weapon) itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + I.basePhyStats().weight(), 4)); else itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(I.basePhyStats().weight(), vals, "WEIGHT"), 4) + " "); if (I instanceof Armor) itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + ((Armor) I).phyStats().height(), 4)); else itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight(" - ", 4) + " "); itemResults.append("\n\r"); } else { final MOB M = (MOB) check.get(c); mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight(M.name(), 20) + " "); mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + M.phyStats().level(), 4) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation( M.basePhyStats().attackAdjustment(), CMLib.leveler().getLevelAttack(M)), 5) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation( M.basePhyStats().damage(), (int) Math.round( CMath.div( CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBDamage(M), M.basePhyStats().speed()))), 5) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation( M.basePhyStats().armor(), CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBArmor(M)), 5) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation( M.basePhyStats().speed(), CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBSpeed(M)), 5) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + ((M.phyStats().rejuv() == PhyStats.NO_REJUV) ? " MAX" : "" + M.phyStats().rejuv()), 5) + " "); if (useFaction != null) mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + (M.fetchFaction(useFaction.factionID()) == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "N/A" : "" + M.fetchFaction(useFaction.factionID())), 7) + " "); double value = CMLib.beanCounter().getTotalAbsoluteNativeValue(M); double[] range = CMLib.leveler().getLevelMoneyRange(M); if (value < range[0]) mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(value, range[0]), 5) + " "); else if (value > range[1]) mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(value, range[1]), 5) + " "); else mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("0%", 5) + " "); int reallyWornCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < M.numItems(); j++) { final Item Iw = M.getItem(j); if (!(Iw.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) reallyWornCount++; } mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + reallyWornCount, 5) + " "); mobResults.append("\n\r"); } } if (itemResults.length() > 0) str.append(itemHeader() + itemResults.toString()); if (mobResults.length() > 0) str.append(mobHeader(useFaction) + mobResults.toString()); return str; }